Searching for previously played game; name forgotten:

Sep 14, 2018
(I apologies in advance for my lack of forum know-how since I almost never use these)
The game I am looking for is quite old (pretty likely 5+ years), granted I remember enough
general progressional encounters within its gameplay that should define what I am looking for:

- you start in a basement, with a common enemy being some goblinoid called 'Brownie'; the boss fight is a giant spider.
- the woodland area just outside the shack has these Dryad-like enemies and giant tree... golem, things.
-there is a tavern rather close by that have quite a plentiful NPCs to socialize with.
-heading east from there is a farmland with these pumpkin-headed creatures and cow humanoids.
-east of there is a big city with hostile beggar(?)/vagrants, namely a horse drunkard
-there is some underground cavern, a blue dragoness and a red dragon, and some extra content.

...okay, that's about all I can recollect of that game. It would be very much appreciated if someone here knows
the name of that game and would remind me of it's name as well.