[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Share Unpaid Seeking casual artist collaborator for small time-stop detective game


New Member
Jul 24, 2024
The basic pitch is:
What if you had the porn trope of a guy who could stop time to fuck girls, but show it completely from the girl's POV?

The game will be a detective CYAO game where the girl MC has to figure out what the fuck is going on and potentially fight back... somehow.
It will be possible to succeed, but most of the time the player can expect to lose.

The game will be short (1h playtime maybe) but have a non-linear structure where the actions available to you depend largely on what the FMC knows and some past actions she took. So there should be some replay value.

My goal with this is to create something short, amusing, and unique.

What I'm bringing to the table:
General game design, programming, and writing if necessary.

What I'm looking for:
Someone to help with the art.
Since this is an unpaid project I'm not picky on the artstyle or quality. I'm also open to someone good at AI prompts. The important thing is that you can create images for the scenes.
Since the game will commit to the POV gimmick, there will be little to no visible sex. Most images will be cum-on-body stuff or humiliating situations like clothes being stolen or a vibrator being inserted under clothing.

(If I can't find someone I'll probably use AI art. It's just a pain to get specific situations)

I'd also accept help from a writer if someone is interested but I can handle it as well.

Content Tone:
The game will aim for a somewhat intense tone in how the sexual content is handled.
The sheer absurdity of the situation dampens the impact imo, but the female MC will be getting raped... a lot. This won't be a "teehee, what happened?" kind of experience.
That said, it will still steer clear of harder topics like death & suicide. There will also be little physical violence and no acts that cause pain in a, idk, non-sexy way (clamps on breasts = maybe, getting punched in the stomach = no)
The only exceptions to the death & violence guideline are a few possible endings. In particular, the time-stop guy may die in some of the good-endings.

(Also as a general disclaimer: I trust we are all adults here who can separate fantasy from reality. I obviously do not endorse any of this stuff in real life.)

Narrative Control:
While I put general game design as my role, I'm am happy to collaborate with someone on the game's events as well.
Though if we go down that route we'll need to make sure we are on the same page thematically. If our vision of the game is too different it won't work out and we are better off doing our separate thing.

Game Design:
All that said, how does the game actually work mechanically?

At it's essence, the player has a "Sanity" lifebar that gradually drains over time. Once it hits 0 you get a bad end. It imposes a general time limit.
During events, the player collects little bits of knowledge. Some bits of knowledge can be combined into new bits of knowledge.
A perception stat will control how easily the player is able to collect the bits of knowledge, and an intelligence stat will be used to control how easily they can deduce things from existing knowledge.
Mixed in with the general knowledge are "ideas" that allow the player to experience new events.
(also there will be a "willpower" stat that controls how quickly your sanity drains but functionally this just extends the timer so it's pretty basic)

Moments where the player can collect knowledge or form connections are controlled by dice rolls / RNG. Basically if d20 roll + stat-score >check-difficulty, you pass the check.
This makes the game less predictable and will hopefully aid in replay value as well.

To give a basic example of how this system can work:
1. Player experiences a time-stop event at work
2. Passes perception check to notice that a clock has "jumped" ahead
3. Passes simple intelligence check to conclude they lost their memory of events
4. Passes intelligence check to get idea to investigate buildings CCTV footage
5. Action to investigate CCTV footage is now available + associated events

The game is then setup as a very basic "life simulator" where you can take actions in the morning and the afternoon every day.
The morning action may be going to work, and then at work different events can play.
Some events will be repeatable and allow the player multiple chances to pass their skill-checks and get information, while some events & event-chains will be one-time only.

Anyways, I hope that sounds interesting to you.
Let me know if you have any questions.


May 12, 2018
the ideal is interesting , you should be more detail of how many image you need. (with in a range)
1 hour of game play mean nothing to how many image you want.


New Member
Jul 24, 2024
the ideal is interesting , you should be more detail of how many image you need. (with in a range)
1 hour of game play mean nothing to how many image you want.
Good question.
I find it hard to estimate but perhaps something in the ballpark of 20-40 images in total.

I currently have 10-ish events thought out and each will need at least 1 image. Preferable there are some variation images as well. I also have 6 or so endings in mind which will need one image each as well.
That's already 16 and the number will probably grow quite a bit.