RPGM - Completed - Series of Bimbofication Events: New Family Values [Final] [Delicate Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Art - 2/5
    Characters - 1/5
    Story - 1/5
    Scenes -1/5
    Sexual Content - 5/5

    So the renders aren't that great. The initial looks for the female characters are pretty decent. The issue starts when the MC starts the process of bimbofication on them. The design for two of them are just downright horrible looking, one is "meh", and I think only one character looks decent after her bimbofication. Just my opinion though.

    Characters are just one dimensional. MC is a skeevy perverted creep who likes to turn women into toys for him to use. The women are written as stereotypical poor black family who are gulliable and apparently completely oblivious to the changes happening to their family members.

    The story is basic. So basic that if you read fast you'll be done in like 30 minutes. And it's extremely linear, which wouldn't be bad if it was longer, had more character development and some basic proof reading to fix glaring spelling and grammar errors.

    The entire game is just one short scene that'll last maybe a few minutes at most, that you could easily just pass over to get to the sex scenes. For the most part, the non-sex scenes can basically be skipped until you hit the sex scenes.

    Sexual Content:
    Probably about the only good part. While the game is very short, and the writing is subpar, the amount of sex scenes is plentiful. If you don't want to read any of the text, just skip to the animations, which are pretty decent. Every female character has one sex scene before their bimbofication, and at least one scene after it; though two of them have at least two.

    Overall, the game is 2 stars.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    - Bimbofication theme

    - linear
    - Ugly 3D models
    - Short (under 30 min)
    - Primitive and stupid story

    Stay away from this "game".
    It's not worth the 30 minutes I spent playing it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    love this games love every girl the renders animations story and music are all top notch this is the finest quality game I've played to be honest I've never been bored playing this most of these games you just skip the dialog because its just a sea of text to get the good bit the way mc interacts with these girls and the relationship dynamics is really well done and interesting unlike a lot of games on here which just get everything wrong that's the thing about UOP its gets everything right it gets the player invested into the story and relationships he has with these lovely ladies i think this is a near perfect game