Sex and Sex Again mod possibility?


New Member
Jul 5, 2019
Hey guys, I'm ScarletPanda. Been lurking here with another account for several years now. Nice to meet you all :)

Btw, do you guys remember a game called "Sex and Sex Again?" by IcarusDragon. It's an abandoned game, but still, it was really good before the creator went AWOL.

Because I'm wondering if maybe I should use some of my free time to do a mod or something like that, for the game. Fix the typo, organize the structure, write a new contents. Stuff like that. Do you guys think people would be interested? I'm not really sure.

So tell me what you think :) Should I do it, or not?
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Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
I played that game, and really liked the v2 version. The one he gave out just before he disappeared. I have long hoped he would return but it does not look like it. If you have the writing chops, then you could always try. I really enjoyed his writing. If you reproduce that type of writing then you can always try.


New Member
Jul 5, 2019
I probably gonna do the version without the stat and the life simulation stuff. Too much coding and I'm really awful at that.

I think that was also the reason why he abandoned the game. It got too ambitious and complicated. Unless he managed to get the long lost freecites dev to help him so he could focus on the writing , the game was never gonna happen.

My plan is less complex than that. I'm just gonna add more story, more depth, organize it, and maybe... just maybe. Add some closure to the game. Hopefully while staying true to the spirit of the original game.


Active Member
Mar 4, 2017
Maybe it did get to big for him, who knows. But I still find myself playing that game..hehe. What I really enjoyed about that game was that it imo how good he explained feelings, emotions and development.

And topping that off good sex scenes with multiple layers, choices during it and the randomness depending on the stats.

It's one of my favorite NSFW games despite it's abandonment and short playtime. If you want to revive it do it. I would keep an eye on it.

You will write it in Twine as well?


New Member
Jul 5, 2019
Yeah, I'm gonna do it in Twine. Hopefully, I could at least make an alpha/test/barebones version before the end of this week. Just to see what it looks like.