Unity - Completed - Secret Toy [Final] [Momentum Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Final? This feels like an alpha at most

    I love porn management games. I always welcome them when I see new titles from this genre. But this one is VERY poor. I had some potential but it was wasted. No mechanic in this game makes sense. All you need to do is click the same sliders a hundred times. Selling doesn't make sense as you gain money from inventing a new toy then after one week you get a profit, and then you need to invent it again. This is just stupid.
    The ONLY good thing in this game is the animations of hentai scenes, but every single one of them is just one pose and that's all.


    Edit: I found one more good think. It's extremely fucking short. It took me 30min to 100% it