VN - Unity - Completed - Seers Isle [v2.0.0] [Nova-Box]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A significant improvement over Along the Edge, in which the choice was either "yes-no" or did not matter in the plot.

    Pleasant music, interesting style and a good plot. I recommend several walkthroughs, because the first one will only introduce the characters and their worldview.

    Still has a bit of shortcomings but they are much bearable than before.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is fine, not really a porn game , not that there isn't potential for sex scenes, since other comments have mentioned them, but i never saw one but really its just a pretty ok story and nice art
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This has been truly an amazing journey.

    The art is absolutely stunning. Seriously, some of the images and scenes are nothing less than astonishing, and the overall quality of the art is very high. I have never seen a game so beautiful as this one. My jaw *literally* dropped in more than a few occasions - I honestly had to consciously make an effort to close my mouth.

    But better still, the amazing art is used to tell a really intriguing, engrossing and intelligent story. The story manages somehow to feel both epic and intimate in its scope, worldbuilding and stakes, which is a huge accomplishment. It is extremely well told with masterful pacing, in a compelling language that sometimes borders the poetic without ever becoming pretentious.

    There is no pornographic content of any kind here, but there are certainly some mature themes and thinking readers will definitely have a lot to think about after completing a playthrough. Some story points are left open for interpretation, which in my book is a plus, specially because it is anchored in some interesting psychological concepts.

    World building is incredible. From the mysterious island setting to the visions of a fascinating world shown through dreams and recollections, the world feels alive and lived-in. The story feels just like it could be out of some ancient mythology book, and I mean it as the highest praise possible. Whoever wrote this has truly special writing skills.

    Characters are very engaging, diverse, and well written. They have clear motivations and some have complex personalities as well as engrossing backstories. I specially enjoyed the fact that character development is done not only through dialog but mostly through action, as it makes for a more dynamic experience. The protagonist is specially well written, with a surprising and compelling story that, when you realize it, makes you take a step back and re-evaluate what you thought you knew about the story.

    Overall a fantastic experience that I wholeheartedly recommend.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    If you want nudity, sex, porn, etc, you're in the wrong place, and this game DOES NOT warrant bad review for lacking said content.

    OK, first of all?
    This game is gorgeous. Honestly, truly beautiful. I can not overstate that fact enough.

    Secondly, the setting feels true and lived in, and the characters exceptionally well defined.

    Lastly, the high replay-ability.

    Now, despite 5 stars, this game had, for me, flaws.
    When a world feels this well developed and thought through, I find it endlessly frustrating when we are given a bare sliver of it, and the rest is left to imagination. Some people love that in a story, but I, personally, desire to dive into the established lore.
    Secondly, it is not clear WHO you are playing as for much of the game.
    Thirdly, there are four icons, and as you make choices, they light up with different choices... but they are never really explained.

    You will want to play this multiple times. Not merely to experience differences in the game as things progress, but also because the first time makes little sense for much of the play through.

    And I wish the creators allowed a way for us to "save" our endings. I played the way I did the first playthrough for a reason. Going through multiple times to experience the story in multiple ways is highly attractive to me, but I don't want to miss out on how my first playthrough went.

    In the end, this game is extremely well thought out, with a beautiful, unique world that deserves to be explored further. With characters who deserve to have their time to shine. The art is absolutely stunning. I love almost everything about this experience.

    My biggest, lasting frustration is how, in some ways, nebulous certain things are, that have not been deeply explained... yet. Maybe more playthroughs will grant more information.