Unity - Completed - Sex Rhythm: Onsen [v1.01] [NekumaSoft]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Peter Denger

    This will be quick.
    Nice try and nice premice, but saddly it doesn't work.
    Without mentioning the bugs:
    - the graphics aren't quite great (some scenes look like impalement more than sex), though I can forgive that
    - the rythm is off. Quite often. The notes you need to play rarely match the music, apart from a few good moments (first cowgirl song if memory serves me right). For a rythm game this is problematic.
    - getting the notes right isn't really important... you only need to keep your life high enough to end the level. Though it compensates for some of the bugs.
    - the farming is strong with this one
    - moving the camera is impossible. Of course you can't do it while playing the notes, but in the beginning you only have a few seconds to set it right.
    - free mode is a scam

    Don't lose your time with this.