Unity - Completed - Sensual Adventures - Episode 5 [Final] [Puppetmaster3dx]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Meaning Less

    Great graphics and smooth animation but the entire game consists of a few different sex positions between 3 characters in the same map.
    The quality delivered here unfortunately is wasted due to the lack of ingame content.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    There's no way to enjoy this due to the lag - playing at only 5 frames per second, and that's AFTER turning down ALL of the graphics :/
    What's crippling it is the swimming pool, the ocean, and swaying plants.
    When are Devs going to learn that those unnecessary things are what drags performance down the shithole.
    It's fine for a Dev to have a $4,000 computer with all the new-beaut fungle gadgets, but most or the average person doesn't have a top-of-the-range computer.
    As it is I'm using the most expensive laptop I've ever bought = $1600 - and it was the highest capacity the shop (I got it from) had at the time just 13 months ago.
    Anyway, a person like myself that isn't too fond of Futa unless there is an exception, and this is one with the exception.
    + You can customize them a little =
    1) change: skin, makeup, clothing color.
    2) make'em muscly like a guy.
    3) add more veins to penis.
    4) and a few more not worth mentioning.
    + You can play the video a little faster.
    + Rotate the camera faster.
    + Turn down and off sounds, like the annoying tropical jungle beat music ..lol.
    + Really really good art and renders, although about my only grip is, when oily skin custom slider if all the way down; their skin still glistens too much when they're laying down relaxing and it's night time.
    - Extremely laggy when first loading, and it's not until you're in it that you can change the graphic settings which does speed it up 3 times faster, but it needs a 4th time.
    - Due to the lag - sound is not in sync with the movement = they speak before lips move = skin slaps while mid air.
    Overall: You need an expensive computer to run what is essentially just a video that has only 1 choice 2 or 3 times and that's you get to choose 'Anal' or Vaginal'.
    Rating: 2/5. There's fuck all replay value. And in it's current state being too high res on the average pc, just playing it once is agony.