This game is difficult to rate. For starters, I think it is a fantastic html game, but trying to explain why I like it ends up with some contradictions in what I have to say. So instead of condensing everything into a main point I'll just state them plainly.
This game has plenty of writting issues. I'm not talking about grammar or mispellings (though the game has an ample supply of these too), I'm talking about problems at the base and problems at the structure.
You can't strain much further into cliched territory than 'The Seven Deadly Sins' and in a porn game especially, Lust is an uninspired choice. This road hasn't so much been walked as it has had the dirt from which it's made of compacted into a solid foundation of bedrock. In a setting like this, a story really needs something to set itself apart, and I am sorry to say, there isn't any one thing I can point to as doing that. But there are plenty of small things that add up.
For starters, Lust's characterization. I am a big fan of Lust's arc, at least in the love route, where she's initially annoyed at the lack of sex and progress and eventually ends up respecting the player's different process. One of the most important aspects of lust I think are underexplored in these stories is the different shapes it can take. The very embodiment of lust can't purely be a sex fiend who needs rough sex 24/7, because that simply ignores too big a subset of lust. To represent the entirety of Lust she has to also be interested in loving caresses and slow burns, the build up and release of sexual tension. Hate fucking and love making. And this is a story understands that.
The second thing, which really shouldn't count yet it does a lot of heavy lifting for this game is timing and focus. That a story would have a good sense of timing and be able to estabilish events as being important or not important within that timing should be a given. And yet if you've played htlm games in this website before you know that makes a game a gem. The character arcs overlap in just the correct way to always have something of some importance happening while still doing a good job of separating individual important events to give them the focus once in a while. Not only that, the relationships develop at wildly different pace, giving a feeling of groundness thas is really important to the story.
Thidly, the way the game handles it's archetypes. Most of the main cast is comprised of stereotypes. The affectionate little sister. The cold, distant older sister. The works too hard single mom. The slacker. The nerd. The prude. The bully. Having these many seemingly one dimensional characters required some potent character development and most of them get it. Now, as with all games of this manner, it bears saying, character development by way of mind control is the biggest writting crutch of all times. Need a character to behave in a way the character you've written thus far wouldn't behave? Mind control cum. Works everytime. The systems aren't sufficiently well explained to give the player an idea of what is and isn't possible, just the usual, vague "has to be gradual, person has to trust you, has to be horny" which...yeah, that doesn't tell me much. And yet, I feel credit is still due for almost every character development. Most of the time, they feel very organic
Last and most importantly, the game is passionate. It's difficult to quantify and I certainly can't prove it but it comes through in the text that the writter actually cares about the story they're telling. Anyone with a creative disposition can recognize the signs, and even some fundamental building blocks from which the rest of the story was crafted. And that matters, because it gives the overall story a sense of cohesion that holds everything together even as the individual pieces fail.
In the end, it all comes together to form a charming, fun game, that should really, REALLY consider hiring a proofreader
This game has plenty of writting issues. I'm not talking about grammar or mispellings (though the game has an ample supply of these too), I'm talking about problems at the base and problems at the structure.
You can't strain much further into cliched territory than 'The Seven Deadly Sins' and in a porn game especially, Lust is an uninspired choice. This road hasn't so much been walked as it has had the dirt from which it's made of compacted into a solid foundation of bedrock. In a setting like this, a story really needs something to set itself apart, and I am sorry to say, there isn't any one thing I can point to as doing that. But there are plenty of small things that add up.
For starters, Lust's characterization. I am a big fan of Lust's arc, at least in the love route, where she's initially annoyed at the lack of sex and progress and eventually ends up respecting the player's different process. One of the most important aspects of lust I think are underexplored in these stories is the different shapes it can take. The very embodiment of lust can't purely be a sex fiend who needs rough sex 24/7, because that simply ignores too big a subset of lust. To represent the entirety of Lust she has to also be interested in loving caresses and slow burns, the build up and release of sexual tension. Hate fucking and love making. And this is a story understands that.
The second thing, which really shouldn't count yet it does a lot of heavy lifting for this game is timing and focus. That a story would have a good sense of timing and be able to estabilish events as being important or not important within that timing should be a given. And yet if you've played htlm games in this website before you know that makes a game a gem. The character arcs overlap in just the correct way to always have something of some importance happening while still doing a good job of separating individual important events to give them the focus once in a while. Not only that, the relationships develop at wildly different pace, giving a feeling of groundness thas is really important to the story.
Thidly, the way the game handles it's archetypes. Most of the main cast is comprised of stereotypes. The affectionate little sister. The cold, distant older sister. The works too hard single mom. The slacker. The nerd. The prude. The bully. Having these many seemingly one dimensional characters required some potent character development and most of them get it. Now, as with all games of this manner, it bears saying, character development by way of mind control is the biggest writting crutch of all times. Need a character to behave in a way the character you've written thus far wouldn't behave? Mind control cum. Works everytime. The systems aren't sufficiently well explained to give the player an idea of what is and isn't possible, just the usual, vague "has to be gradual, person has to trust you, has to be horny" which...yeah, that doesn't tell me much. And yet, I feel credit is still due for almost every character development. Most of the time, they feel very organic
Last and most importantly, the game is passionate. It's difficult to quantify and I certainly can't prove it but it comes through in the text that the writter actually cares about the story they're telling. Anyone with a creative disposition can recognize the signs, and even some fundamental building blocks from which the rest of the story was crafted. And that matters, because it gives the overall story a sense of cohesion that holds everything together even as the individual pieces fail.
In the end, it all comes together to form a charming, fun game, that should really, REALLY consider hiring a proofreader