Seeking / LF (any) Animation artists who do/did Star Wars content (eg. El Recondite)


Jan 16, 2018
Recently started going down a Star War rabit hole, looking for artists that have at least a handful of Star Wars content (not persa just 1, though I'll take it if you have a really good one).

I've picked a bit through the collections, but there's no tags for IPs (which makes sense, there's thousands...). El-Recondite was an easy one, since that's 80% of their content. But outside of that, I'm finding it hard to find other clips. I did search for Star Wars and went through some of those results, but then I'd sometimes see a preview randomly browsing of Rey (as an example) in the thread list, only to find Star Wars and Rey don't appear in text anywhere in the thread. So it didnt show up in my search...

So...if you've seen an artist who has good SW content, I'd love to know who. Thanks.