Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Secrets of the Wasteland [v0.1.2.0 Public] [Blue Moon Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: The current rating is based on the reality that this is purely a tech demo / rough prototype, and is based mainly around the concept rather than the technical aspects of the game. Version under review is v0.1.2.0 Public.

    As another review mentioned above, in order to get this to even run effectively, you'll want to create a shortcut to the .exe and add -DX11 to the end of the Target line. Without it, the game struggles more than it should. I hope the developer can fix this so that a workaround isn't required in future updates.

    Onto the actual review for the concept of this demo:

    I'm going to go right out and say I'm a sucker for anything desert related in general. Especially if it combines Fallout, Dune, and lots of tits. Which this game clearly does. While there's not a lot here yet, at least not in the demo saw, I'm going to give this a very optimistic 5 stars. The inventory system is reminiscent of Stalker / Arma.
    There doesn't seem to be much regarding a story, yet, but what is there is clearly inspired by the games mentioned above.

    I will be keeping this one in my watchlist and anticipating future updates. This review will be updated and changed over time to reflect future updates as well.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe a lot has changed since the last reviews, I have only the experience of playing Version: .

    Let me start by saying you need to run this in DX11 mode by making a shortcut to the exe with -DX11 at the end of it.

    The framedrops when aiming make what little combat there is almost impossible until you change this.

    After you get it running in DX11 it runs great!

    With that out of the way: the game

    The inventory system is a little over complicated, having to add ammo to the mag and then load it in the gun is a complex mechanic many people have wanted in realistic simulators for some time but this is an adult game and I was not expecting it.

    There is a lot of other mechanics involved in the game and while it's in a rough state, I was able to figure it out and use it. (most of the scorpions you can just run over with the car).

    It takes a long time to even get to the sex scenes but I did not see any censorship (in the version I was playing).

    Honestly if they flush this game out with more substance, characters, quests and content, this has nearly the same foundations of potential to meet the same level as Wild Life, Carnal Instinct and other AAA adult games. How this has such a poor rating is beyond me. I can only assume it's due to some buggy alphas in the early days.

    If you haven't checked this game out in a year, it's time to try the -DX11 trick and give it another go.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Censored = waste of time
    2. runtime errors right from the start= poor programming.
    Cant say anything else because it wont run well enough to say. Other than that it's great now that I am getting close to the 200 characters to rate this pile have a great rest of your day!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know why people are rude with this game.

    Graphic isnt disgusting, dialogue is okay, competence skill there.

    Action, easy to understand.

    Indeed is a bit empty and i didnt even get how to fuck (but i guess it my bad).

    Any case not so bad, just need more content
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    ill give an optimistic 4 stars right now.

    ATM it has no real content, and i would say is just a tech demo, but it has a lot of prommise.

    the game itself is actually prety impressive if it gets developed, the controlls and performance is all a bit stiff but expected at this stage. but the graphics are nice, the world until now has a decent variety, the character customization is decent and the inventory/skill system is interesting

    its a little like playing a survival fallout with an expected nsfw theme.

    if it oesnt die in development this could become pretty big
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not that the "game" is bad. There is no game yet, treat this as a tech demo I suppose. It looks great, but has major performance flaws/full of bugs. I don't think the censorship matters at all.

    If this project ever achieves its ambitions its going to be great - that is far in the future though
    3* for the gfx and vision
    -1* for content/censorship
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    censored porn game, no way to review a game where sex scenes are censored.
    Sandbox whose programming reminds me of pay to win games, but without polishing. It looks like a black hole sucking money disguised as a porno game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    So why a 1 star review? (based on CENSORED):

    1] The character movement is extremely stiff and unresponsive. The run is only slightly faster. Camera controls is slow and janky, and the default angle is disorienting.

    2] When I opened the inventory, to equip an item, the tutorial disappeared. Yeah. It told me to equip items, and then disappeared. What kind of tutorial is 2 steps long?

    3] There is no physics at all. No cloth, hair, boob, genital, etc...

    4] The game controls says to equip a gun is a specific key. I hit it, and I don't equip my gun. I went into the inventory and placed it in the correct slot. And when I hold down a number key, it shows it is equipped, but it never draws the gun, so I can't shoot.

    5] The sex system is hard to review as everything was censored. But, there isn't physics during sex, even when you enable breast physics at the top of the screen. The characters don't make any noises whatsoever; no kissing, licking, pussy on pussy slapping, or moans. There appears to be a lot of controls for sex available... except the most important one of all: How the fuck do you exit the sex system? Escape doesn't work and there is no telltale "X" floating around to click. I had to Task Manager to exit the game, as I couldn't figure out how to leave it.

    6] Equipping items in the inventory is extremely awkward and unintuitive. Who uses right click to equip an item? Left click is used to drop the item. In most games it is the other way around. Plus, it displays items for a slot, that cannot be equipped for the slot. Why should the pants be displayed for the head slot, if you can't wear them on your head?

    7] There are spelling mistakes EVERYWHERE. In the Inventory, in the Sex System, even the main menu. Come on developers! It is one thing to have typos in lore or dialogue, but in the fucking UI and menus? What the shit?

    As far as I can tell there is no gameplay here whatsoever. The sex is atrocious, controlling the character is horrible, and where the hell is the character creator, shown off in the screenshots here? Because I got forced into the game with short white hair, and an extremely unsexy body, and had no way to modify it at all.

    This is certainly no Wild Life, even in its earliest stages, back in early 2018 when they had only two developers. Until something improves, don't waste your time on this thing.

    EDIT: A poster posted version 1.12, so gave it a shot. If I could review it as 0 stars, I would be tempted to do so. Why?

    1] None of the above issues were fixed.

    2] The game runs even worse than before. I could get 60 FPS before, now, its running at 20 FPS or less, with most things set to Medium.

    3] There are no known issues, changes or bugs, in the "What's New" button at the main menu.

    4] Character customization is even worse, and clicking on several elements on the UI causes the mouse cursor to disappear. Also, the color picker doesn't work at all. My hair color defaults to blonde, yet it is rendered as bone white. All attempts to change the color has failed.

    5] The F key to interact doesn't work in a lot of places. Like Adele, the hooker says to talk to them if I want a good time, but F does nothing. There is a plunger in the bathroom, that states thatt you can sell junk items, but you can't take the plunger to sell it.

    6] All the men are bald / shaved.

    After 15 minutes of trying to get the game to a stable framerate (lowered everything to low and still bad) and fighting with the character customizer, I just gave up. I have a reasonably powerful rig, that can run Wild Life on Ultra and achieve 60 FPS in most places, so this is frankly ridiculous.

    Until they start fixing things, rather than adding more stuff, I'd avoid this like the plague.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The size of this thing is ridiculous for what contents it has, which is next to nothing.
    - Barebone building system, which have no purpose.
    - really bad animation and UI, aside from bad animation, the whole system is glitchy as all hell.
    - Massive file size, I personally have very fast internet so I don't mind, but I'd imagine a lot of people's going to spend hours to download this waste of space.
    - Boot up my VR for no reason, and it runs like s**t, not low frame rate, but still choppy.
    - Censorship, are you making this for children or you just try to piss us off? (by the way, if you go to character customization and make your boobs huge, they grow over censorship thingy...)

    All in all, this is another overly ambitious project headed by bunch incompetent money-grubbing scammer, yeah, this needs to burn in hell.