VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Seraphim Academy [Ch. 1-3] [Trinity Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hm, this is a really good game thus far and it is extremely sad to see it abandoned. The dialogue and writing is pretty enjoyable and there is a large cast of diverse and beautiful characters who we start to get to know before it abruptly ends.

    The MC is a complex character and throughout the story you can begin to understand her as a person. She had a somewhat tough past but she began to overcome it and ultimately, became a better person from it. It seems that a lot of the other characters we meet are similar and may need help getting over their pasts most likely with help of the MC.

    This is a heavy dialogue story and often goes on and on about movies, writing, and gets pretty deep into these subjects. I find it refreshing to see a story that is able to create characters passionate about subjects like these even if I'm not big into the subject matter myself. This makes the characters feel more natural and I can kind of live through the MC and feel like I am part of the story because of this.

    I think this VN had a lot going for it and because of it being mainly all girls, including the MC, it was certainly a unique game. It was nice having an MC with a big personality as well. I am fully hooked on the game after playing the first few versions and it is a real shame that this game will most likely never receive any more updates. In spite of the lack of content, I would recommend trying this game. I think it is rather unique and has a lot of good traits that other VNs should incorporate more often.

    I think it deserves a 5 star rating and hopefully one day it may get picked up again but I won't hold my breath.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm speechless! I actually have nothing to complain about except for perhaps some missed letters in the text and that the text could be grouped together better, there are some frames that only have one line or a few words.
    The story is great, the characters plausible and the renders are magnificent!
    So this get a well deserved 5/5

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter, download and read this VN. You won't regret it!

    Rating based on: Chapter 3
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on Ch.1-3.

    Saying that's I'm lost for words would be a cliche unfit for this great game. And also, I'm writing words, so.. Anyways! This game is ...different. Your MC is a woman, for one thing. The writing is very good. It's not the formulaic stuff of so many other games, where you have the obligatory spying on your sister showering thing. The writing is a bit more adult, yet playful, and I laughed out loud on several occasions.

    So far it feels like we're not even past the intro. I don't know where this is going, but I'm curious. The characters seem interesting, and actually, at times I forgot that this was a "lewd game", however, the game doesn't let you forget for too long.

    The renders are very good. Characters seems promising. Few tropes so far. All in all it seems like a good foundation to build an interesting game upon. A game that is not like all the others. One of the few that where it seems like it's worth it to read the text. It's a top score from me, for what it is so far.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game.

    Very good art, nice models very well rendered. A nice interface. Not the most original story ever but well executed.

    Only reason this doesn't get a 5 is the lack of animation, everything else is top notch.
  5. L
    5.00 star(s)


    Beautifully styled and rendered.
    Great character exploration.
    Expansive concept and ideas.
    Clean UI.
    Strong female characters.
    Overall, it's just visually better and more engaging than most of the larger scope/ many-character games I've played.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch. 1 - First Release
    Nice Demo release.
    UI looks good.
    Renders look good.
    Story... too soon to tell.
    Female Protagonist,
    Choice to be lesbian or bi is a nice option. Even though there is an unavoidable MF scene.