RPGM - Completed - SEQUEL kludge [v1.10] [Leaf Geometry]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why it's already asking for a rating when it's my first time playing this but the other chapters of sequel where good and i like to continue it with this chapter either way i do hope i can install this game and i hope it will have a good story line and exciting
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality game, ways to stack up sex scenes so you don't get blue balled, if only the games weren't heavy on femdom this would be the perfect game series, even if there are glimpses of the MC not getting dominated still not enough, wish there was more like this.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Not as good as the previous games in the series, but still much better than most h-games in terms of gameplay and story. I didn't play it for h-scenes as I'm not into femdom, but the girls themselves are pretty cute, and it's always nice to have a party of over-sexualized girls in your RPGs. The post-game is a bit too tedious, but has its good moments. If you played the previous games, you know what to expect. If you didn't, then you have to start with Sequel Blight, which isn't on this site, I think, and also has the best character customization in the series.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so legendary that if you took out the porn it would be an incredible RPG itself so with the very high quality art and H scene this game is what I would call a masterpiece (I am legit shock that this game is so underrated)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game as usual, the overworld Graphic got really amp up in this sequel, the story need some work though but the characters are great and their interaction is pretty funny. Still love colony the most though
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Sequel Kludge is a latest part in the Sequel series and its... Honestly shite.

    The story: Probably my most big issue i have with this game.

    To make it short: Vasta has been somewhat of a hype continent behind many machineries through the games. So obviously, you would think" Man, this clearly means colony which already was good was just tip of the iceberg compared to whats to come" only to get the most bland and uninspired plot ive seen in the series.

    Its way too straightforward, there are no real plot twists or decent characterization compared to the previous pieces. Yes, the comedy which makes sequel games a sequel games is still there, but the main plot is just barebones and lazy. I would understand if this would be their first game but even their first game in the series(Sequel Blight) had better plot than this one.

    Combat: This is a mixed bag, while you can for say fights in general have been upgrade(Bosses are no longer as much of a statstick and have actual proper gimmicks) However, you can also feel this one has waaay to much experimenting and not as much playtesting.

    Skill trees try to have some interesting choices, but in the end there is just so many dud skills to the point you will mostly run samey build for each character. This time they even yeeted the passive bonuses from the older games so you cannot even build properly around the fights without wasting points in some most shitty talents ive seen.

    The scenes: This time we actually got more than in colony(Which isnt much of a win since we cut amount of scenes in half since awakening) and thats about it really.

    Overall its not a bad game by itself and 3 stars is pretty fair.

    Rating it as a sequel series game? This one gets at best 3 out of 10 for me. I seriously hope dev will go back to its roots and create good stuff like awakening or colony instead of this.... thing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    it has good and balanced levels of lewds, story and comedy, on par with good music and a superb translation. On the right levels of dificult and if ever too hard for you, casual mode exist to break trought if only want to enjoy the story.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    If you've played another Sequel game, you know what to expect. Of note, the level up system and manaflask item is added from Asylum (I preferred Awakes' system personally, but there is a lot of versatility to this one, even if skills are too expensive IMO)

    If you haven't, key points:
    -You are a rare man in a dying world of magic and technology, on the cusp of total collapse.
    -Your character cannot fight, and tag along with a growing gang of resistance fighters (all female plus a trap) against the local threat to the entire world.
    -You socialize/romance in a central hub, and you are not restricted in who you pursue. You are the only man, ladies have to share. Skippable sex scenes if you aren't interested.
    -Points of no return are clearly marked, and you are never rushed, although the world only opens up and events with the ladies unlock as thee plot progresses.
    -Strong characterization for the ladies', with a lot of freedom in class-building.
    -Dark themes and settings.

    If you are new to the series, you will miss references but still understand the plot. I do recommend you grab the other games though. The second and third games are on this site, and Awake has an amnesia plot that lets it stand alone comfortably.

    Legitimately fun gameplay, unless you really hate RPGMaker games, and excellent writing and translation.


    I've finally had a chance to finish the game and... I'm a little disappointed.

    Just before this dropped, I had literally just 100%ed Blight, the first game in the series, and was replaying Awake. I was excited and wrote a hyped up review after a few hour, without saying much of value.

    I don't like Dita very much. I honestly found most of the socialization boring this time around. Stuff moved too fast (the trap went from "I don't know what I am" to "I'm a man and want to get fucked" over the course of 1 socialization and a way too early sex scene.).

    The combat has more going on, I like the side character recruitment shit, I liked the story for the most part. The bosses were hard, and I had to grind more than I remember, but I feel like the game was shorter. I had to grind because less happened between boss fights, and I leveled up slower as a result.

    The skill tree isn't bad, really, but the skill prices are way too much. Giving Kuu enough healing requires buying no attack abilities for like 40 levels. There isn't enough diversity in roles to justify 6 playable characters. Colony did it right with 4. We have heavy two physical attackers, one dedicated mage, a rouge/healer thing, Dita with heavy attacks and the completely mandatory bind ability, and a tank. It's clunky, and I never found a reasonable choice between the berserker and machinist (passive support, sure, but I already have a dedicated healer and tank, I need some form of damage output that doesn't run on a 4 turn cooldown and require using a skill to enter fight mode or 5 levels of skill points to buy a passive)

    I went back and replayed Colony before finishing this, and yeah, I wasn't just burned out from like 40 hours of Blight. A lot of this just never landed right. The postgame stuff almost feels obligatory. OOOH, three bonus super bosses and digging up the true cause of all human suffering, oooohhhh. Blight had a cool new adventure in a new region with huge worldbuilding consequence, 4 super ultra bosses of ultimate power, an arena, and a bunch of little fun character stuff around town. Wandering around Windstilla and trying to solve shitty puzzles that tons of cheaper, shittier RPGMaker games churn out every week just isn't comparable.

    The story was good (though I adore this world), the humor and writing was good (though some of it feels obligatory. Haha, beetles, amirite?), the combat (especially bosses) had some major retooling (though credit-roll boss was straight infuriating, the fuck you do that without grinding?) I feel like the game hurry's along too much. I hope the dev isn't burning out. I miss Rabi, she straight up the spirit of the series.

    I'd do 3 and a half if I could.