Identify Seeking furry futa high fantasy game with a female mc that inherits a manor and leads a small town.


New Member
May 17, 2021
Just going to dump as many details as I can to aid idenification.

Very chill 2d art style.

You, a female mc inherit a manor and are the leader of a small village, you are technically nobility

a neighbouring noble invites you to a ball in her city which is very cold snowy and windy

there are 3 or 4 other noble women there, 1 of them turns you into a werewolf

Theres some weird thing with a goddess of the moon whos related to the werewolf incident.

Theres a stuck up virgin guard captain who you convince to hook up with a unicorn

Theres some tropical mushroom esque island with statues involving phallic dieities

Theres a metric that determines how lose the mc's orifices' are, ruined allows an ogre to breed you.

I can provide more on the off chance this is insufficient.