Ren'Py - Seeds of Chaos [v0.4.07] [Vénus Noire]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I have followed this game since its beginnings, when it was quite difficult for those of us whose first language is not English, after seeing that the gameplay and art have been improved, I didn't think twice and bought it on Steam.

    This is a clear example that this page helps hard-working devs to get sales. That said, I am very happy with the product since the quality-price is totally worth it. Huge amount of content, fetishes are for all tastes and the new artwork that now also has animations makes this game one of the best on the market right now.

    I recommend all users to support this dev, whether through Patreon, Steam or any platform where this game is sold, since the improvement has been brutal.

    TLDR: The best game I've played in years and it has improved over time to become the top game it is now.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is greatness. the writing, worldbuilding and dialogue is top notch. and the intimate scenes are hot. the art is something else like a different level, the way they render the dark fantasy painting is crazy on a digital art perspective. some people criticize how there's too much variety and scope so the broad focus is "bad" but i don't think so...i'm like a switch so like i enjoyed all aspects of the spectrum and it's just crazy how much there is in this game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good, which is why I downloaded it in the first place, but the story is rather predictable and the gameplay is buggy. I am not a fan of being "forced" to become a villain, but I do understand that that is the point of the game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    This one is strange to me. I wanted to like it, but the grind, the bugs, the lack of a questing screen, & not enough male-dom content is just grating. I didn't care for the gay or NTR content not my thing so I won't judge based on that as I skipped that. Ultimately it tries too hard to be an RPG and adds the grind.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    "Seeds of Chaos" is a captivating and immersive dark fantasy game that seamlessly blends intricate storytelling with strategic gameplay. Set in a beautifully crafted world, the game explores themes of power, corruption, and the consequences of one's choices. The narrative is a strong point, featuring a dark and mature storyline with complex characters. The choices you make significantly impact the plot, leading to multiple branching paths and varied outcomes. The visual elements are stunning, with detailed character designs and atmospheric backgrounds. The artwork successfully complements the dark fantasy theme, creating a visually engaging experience. The incorporation of strategy elements adds depth to the game. Managing resources, making political decisions, and engaging in tactical battles provide a well-rounded gaming experience. The characters are well-developed and undergo significant growth throughout the story. Relationships and alliances are crucial, adding an extra layer of complexity to the gameplay. I love the power dynamics that the game displays.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4942259

    The MVP. The one and only. The classic depraved dark fantasy RPG you didn't knew u needed. This game got me into erotic games; I was not interested before. Just a classic lewd RPG full of depravity and choice and those SICK, SICK VISUALS. Not even the gay content (as a straight person) can make me hate anything about this game; not even how fucking slow its progress continues to be (VERY FUCKING SLOW.) This game is amazing and needs to be more recognized.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good overall:

    1. Plot
    Standard in what you'd see in these type of fantasy H games, although with some deviation. You are the former hero of the kingdom who's now an underling for evil demons. Playing as middle management, you control the economic and military development for the demons which inevitably leads to corruption of you and your wife.

    2. Characters
    Like above, standard, except you can control how much of a cuck the MC is. He's either someone who stands on morals and doesn't take shit, or he's a complete pushover and gets his cheeks taken at every turn from his bosses. Same is applied to his wife. The evil demon man is the potential bull who represents might makes right. The demon woman is the seductress. There's other characters, but they play their roles and it isn't anything too remarkable.

    3. Artwork & Scenes
    This is where it carries the game, at least for me. Since there's many characters they each contain different scenes, so if you don't necessarily like one fetish you can choose to skip it and go to what you like. Artwork looks nice too.

    Overall pretty good, there were a few things I didn't like but overall isn't too bad. Gameplay can be very grindy, and in some cases can give you a game over when you wouldn't have known otherwise. Also, this has been in production for quite a while, and seems to have stalled in the latest updates. I came sometime after the main quest was completed and it's still being updated, despite knowing they wanted to have a SOC 2.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has some good parts:
    Art is good.
    A lot of fetishes/scenes.
    Some amount of rpg and strategy.
    Isn't too grindy.
    Yet there is one aspect what destroys this game for me. It is way too verbose. It is beyond annoying to read an entire short story only to realize relevant part could've been communicated in a 2-3 sentences. Choices presented rarely demand you actually read more than one/two sentences right before the choice itself. Meaning what unless you enjoy this type of "world building" game gets somewhat boring.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    this is supposedly animated but only a few scenes are and is a very simple animation , the art is very very ugly and i haven't even played more than an hour because of the tedious and non worthy nature of the scenes and art if the price is not worth why waste time as simple as that also extra point against for the Ntr even if it´s optional is still crap that is not even worth seeing on a gallery without context not even any fap value
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to give this game more than one star, but after some time for though, I can't. With the synopsis being click bait having no similarity with the Witcher, dark souls or berserk but a dark tone. (Please do not insult great works with phenomenal world building/character development by compering it to this.)

    Was debating if I should rate this game as a sex game or a normal game, but with the sex being pushed so hard, I am going to rate it as a sex game. And as a sex game it fails completely. No mater how you play even if you are into all of the wide variety of kinks this game has to offer (which I doubt many if any are), you can only fap 1 rarely 2 times at most before there are hours and hours of game without anything sexual.

    The kinks push variety instead of quality and always feel forced. From the dominant interactions feeling like an act, to the NTR feeling rushed, the gay forced and the orgies not fitting at all. True, I only really explored vanilla and dominant acts but even then they sometimes broke world building, character and story flow. While the acts of other varieties did not fit at all, feeling like lighting out of the clear sky when I encountered them.

    Then there are the many, many spelling mistakes, repeating sentences, contradicting sentences, bugs and so on feeling like a lazy mess. Not to mention the lack of direction and what I can assume any thought of finishing the game.

    Then there is the world building being abandoned for sex, character development abandoned for sex, character interactions abandoned for sex... Then its the lack or rather disregard for historic accuracy, common sense or the consequences for bad choices on the part of both the bad and good guys. With an actual choice being a illusion deciding only what scene or if you will see a sex scene, not affecting the story at all.

    Thereby I am telling those who are interested for this game, you need to have a wast variety of kinks (predominantly NTR/bysexual) and not be interested at all into the story flow/consistency to enjoy it. If you are straight man you will most likely feel suffocated and annoyed by the time you finish it.

    There are no original characters in this game, all of them being nothing more than copies of what you would assume from there race/origin.

    And the game literally discourages replayability (not showing possible choices/giving no guidance to finding new content).

  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3168918

    Fun, and has a few days worth of content.
    I played with NTR off, and was never forced into anything but still had the option to trigger some events that felt completely natural in places.

    As an NTR game, even with NTR turned off, you have to accept that your captors are unreasonable. Even if they convince you that they are your allies and you want the same things, they're still going to antagonize you and try to steal your things.

    The game suffers the usual sandbox issues, with events triggering unpredicatly and out of order. Some events are incomplete but can stil be triggered, some can silently lock you out of other events and eventually my game softlocked.

    It would benefit from either a better ui/journal with clear flags, progress and next steps or an actual walk through. It should definitely remove incomplete scenes as well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    The updates are a bit slow but the story/events are well developed and the gameplay goes along with them.

    There are lots of fetishes, so it might not be the best idea to play this is there's a hard no for any of them.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Balaeniceps rex

    -The most striking feature of the game is the high quality of the writing language and the progression of the story. It's like the story was transferred from the novel to the game. So if you don't like long dialogues, it might be boring.
    -The art of the game is quite beautiful and integrated with the story.
    -The atmosphere and music of the game are very compatible with the dark fantasy theme.
    -Although there is an option to turn off NTR kink in the game, I did not find it very effective.
    -Mini games, maps, etc. are not nice. It doesn't fit the style of the game at all.
    -It is obvious that the author has changed in the side scenes. The quality of writing is not of the same standard.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    the artwork for this game is my favourite of any adult game and for that the game will always be a 5/5 regardless of the many issues. the scenes with Jezera are truly stunning.

    this game includes certain fetishes that some don't enjoy (NTR, femdom, cheating, etc.), but they're done in such a way that feels very organic and integral to the story. it is natural and expected that the female demon that is trying to take over the world is into dominating and toying with her general (the MC).

    i've played many games, even ones that i've enjoyed a lot, that i've forgotten about shortly after playing them. seeds of chaos is one that has stuck with me even after 2 years.

    now, for some constructive criticism:

    1. my feeling is that the dialogue is a bit long winded.

    2. imo, this game would've worked much better as a pure VN without any of the gameplay features that have been added. commanding the army around the hexagonal map is boring, and building upgrades that give percentage bonuses is annoying.

    3. the game has been in development since 2016 and updates are quite slow. for most adult games i would move on and not care but the story and characters of this one have their hooks in me so i keep coming back to it.

    4. i played the version from two years ago and it was hard to tell my progress in the game or to know what should my next move be. if there was a dashboard to track progress and a bit more handholding it would've been nice. i tried to find walkthroughs but due to rework the guides were wrong and confusing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been a fan of this game for quite some time, and I have to confess that I enjoy it a great deal.

    The artwork is incredible, the writing is excellent, the sexual material is amazing, and there is so much more content now.

    The script is also pretty remarkable, and there are a lot of different paths you to choose. The development of characters is also amazing and with a lot of routes.

    I recommend it !
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Seeds of Chaos [v0.3.13] [Vénus Noire]

    "Okayish" premise with very poor execution and barely any content. What's worse, the game tries to cater to totally opposite target groups adding lots of homosexual content that's often hard to ignore. Thanks to that we're getting very few scenes that would interest either group each update, although even when combined the render count is pathetic. The artwork is nice in general but sex scenes are underwhelming since they comprise of few images only and the gameplay doesn't compensate for that.

    The gameplay. It's boring and annoying and the results are random so it encourages to save scum and reload for best results since the exact same path may be our death as well as a road to wealth depending what we will roll.

    Game often offers interesting moral choices, but too often you are in situation where you can not win, where only choosing a lesser evil is allowed. Some may like it, but I hate being striped of a real choice.

    All in all, I'm done with this KN, after all these years the only redeeming quality is art and few other points. I'm out of copium, so c'est la vie and au revoir.
    Stay away from this one.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a complete package, a game with a clean vision, direct delivery and terrific art. Alexia is one of the most engaging ntr heroines I've ever seen, her path to corruption is as passionate as it is delicious. The debauchery is on front display here, and the game embraces it in its entirety.

    The appeal can vary depending on your preference, as a vanilla type player you won't get much of a kick out of it, but nevertheless, the game holds itself to a high quality level.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The overwold screen is awful and laggy, you just kind of click around and hope one of the locations you selected has something useful, otherwise you wasted a day. The NTR is "forced" in that you have the option to turn it off, but there are still references to it and suggestions that if you lose your wife is going to be raped by the demons. Pretty pointless. Also, if you want to play as a "good" person and stay loyal to your wife and not bang all the demons and succubi, the content is VERY dry. It kind of tunnels you into playing a certain way and if you don't you see almost no content. I also find some of the art and characters to be pretty ugly honestly. Some are worse than others but I don't really find any to be "good" aside from the MC and his wife. There are definitely better games out there that offer the same things here, but just better. Avoid this game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Seeds of Chaos is visual novel game with interesting story. In short, if you don't like to read, don't play it.
    You play peasant hero who ended last great war against demons. Hero who is respected by enemies & friends, but was discarded without reward after the war. Game start several years after and then you and your wife end enslaved by children of the demon king you destroyed. Interesting thing is that you end being demon's general and steward, so you are in fact main guy behind demon invasion on human kingdoms.
    Game often offers interesting moral choices, but too often you are in situation where you can not win, where only choosing a lesser evil is allowed. Some may like it, but I hate being striped of a real choice.
    You also play wife. It is your choice how much main characters will be corrupted while serving demons.
    Problem with this game is that it expands in too many directions, trying to please to varied audience. This game is not only trying to please straight/bi/gay public but also too varied fetishes and therefore will at the end disappoint most of them.
    Also, my main objection that there too many unfinished stories. There is ton of stories that start, have 2-3 events and then disappear like they never existed. It's like author can't focus to finish anything. It is incomprehensible to me, but goblin stories actually got more content than anything in this game. In contrast, there is little of main story and it often seems forced.
    In sexual sense, biggest problem is that main character Rowad can not be really dom or sub. You can dominate most of minor characters, but demon twins will threat you as their bitch thru-out game, worse as game progress. For someone who doesn't like playing sub, this was quite annoying. When I unlocked gallery and saw all the stuff I missed (and there was a lot I missed), how much main character was butt fucked & humiliated I understand why he is treated like a little bitch, but that is lazy from developer that he didn't do better part for writing playthroughes where Rowan isn't acting as bitch. The game is primary designed for main character to sink into corruption & all kind of perversions, resisting demon twins didn't really get much love.
    Writing is on some places great, on others mediocre and boring, but that also depends on reader's taste.
    Clarity of writing is often not really good (might be also partly as I often get bored reading it), so there quite few situations where I didn't really understand choices.
    Since this visual novel game, all sex is text with few pictures. Pictures vary in quality, but they are usually good with nice style. But since game expanded in lot of stories, there are several sex situations without pictures.
    RPG element in game is basically skill rolls and that is sufficient I think. World map where you travel is one of the ugliest thins I saw in games. Also, it is very empty.
    In whole game I only sow few bugs and thankfully it was possible to "ignore" them. Also not really bug, but oversight from dev, I saw that game referred 2-3 times on choices I didn't make. This is actually not that bad as I expected a lot more bugs & errors in such large game.
    I fished the game, but I must admit although I find story premise and many characters interesting, it left bad aftertaste. It's like reading an interesting, but ultimately bad book. I might try this game again once it's finished, but I probably won't.
    This game is at least few years in development and still is very "early access". I think it will need at least few more before it becomes really good, but that is only a possibility. At the moment I would recommend this game only to bisexual people with vast fetishes including those of like of goblins and like being mighty yet powerless.
    In short, great potential, but terrible realization. This game is great example what happens when you try to do too much variety and end giving little on most ends.
    Played on v0.3.11.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. Story is more than good, lot of choices that impact story, it could have more poses in sex scenes and more animations, but hey everything other is perfect in my opinion.