RPGM - Completed - Seed of Evil [v1.1] [Hasoyua/Kagura Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I think corruption at least needs consistent dialogues, but these games in general don't have that, the females will enjoy all the raping from the start and maybe they will throw some "no" or "i dont want it" that serves little purpose.

    A game like this were the Fmc gets raped in the first scene doesn't leave much space for corruption cause, what else is there? Being constantly raped with the same intentisty until the "no" and the "I dont want it" stop showing? IMO I see no point.
    It happens in many games like these where there is no middle ground, its either rape or nothing.

    Well the art in the game is decent-ish sometimes, but without a solid story and corruption, yo better go to devianart or something for lewds, cause there will be thousands of better looking images.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    A corruption game where you can't go corrupt fully or you meet Mr.Game Over.
    I found that to be a deal breaker, hence the low rating. :whistle::coffee:
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.1

    A pretty good female protagonist corruption game. I enjoyed the simplistic story with a focus of corrupting the MC. Despite that i cannot give it 5 stars, gameplay wise this game is pretty sleeper, painfully basic, there was not much gameplay to enjoy.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    +good CG
    +scene tips in gallery room

    -steep corruption
    -few scenes
    -barebones gameplay
    -meh amount of kinks

    Honestly.. can’t even be bothered to add much. CG itself was nice, chicks were hot but everything else was quite damn boring. I’m guessing it’s one of the older RPGmaker hentai games…. not much to it, feels awkward mechanics/gameplay’wise nor any of fun corruption features.

    Get save, check scenes but don’t waste your time on actually playing this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay and plot outside of the porn are unexceptional but solid. The CGs and scenes are nice, and the game offers you a fair bit of customizability in how those play out at the start. And it hits me square in the fetishes. Certainly good enough to keep me playing for several hours.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    <You're a Nun, but you probably won't stay very Nunly >

    This one is very fun if you like the corruption type game, and female protagonist.

    1. The English translation is professionally done. If there were any phrase's that could have been better or done differently they were very few.

    2. It actually has very few images as in H-scene images, they seem to re use a lot of them quite often. Some are swapped out in a way that seems to make them slide show animate but I don't think any were animated. The gallery is a Reasonable size though not huge or anything but quite a few H-scene's there once you get them all.

    H-scenes for the most part do not cause and End game which is a very, very nice plus.

    3 The text for the most part helps to over come this repetitive image usage as it is very good, I think.

    4. Story is pretty much same as most RPG Maker Japanese Games Evil Man, Creature, demon, whatever, will devour and rule the world. And you have to stop it all by your self and everyone is out to get you, as well as god-zillions of monsters and demons.

    5. I have never been a fan of time limit games, this one is a time limit sort and so no way I would have given it a 5.
    ( I just don't like timers of any kind in games ( to me they are just cheap easy way's to confound and make something hard with little or no scripting or thought ), and I especially don't like games that force a limited amount of days on me. )

    However I will say that I on one play through went well past the 10 day limit, and I am sure There was no good end left, but the game did not shut down.

    6. It has a New game Plus, if you manage to get the good ending, (unlikely on first play-through with out cheating) If your depravity reaches 100, (there is no monitor of this rating anywhere in the game that I found which I thought was sleazy.) ( I was told it had to do with your ATK , and DEF, and LUK enhacements.) As in enhancement's this game gives you for being depraved.

    7. Yes Depravity will make you hit harder, and over all make the game easier. However once it reaches 100, and you gain a skill called Demon Blossom (Not to be confused with Demon flower which is different) You can kiss the good ending such as it is goodby.

    8. Maps are actually very few, and you won't be traveling all over the country side which I kind of miss, as I like the exploring, and searching some times, as long as there is a fast travel once I have found a spot.

    9. Well worth playing probably more than once it has quite a bit of replay value as in things to see you probably missed on the first play-through.

    Best of all is the professional Translation, excellently done, and the translator was it seems was one with and understanding of Adult fetishes, and would use a lot of Colorful language as in "You fucking Bitch" and so on rather than "you bad girl" This is something I think many translated adult games have is the translator trying to be to formal and avoiding using filthy over the top forbidden word adult language.

    Still uses Penis instead of Cock, and Sperm instead of Cum, Jisum, Spunk, Cock snot, and Anus instead of Asshole, butt hole, shitter, brown-eye, and so on.

    I always felt that rotating the use of those words around depending on the event would make a better dialogue rather than exclusively using just the one noun my self, but that is just my thinking in and adult game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    • Lovely art
    • Easy to understand battle mechanics
    • Don’t need to grind to level up
    • Story is actually really good with a backstory for Anna for why she’s doing the things she does
    • Bittersweet ending as well as shock scenes to show its not a light hearted story
    • Many of the hentai scenes are very good and don’t require you to lose to get them.
    • Getting the best items in the game does reward you for making battles easy.
    • Final boss is challenging (but I do find it a bit unfair)
    • Game rewards you for winning unfair boss battles and rewards you for being smart with your choices
    • The chances of getting a bad ending the first time is very easy to do so the chances of you starting over from the beginning is high
    • Game doesn’t tell you about your corruption level. It’s all based on the flower on Anna’s head and the added stats to her attack.
    • Pertaining to the above, many hentai scenes are only available when the corruption is high enough. However, if the corruption is too high, you get a game over, meaning that it's best to beat the game with a good ending just to get those hentai scenes. Even then, there isn’t that much of a variety.
    • Pregnancy scenes are so specific. You have to lose to a certain enemy and then notice the difference but it's mainly the early game enemies. The pregnancy is difficult to get overall and can only be obtained by getting fucked by monsters.
    • Because you don’t earn EXP from battle and instead get it from doing good deeds, it's possible to just avoid battling all together except during boss fights. Battles give you money but chances of you wasting TP and items is high.
    • Most of the best items are either locked to a very high cost in the item shop or are obtained by deliberately corrupting yourself to reach an item at the end of a cave.
    • Playing as Sarah is rather difficult. She can’t get corrupted but she’s more fragile than Anna.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck, H-events.
    The game has the corruption system, that includes corruption level, and H-counter. too bad you can't play as a virgin. :whistle:
    About the battlefuck mechanic, There is a clothing damage, the enemy can damage your clothes, throwing H-attacks, and violate you when you get restrained or not. :sneaky:
    Another Hasoyua artslye, I really adore it! Good character designs, good amount of CGs and standing pictures. (The Lightning on the robe doesn't make any dam sense but that's hot.) :p
    Fun gameplay and kinda unique, You can level up by only doing good deeds or get into H-stuff.
    If you choose to maintain the corruption level low, you will get the good ending, which allows you to unlock all the H-scenes in the gallery. :geek:
    Oh fun fact, you can find one or two characters from other Hasoyua's game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best H RPG I've played, nails the three most important things for me.

    Decent gameplay
    H content incorporated into the gameplay to keep you "interested"
    Big payoff scenes on certain events or game overs.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I was enjoying this game, going along fine, but I had been defeated in several fights. Little did I realize that if you do not manage to win the fights the game becomes very short. If you lose and your corruption level reaches a certain level it is basically game over with a bad end. I liked this game for the most part but I'd say I only got about an hour of gameplay out of it because I lost too many fights. The developers should somehow extend the system of corruption so that you can actually get somewhat corrupted and still continue the game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I've got a few problems with this game, but I think it's going to my favorites folder anyway.

    The original art for this game is pretty high quality, with nice colors and clean, soft shapes, although the artist's grasp of anatomy seems a little off -more often than not, the girls are drawn with disproportionately large hips and long torsos, not in a way that makes it look like that's their body type or artistic style, but rather the artist couldn't figure out how to draw certain poses without stretching the figure, and their approach to big hips is to draw a slim girl's hips and then make everything else smaller. It's still good enough to get off on, but if you're as bothered by poor model construction as I am, you might have trouble with this.

    One of the better turn-based games I've played. It has most of what you'd expect from a turn-based RPG, but it does something I wish was standard in the genre: milestone-based leveling.*
    If you hate level grinding, this game is quite the relief with a system where you level up only by completing objectives in the main quest or doing heroic things to help out the NPCs -*allegedly, because I think the character leveled up once from fighting a common enemy. That's not supposed to happen and the game tells you as much, so maybe that was a miniboss or something, but hey at least that's only one possible exception.
    One weird thing is that the main character gets standard spells that affect all allies as variants of spells that must target a single ally, even though as far as I can tell there's only two fights, one right after the other, where you have more than one person in the party. So there's a few things in the game that are awkwardly implemented.
    As for how gameplay effects the erotic aspects, that's also pretty satisfying. Your character will inevitably get corrupted as days go by, but you still have some say over just how corrupted she gets based on mostly whether or not you lose or surrender to the common enemies, though you might get a Game Over for that depending on difficulty level.

    This is where the game it weakest, I think. The main plot is at least easily understood so if you play this game over the course of a few days you're not going to come back to it and forget what you were supposed to do.
    Unfortunately there are long stretches of dialogue discussing the plot with a very serious tone. It kinda plays it soft, but the story dips into themes of class tensions and poverty, and it shows full-on human death, and none of that is sexy.
    It also treats rape like a serious offence, again it plays it soft so it doesn't portray rape as the incomprehensible tragedy it is IRL but outside of the sex scenes there's just enough "Oh, how terrible" that I tended to soften up and take a while to get hard again. Again, it's not very extreme so maybe I was just in a bad mood playing it, but ultimately I found the story isn't very sexually appealing.
    There is however a decent degree of player autonomy. Two** sex scenes are unavoidable- Anna gets raped by tentacles at the beginning, and at the mid-point turn in the story, a demon captures Anna and another character and rapes them both with tentacles. Beyond that, most sex scenes are something you can lead yourself into or fight to avoid. **I've only seen one of the "Bad End" and wasn't too picky about getting molested by tentacles, so I'm assuming it's only those two.

    Overall I'd almost give this game 5/5, but all those little nitpicks do stifle my enjoyment a bit. I'm certain I'll play this game again, but not very often.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great pics, great progression, does not need much grinding....and is uncensored. Also lots of corruption and tentacles, if you like that sort of thing. If I got to say 1 bad thing about the game though... is that the same pics play for each rape scene by monsters (not different for each type of monster). Still, they're nice enough that I dont really think about it. Overall a very good game~
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    it could have been a "good" average hrpg but no. The story is here to have a at least a decent game but the heroine reactions are not good it's a bit like " oh it's too bad i got raped… next time i need to be more careful"

    Creators really should inspired themself from oneoneone games regarding heroines reactions at least.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    wiro wong yojo

    I hope Kagura Kim can release other good games like this.
    the game is good enough,good luck ,the main character of the game is beautiful, the mission of this game is easy to understand not following and directly to the core point.even though you have to open it H-scene I need a long time hahaha.Because I am always stuck in a bad ending
    tks for uploded
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    There are only four things I don't like about this game: main character has no voice (no moans, then), there's no customization (would be great for the underwear, the color of the clothes…), you can only be impregnated by non-humans, and there's no standing image of the main character.

    Those are the four detailes I missed. The rest is all good

    There are few RPG games with nice graphics, sound and plot wich include selling yourself, pregnancy, birthing and corruption counter (defilement, in this case).

    There are 4 difficulty levels. When you choose one of the two in the middle (easy or normal) then you can change to the other during the game. You can also decide at the beginning if the game is over when you are defeated or not. If you decide the second option, they will capture you. You sleep in prison and start form a new dungeon completely nude

    There is a gallery room. Many CG are with humans, others with tentacles.

    Probably some people won't know how to change the volumen settings. Press F7 during the game.

    This is one of the best RPG games I've played from this page. Maybe it's better than Meltys Quest. For me it's pretty much better than Treasure Hunter Claire, Treasure Hunter Mai, President Yukino, Kunoichi Tsubaki, Succulence, Ariadne, Meritocracy, The Heiress...