Unreal Engine - Sex, Please [Teaser v0.05] [Evil Boobs Cult]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    What in the hell did I just play?

    After downloading "Sex, please" I must say I was somewhat surprised - not only are the graphics rather pleasing but, the animation quality is superb. It's not Triple A - but it's not far off. I'll say that at least.

    While the screenshots provided in the thread make the game seem weird, or odd - it's even more odd when you're playing.

    Obscure, weird and wonderful all at the same time - and it's something unique. That's for sure. This game has all the markers of something that could be really, really amazing - and while I understand the developer is going for a "weird yet sexual" aspect, with the hellish elements thrown in - I can't help but feel some "holes" displayed in the game, such as the mouth of the sex doll - just looks awfully horrifying to say the least.

    Overall however, it's worth a play through - even in the current stage. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes. I'll be watching this one closely.

    Very. Closely.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    self-taught, self-made, self-impeachable, and self-proclaimed art critic
    This review concerns the version 0.05 of the game Sex, Please and is based solely on my own tastes and interests :
    admittedly a bit deviant
    First and foremost, I'm surprised to be the first to write a review of this 4th game, to my knowledge, from Evil Boobs Cult.
    although it's not a bad thing, given the quality of the reviews of his previous games
    By sharing such a brilliant introduction with us in this new version, the author reveals a protagonist as disturbed as he is disturbing.
    just like you who read these lines, sick pervert
    In fact, he draws out rarely-developed emotions from the player.
    From voyeur, we become actors, as if we were the ones possessing and mistreating that poor Damon.
    even if the name Damien or Demian might have suited him better but I'm no longer objective and no longer respect Rule1

    With the introduction out of the way, we take over the character's directional controls, to which we add the actions carried by the E, R and J keyboard keys, which are more than enough.
    simple and effective, test these keys
    We discover the environment as Damon seems to be discovering it, with no explanation, no goal, no objective... Total immersion !
    do whatever you want or don't
    Everything you need to know is there, even the useless.
    fucking genius idea
    Of course, this game is not for everyone, and will put off many of you.
    so don't put up a review saying this game made you puke, we don't care, some will even be glad to know it
    This is Horror-Porn at its best.
    yes and its worst too
    But for fans of the genre, those with an open mind who don't mind being titillated where they're not accustomed to, this game is a doorway to... well, to each his or her own definition.
    keep it to yourself, I don't want to know

    Let's talk about the form now :
    we can also talk about my dick
    This game is beautiful !
    just like my dick
    The ambience is perfectly mastered, whether in terms of music, voices or sound effects.
    just like my dick
    Sex,Please has its own universe that gradually draws you in without ever ejecting you until you decide to leave the game.
    just like my dick

    To sum up, I'd just like to say that this gaming experience has been brilliant for me.
    I really hope to see Sex, Please slowly evolve ever deeper into the abyss that is madness.

    In my opinion, this game deserves to gain notoriety and find its audience.
    and may its detractors go... to hell

    Good luck Dev with this game, which I'm definitely a fan of !
    I love you, thank you for sharing your work
    I hate you, too jealous of your fucking talent