VN Others Unity [Seeking] Latest tools with GUI for VN Text Extraction+Repacking


New Member
Nov 15, 2023
Hi there,

To preface this: I don´t want to appear lazy, as I´ve searched extensively for a long time regarding a lot of tools.
However as many of the workforce I cannot sink uncountable hours into searching and learning command tools, if I´ve never had anything to do with programming.

My request is simply, if we could build or point out an basic page (or use this as a thread) for current versions of extraction & repacking tools for the most common VN & game engines and file formats. (Unity, Unreal, .arc, .xp3, .pack, .asset and so on)

There are a lot of game specific ones out there and not every tool is the holy key to every game.
But perhaps someone already did a rough collection of these or would be willing to share a drive.

In any case the help would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much!
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New Member
Nov 15, 2023
PS: What kicked of this request was me failing hard at getting to extract AoNatsu´s Steam release - which is Unity.
Before that however I also noticed, that it is very hard for any non tech savy person to get a tool which is not cmd line based for simple files such as .arc (I tried once again for a steam release of tayutama 2 here). such things drive me mad, as I want to TL them so very bad. Though the main reasons again is my lack of time here.
I know GUI is a lot of work - but cmd lines and python lybs just isn´t cutting it for me. I simply wasn´t born for that :D
tysm for ur help!