I played this game and it was one of the worst, if not the worst, I've ever played. I'll explain why.
STORY: The game tells the story of Rowan, a strategist and warrior who is defeated and has all his people killed by demons. Rowan and his girlfriend are FORCED to serve the demon brothers, you have no choice, you have no freedom of choice and while you are imprisoned, the demon keeps having sex with your girlfriend. And the rest of the game will be like this, you serving and dedicating yourself to please the demon brothers while they fuck your girlfriend.
GAMEPLAY: THE WORST OF ALL! You explore the game map through movements, where there is a limit to the number of movements the player can make. MOST OF THE TIME you walk into nowhere and POOW! Time's up! And a week goes by, and you can't make any significant progress. And if you can't do anything, the demon brothers will end up killing you and that's game over.
• CHEATS: Using cheats, you can progress and conquer the cities on the other side of the map. After you conquer the main city, you basically stagnate and manage your demon army, like a farm game, with nothing else, no content.
SEX SCENES: There are few sex scenes in the game. You have to fight a lot to unlock these scenes, and most of them are the demon flirting and eating your girlfriend (NTR) or you being sexually dominated by them.
ART: As bad as the game is, the art is excellent and pleasant to look at.
I would recommend this game to anyone who likes NTR, but the gameplay is so terrible that I won't recommend it to ANYONE!