This is one I kinda skip over a lot. No real idea why, it's always just been one I hold CTRL through to see everything? And I'm not usually like that, so this time I read through it all. And I'm sad that I did. The first few lines of this say "It's written with love" so I thought that meant time was put in to make a good story to read. And it wasn't. Plain and simple. It is another story where everyone is so nice and we all feel nice and things are nice. Even the problems are solved with 4 lines of dialog. And yet again, every female you come across falls in love at first sight.
You play as MC, your mom just died of cancer, you're a loser type of geek that took care of her until she died. And your only other personality traits are you like adult visual novels and anime. And you go to her will reading to see what she has for you. Being her "only relative" everything was left to you. However, she also left you a magical book she wrote for you to live in paradise. If you so choose. Naturally, you do and bring your childhood friend, Kat, that is in love with you, and you, for no real reason, did nothing about it.
You read the book with Kat and end up in Serenity, essentially paradise island. You meet Morgan. A dumbed down, demonized version of a woman your mother was in love with, and she wants power that you have no idea about by taking your "seed." A phrase that is overused. Anyway, you fight with Morgan about finding Kat because you're split up, eventually find her, and then meet the other three main love interests. Rin, Lena, and Jas. They are Nekos that call you master. And use the word Neko all the damn time. They have no real personality, the only differences are hair color, powers, and attitude. Rin is short tempered, Lena is submissive, and Jas is supposedly smart but they never actually go into anything about it.
You have powers to control everything and in less than two weeks you're an all knowing king that's stronger than god himself and can make women orgasm from burping in their general direction. The last part is an exaggeration, but still, you literally kiss a girl and she orgasms, that's dumb. There's more love interests but there's nothing actually interesting about them to note. All the time it feels like all the characters know exactly what's going on at all times unless there's a plot point that need to be hidden by the fake version of your mother.
Can we circle back around to that for a minute to actually think about what's going on? Your mother essentially wrote a power fantasy erotic fan fiction about her son. It's a little weird. And everything happens so fast. There's a point where you get mad that someone else is playing Morgan's save in a VN on your computer. But you as the MC haven't been in the house enough to have actually known that anyone but you have used your dumb porn machine. And even all the "villains" fall in love with you almost before they even see you. I get it's a dumb porn game, but if it's supposed to be a story, write a story.
And clearly a lot of work went into making this. The aesthetics and world building are fairly well done. But when it feels like the MC does one small thing and gets rewarded with sex. Then all the girls look into the camera with a thumbs up saying how proud they are. It's a little condescending. Ultimately it ends up being a long story about how you can beat up your dad. That chatroom in 2006 would be very proud. And the "harem" word is brought up all the time too. Using the word will never not irk me. But this is a story that sort of actually addresses the interaction between all the girls you're cheating on. So there's that.
TLDR - It looks very pretty but it's just a story meant to stroke your ego more than anything. A bunch of Mary-Sues that will never say no to you, a guy reading your mom's fanfic about you. And it's spelled "doofus" Dev, for some reason that spelling mistake bugged me.