RPGM - Completed - SEQUEL colony [v2.0.2] [Leaf Geometry]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    3rd game of the series, felt more compact and shorter, Rabi is back, decent characters, I felt like the overcomplicated things with weapon enchantments but hey could be worse, feels like this is the game where it was made clear that the MC belongs to everybody not just one group of girls, sad imo cause I like Rabi the most, my guy is getting passed around more than the joint at a stoner party.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have already loved the first part and liked the second, but this one overshot everything. Hakika's games just gets better the more he makes and it really can be seen here.

    This is the closest I have ever gotten to what a dream game would be for me. It is fun, I actually want to engage in the story, I am actually interested how the characters interact with each other, the porn is hot and it is a game with gameplay.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is an improvement over its predecessor.

    The story is more adult in writing and theme, although it still has some nonsense in it stemming from Shin and Lestea. The affection system has been streamlined thankfully. The character roster is smaller (thus, so too are the scenes) but the group feels more tightly knit and has better chemistry. The scenes and art are good, as per usual.

    However, does it vastly differ from it's predecessor? No. It's nearly the same package, but smaller and wrapped up better. As a sequel (ha, funny), it's not too impressive but as a stand alone, I'd probably recommend it over Awake.

    The one thing I have to say is that the end-game difficulty( 'final boss' and afterword) was too great of a spike (on normal) and I didn't quite feel up to the grind this time around, so I just dropped it there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, i love the game.
    The Art is very good for me.
    The gameplay is good with a little grinding.
    The Plot is interesting...
    The characters are lovely.
    The only thing I don't liked is the censorship.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    so far the most grim SEQUEL game released so far, noneless very enjoyable on his own right, the music convey well the enviroment and events you feel trought your adventure, the socialization feels natural as always. The scenes are hot and the game is the standart for a turn based rpg. Light a candle instead of accept the total darkness, uncover what really happened in schisma, and be ready because some things aren't what they seem
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Still playing but very enjoy it so far . Tbh i fap less than i play mostly too focus in the story
    Fun fact : did u know that lestea can not be blind cc in battle ? Because she already blinded Ahahahaha.
    But seriously ... Alot of game dont look at this small detail even its small but make the player be like " yeah thats make sense"
    Very challenging as well already lv 99 but still get 1 shot even with buff and guarding but thats what make it fun .
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I have mixed feelings about this game. On the one hand, the plot is really good, significantly better than in previous games (AWAKE and BLIGHT) and this game could be enjoyed for the story alone. It has some plot twists and touching moments, but also rather dark. Though I think that things should be explained in more details and motivations of the "last boss" aren't clear enough.
    On the other hand, this game is inferior to the prequels in terms of character customization and, to some extent, crafting. The items you can get from Guardians are rather useless, you only have 4 characters with 2 (if you count stats) development trees, your options are really limited compared to other games in series. The good thing though is that the bosses in the main game are more challenging than ever - to defeat about half of them you'd need to die once and figure out a proper strategy (which is a good thing if you are here for the gameplay and not just porn).
    The last thing I should mention is that it is also the shortest game, at least if you only count the main story - it took me only 15 hours and less than 40 quests were available (out of 70 total). This time, it seems that the post-game content is roughly half of the whole game, but somehow I don't feel like completing it for now, the ending was rather touching, and proceeding just like this feels somehow wrong.
    Scenes? Who cares about them anyway? This being the case, I would say that they are more vanilla than ever and the three new girls are really nice and cute both in terms of looks and personality.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Was a good experience, a lot of meaningless battles didn't appeal to me. i loved the characters. if you are looking for a game that has adult content. you may enjoy this.

    What i like
    sex is consensual!

    i like how enemies will run from you if you are strong enough

    enemy encounters are on screen

    you can speed up the battle animations with interact button

    can reset skill points (sheep in basement clinic when unlocked)

    epic bosses (will need to prepare)

    the very friendly navigation, there are many short cuts,warp points and the abilty to freely warp to main base when ever we want!

    the gift system which allowed more insight into how the female characters think.

    the characters were good!

    can change your name/difficulty at an time

    can rewatch scenes (memory room found in book in your room)
    not just the sex scenes, but story scenes too! which is fantastic since this is a bit long to finish.

    what i dislike
    Grinding! and A LOT of pointless battles! (198 different enemies)

    it seems there is no actual ending to the game. you just finish what content you want. and...that's all.

    the second floor of the cape clinic bottom right door, never becomes available?

    journey log - could not finish 100&
    missing #2-3 under battle
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few good RPGMs out there, has a gallery, good art, repeatable scenes with all girls, good amount of scenes with all girls and with all the basic sex options. If you don't want to play the entire game you simply get a full save in thread and check the gallery.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Overall, this game is excellent. It has a lot of polish for something developed in RPGM. There seem to be some Dark Souls influences, such as checkpoints that have to be activated (similar to bonfires) and healing items (flasks) that refill after sitting at checkpoints. The design of the areas themselves also reminds me of something you'd see in a From Soft game -- shortcuts that you'll see but won't open till much later, areas connecting with previous locations in interesting ways, and plenty of variety in enemies/environments.

    There is a deep system involving skill trees for each character, weapon refinement, crafting/gathering systems, plus lots of miscellaneous events that help define each character. The translation is about as perfect as you could expect -- no hints of grammatical errors and with the exception of some very minor UI stuff (doesn't affect gameplay), every quest/interaction/menu I've come across is skillfully translated.

    The "casual" difficulty setting allows you to breeze through 90% of fights without even worrying about pushing anything besides the Auto button, but there is some obvious effort that went into creating nuance behind the battle system so I would suggest anyone who enjoys turn-based combat to try out a higher difficulty.

    Other reviewers have already mentioned this but the biggest potential problem with the game is how long it takes to get to each h-scene. There's always that tradeoff -- do you want a game that takes the time to characterize who you're fucking, or do you want instant gratification and endless amounts of sex thrown at you? This is definitely a slow-burn game but I think its gameplay loop is satisfying enough to make the player feel as if they've earned each scene without having to grind trash mobs over and over.

    Instead of having to endure the shittiness of random encounters, the main form of grinding is actually exploration. There are definitely enemies around but a lot of the time they can be avoided and are spaced rather far apart, especially compared to other RPGM games that spam you with encounters every 5 steps. The story and area layouts are designed well enough that I've never felt bored or like I'm just traipsing through generic dungeons. One minor but rather unique detail I like is how weaker enemies from previous areas will run away from you if you happen to come back later. Farther into the game you also get an item that allows you to become invisible to enemies, so skipping combat becomes extremely easy the more you play.

    Currently 11 hours in and not done yet, so this game really does have a huge amount of content. The h-scenes aren't animated or particularly special, but I think the artwork is great and the game benefits from its slow-burn nature of introducing and defining the personality of all the characters, each with their own quirks, kinks, goals, etc.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    So average, it's somewhat sad, because it could be far more fun. The art is good and the story is somewhat interesting. The maps are fine too. But the combat is boring and the later boss monster are getting more and more frustrating. Boring grind it its. Yes there is an easy mode, but if you use it the game becomes an VN with too much walking. The skill system is quite nice, but it loses it's appeal thanks to the fights. An other point that annoys me is the MC in the lewd scenes. He is so passive. Yes it's femdom, but does that really mean that the male has to do nothing in 80% of all scenes?
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Great game played for at least 10 hours my biggest gripe however is the amount of scenes to gameplay there is quite frankly if you had gotten a full save you had maybe 30 minutes of scenes and that's if you read all the dialogue don't get me wrong the art is amazing but there's so little to actually get your rocks off to there's very little point actually getting the scenes if you came for a great story and a challenging rpg this is an easy 5/5 if you came to masturbate its a 3/5 it just takes too much farming to be able to beat a couple of the bosses to get the scenes and in the entire game there aren't that many anyway.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    another sequel game another masterpiece it has a great story with good h-scenes, you are the main character but the fighting are actually done by the girls it is mostly femdom scenes there is some cross dressing yaoi but it can be turn off