Seeking Seeking any hidden gem nudity like in Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie.

May 7, 2023
Can anyone think of some hidden/secret or unexpected nudity in any games or other media like Chun-Li in Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie?

It could be a game, comic, manga, show, animated/anime movie.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Uh, that's pretty vague. Off the top of my head, Bridget Fonda's ass shot in Jackie Brown. And topless Halle Berry in Swordfish.

Also a couple of times Kusanagi goes nude in the Ghost in the Shell movie (or is it a skin-like suit? I can't remember).

In the Akira movie there's a scene where a girl's top gets ripped open, I think that's the only nudity in the film.
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May 7, 2023
Uh, that's pretty vague. Off the top of my head, Bridget Fonda's ass shot in Jackie Brown. And topless Halle Berry in Swordfish.

Also a couple of times Kusanagi goes nude in the Ghost in the Shell movie (or is it a skin-like suit? I can't remember).

In the Akira movie there's a scene where a girl's top gets ripped open, I think that's the only nudity in the film.
I didn't outright say it, but I meant more in non-live-action media. Again, Like in Street Fighter. And in Street Fightes case, it's something somewhat unknown and a rare instance of a popular character, who isn't depicted naked outside of this instance, being nude. Another example might be somthing like Fate Stay/Night VN where some characters are shown nude, but have not been shown nude anywhere else since then. Or, another example, is Dragon Ball where Bulma was shown nude for, literally, a single frame.

But none of those examples are/were games (aside from Fate), hence why I brought it here. Since F95 is more game-focused I thought I might be able to pick up a "hidden gem" on the gaming side from here.

Maybe, to be more strict with the qualifications, I'm looking for popular to semipopular non-live-action characters with a more or less one-off nude scene. With a focus on games, but not a set-in-stone rule. Hope that helps clear up any confusion you might have had and hopefully helps out any future commenter.

Still, always good to see ya, Goblin. And thanks for the answer.
May 7, 2023
Other Examples of this:

Beyond: Two Souls (Where the MC can be seen naked if the camera is taken out of bounds.)

Mayo Chiki (Where in the final episode, of a completely non-nude show up to this point, the female lead is shown nude in a daydream by the MC.)

Black Lagoon (The female lead, Revy, is shown nude in the shower in a single one-off scene.)


Jun 27, 2023
I'm pretty shit at recalling stuff when i want to, but i'll try my best.

I remember being pretty surprised with Evangelion back in the day. Considering the kind of show it is, i'd say having actual nipples pop out on screen a few times is pretty unexpected.
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Same thing with Code Geass, although i's even more surprising they would display nudity at all since that show is shounen as fuck.
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Wolf Guy is a seinen series so nudity itself isn't unexpected, but rather how "explicit" it ends up getting (i wrote nudity in quotes because of course genitals are censored), especially considering what the manga is about (essentially a big teen drama with plenty of violence mixed in). It depicts a full on gang rape, for about 3 whole volumes. Last i had seen anything that explicitly depicted was the cave orgy in Berserk.
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Like i said already, i'm not great at remembering things when i want to (luckily i do just fine with stuff i NEED to), so if i recall anything else i'll be sure to edit this post and add it in.
Black Lagoon (The female lead, Revy, is shown nude in the shower in a single one-off scene.)
I wouldn't count that. Black Lagoon is a seinen and carries itself as such. I mean, what's a little nakey time after finding the identity of 2 serial killer children by browsing through 250 titles of CP snuff films. Anyways, pretty sure nudity pops earlier in the series, when Revy and Rock visit Rowan (the pimp) in his establishment. Episode 3 i think (can't remember the manga chapter, if it happens at all).
May 7, 2023
I'm pretty shit at recalling stuff when i want to, but i'll try my best.

I remember being pretty surprised with Evangelion back in the day. Considering the kind of show it is, i'd say having actual nipples pop out on screen a few times is pretty unexpected.
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Same thing with Code Geass, although i's even more surprising they would display nudity at all since that show is shounen as fuck.
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Wolf Guy is a seinen series so nudity itself isn't unexpected, but rather how "explicit" it ends up getting (i wrote nudity in quotes because of course genitals are censored), especially considering what the manga is about (essentially a big teen drama with plenty of violence mixed in). It depicts a full on gang rape, for about 3 whole volumes. Last i had seen anything that explicitly depicted was the cave orgy in Berserk.
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Like i said already, i'm not great at remembering things when i want to (luckily i do just fine with stuff i NEED to), so if i recall anything else i'll be sure to edit this post and add it in.

I wouldn't count that. Black Lagoon is a seinen and carries itself as such. I mean, what's a little nakey time after finding the identity of 2 serial killer children by browsing through 250 titles of CP snuff films. Anyways, pretty sure nudity pops earlier in the series, when Revy and Rock visit Rowan (the pimp) in his establishment. Episode 3 i think (can't remember the manga chapter, if it happens at all).
Thank you for trying, I know this is kind of a hard thing to answer, so thanks again for trying.

I was actually aware of both the Eve and Code Geass scenes but didn't include them in my example. I've already done quite a bit of research into this topic beforehand before bringing it here for some outside help. As for why they weren't included in my example list; I simply picked three examples I thought best fit what I was looking for and my three personal favorites I found from my research, not counting the Street Fighter II scene that kicked this whole thing off.

So while I knew about them I didn't list them. I figured there'd be a few answers here over time that I would have already known about but I didn't expect to have someone put in the extra effort to add pictures and spoiler tags and such. I thought someone might list a series name or character name and be done with it. Now I kinda feel bad that you had to go through the extra work. So again again, thank you.

I didn't know about the Wolf Boy one, though, so thanks for adding that here. It's not my thing, but I hope it helps any future commenters who might see this.

And lastly, I hate to be that guy, but again, for future commenters, I feel I need to state clearly that my incultion of Revy, both as the OG poster and per my guidelines stated above, does indeed count. I don't want to deter any future commenter from posting their answers because of fear it might not count "enough" to merit commenting.

To further explain this, I would even count Jormungand on this list, another series I found in my research (it's similar to Black Lagoon, hence why I picked it as an example here). In both shows, nudity is sparse and even more so among the core cast, and that goes double for Black Lagoon's case. Revy's scene is a one-off scene, with barely any nudity, lasting only a few seconds, without any full frontal nudity, and it's of a core cast member (i.e. a popular to semi-popular character.) And if I'm not mistaken, this type of nudity doesn't appear again until much later in the show with a much less core cast/popular character, that being Roberta.

In Jormungand's case, this may be double the amount of nudity over BL, but per the guidelines, I would still count it. Most, if not all, unless my memory fails me, of the nudity is of core cast members and sparse. I could see why you might not count these, because, granted, while they do fall within the guideline's spectrum of what I'm looking for, they do so by falling on the farthest end of that spectrum while still being on it. They're on it, but I'll admit, only just so.

An example of what should not be listed here is maybe something like Highschool DxD or Sekirei, where, even though it's of popular/semi-popular characters of core cast members, it isn't sparse or subtle, so it loses its hidden gem factor. You come to expect it of those shows, you could say, so there's no shock vault to it.

So I guess you could say the golden words, while not explicitly said in the guidelines, are sparsity and shock vault.

Either way, thanks again for taking the time to comment.


Jun 27, 2023
Appreciated the more detailed explanation my man. And i don't think anyone would be listing ecchi (like Highschool DxD) here, kinda defeats the purpose, and by kinda i mean entirely.

If you don't mind, i would just like a bit more clarification on the whole [popular/semi-popular characters] stuff. Like, if we think of something that ticks all the boxes but the characters in question are minor/side/one-off characters, should we not list it here?
[...] Now I kinda feel bad that you had to go through the extra work. [...]
It's alright boo, nothing to feel bad about. When i commit i commit, proper.
[...] I feel I need to state clearly that my incultion of Revy, both as the OG poster and per my guidelines stated above, does indeed count. I don't want to deter any future commenter from posting their answers because of fear it might not count "enough" to merit commenting. [...]
My bad, i didn't mean to suggest that the example doesn't or shouldn't count, just commenting that I personally wouldn't. Though after you explained things further i can definitely see your point in putting it here.
[...] I would even count Jormungand on this list, another series I found in my research [...]
Ohhhhh, dude, Jormungand is so good! And yeah, that totally fits here 'cause i don't even remember any nudity whatsoever in that series.
May 7, 2023
Appreciated the more detailed explanation my man. And i don't think anyone would be listing ecchi (like Highschool DxD) here, kinda defeats the purpose, and by kinda i mean entirely.

If you don't mind, i would just like a bit more clarification on the whole [popular/semi-popular characters] stuff. Like, if we think of something that ticks all the boxes but the characters in question are minor/side/one-off characters, should we not list it here?

It's alright boo, nothing to feel bad about. When i commit i commit, proper.

My bad, i didn't mean to suggest that the example doesn't or shouldn't count, just commenting that I personally wouldn't. Though after you explained things further i can definitely see your point in putting it here.

Ohhhhh, dude, Jormungand is so good! And yeah, that totally fits here 'cause i don't even remember any nudity whatsoever in that series.
"Appreciated the more detailed explanation my man. And i don't think anyone would be listing ecchi (like Highschool DxD) here, kinda defeats the purpose, and by kinda i mean entirely."

Exactly, that's what I mean. DxD, ideally, wouldn't be mentioned here, but at the same time, I think you're missing the message I'm trying to convey. Allow me to explain after addressing you're next point. I think it'll make more sense with it as the backdrop.

"If you don't mind, i would just like a bit more clarification on the whole [popular/semi-popular characters] stuff. Like, if we think of something that ticks all the boxes but the characters in question are minor/side/one-off characters, should we not list it here?"

This is an amazing mindset, the perfect mindset to have when approaching a question, but it's wasted here. But your not wrong to have a mind set like this, because most question do, indeed, have a wrong answer, but that's where the problem lies. My question doesn't have a wrong answer. With me as the ultimate decider and per the guidelines set, my question doesn't have a wrong answer. Going back to DxD, for example, I wouldn't count it, but at the same time, it's not a wrong answer. If someone were to post DxD as their answer, I wouldn't delete it or tell them their wrong.

Take Goblin's answer for example, he mentioned Swordfish with HB. While not my idea of a right answer, it's certainly not a wrong one. And hell, even with it going against my guidelines, I still think it deserves to be here and I thank him for his answer. Plus, you gotta respect Goblin, he's been here for like ever. He's like the grandad of F95. 2017 dude? he almost saw the site's birth back in 2016.

My guidelines only allow for better answers over others, but never any wrong answer. Their there to help, but not eliminate. To be honest, you don't need my help or further clarification, because you already knocked it out of the park with you're OG post answer. All three of the series you cited were dead on the money. I mean, ya nailed it.

All I wanted to do was cover bases with the Revy thing. And again, that's only for future commenters. But you took the time to ask, so, for shits and giggles, I'll answer. In regards to semi-pop/popular or minor, side, or one-off; all are correct. Take the Chun-Li example for example, she's a main and popular, so she's more correct than say a side character from the same movie, but that wouldn't mean the side character would be wrong either. Some hidden gems are bigger than others is the takeaway here. We're trying to hit the board, not get a bullseye, but if we miss, that's okay too.

"It's alright boo, nothing to feel bad about. When i commit i commit, proper."

I respect the hell out of this statement lol

Yes, Jormungand is very good. And yes, it does feature nudity. Both the female main characters are shown nude and one or two of the side characters are shown nude. However, depending on when you watched it, it'd be possible to miss it due to Funimation/Crunchyroll's ever-changing TOS on censorship. One day it's a nipple, the next it's a bubble. But they can't lie to me, I have the Blu-ray.