One of the best - if not the best incest RPGMs I've played when it comes to satisying the mother-son relationship taboo.
The gameplay involves ranking up as an adventurer, and the good news is that the grind doesn't take long. It's actually relatively brief as far as RPGs go. There's also not a lot of combat - again, relatively speaking - involved in this one. Combat is simple and has its challenges, but it's really just a stat challenge. You know, "don't challenge things way above the recommended level".
The focus of the gameplay is more around developing your sexual relationship with your mother. First it's just nabbing her panties, then after a while you've been lewding her, she offers handjobs and blowjobs, then protected sex. There's a bit of a grind to get her to agree to raw, unprotected sex, and while the process isn't the most fleshed out, I did appreciate the build-up. The MC's relationship with his mother is actually really wholesome, setting aside the logically messed up nature of it for a second, because all H-scenes are between him and his mother; he doesn't have sexual relationships with anyone else, and beyond being horny he does seem to want to do right by her and support her. The father is deceased by the events of the game, so he's stepping up as the man of the house.
In terms of kinks that I personally found great in this title, there are lactation and breastfeeding, plus actual pregnancy. Yes, actually impregnating your mother is a goal to get one ending. The game ends when she gives birth to your... child slash sibling? But until then there are H-scenes where she's visibly pregnant and the MC is clearly turned on by the fact. So if you're into pregnancy stuff, this may be right up your alley. And of course, the whole game is incest, so if you're into that, rejoice: the whole game is about wincest.
In terms of what I didn't like: it seems like you can hard lock yourself out of an ending if you progress certain goals too quickly. I actually had to start a new game because I paid off certain investments before I could complete other conditions to set me on the True Ending.
Also, the game uses MTL and doesn't have an official English translation as of yet, but unless you don't know any English, you'll get the gist of the text displayed without any problems.
CGs boast 70+ in quantity, but really, a number of those are just variations of the same art, with the mother dressed differently or her belly altered depending on how far along you are in the progression of the relationship. If I had to cut out the copies, CG count would be around 40-50 by estimation instead of 75.
It's a nice, fairly short game to get off to if you're into incest. The mother is designed decently and I enjoyed the build up to the MC and his mother being lovers, then a married couple, then having a child with each other. I was a bit disappointed that the game doesn't carry on after the childbirth - would have loved to see an After Story where the MC and his mother raise their child but for what the game offers, it's decent. Good, even. If it was a bit longer, and had more CGs that weren't just variations of the same thing, I'd give the game five stars.
One of the RPGMs I will surely remember next to the likes of Karryn's Prison, Kozue's Strange Journey, and SolRui. If not in my top 5 of the format, definitely in my top 10.