Seeking [Seeking an RPGmaker title] Rpgmaker vore game that had several bosses, and an "faith" system

Jun 17, 2020
I'm looking for an RPGmaker vore-centric title...
I don't remember the game title itself but you had Heaven as the main HUB world, and several areas as dungeons.

The dungeons were EXTREMELY linear, but used procedural generation with events... It usually went like this... :

Faith represents how deep into the dungeon you are, at 0 faith you reach the boss, one was an dreamworld made by an succubus, who sucks out your soul if you fail her bossfight as she consumes the entire dream world.

And linear dungeons were formatted as so.

Around 120 faith > Progressing further in decreases faith by 1 > > > Random event: Enemies > > > > > > Random Event: Mysterious Merchant > > > > > > Random Event: Items > > > > > > > > Faith 0: Boss. > Defeat boss: Return to heaven hub world.

Once you defeated an boss, you could feed them to a giantess angel to "purify" them, but taking care not to fall in to the throat yourself as this would decrease your praise: which is how you respawn IN the hub world...

If I could just remember the title I'd be set...