Ren'Py - Sexbot II: Recalibrated [v2.02] [LlamaMann Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    LaamaMan is one of the best to do it. The first game is fantastic, and this one has more animations, more characters, and more scenes. Do yourself a favor and try this game out, no matter what type of content you are in to. I can't wait for future updates!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    What a disappointment. Sexbot 1 was one of my all time favorites. I was a patreon for well over a year and just when i thought we were finally getting good and would get more sex scenes it ends and we get Recalibrated.

    Now we're back to cockblocking, hand jobs, the occasional blow job and one vaginal scene. Starting over from basically nothing sucks.

    The first game had so many great scenes that could have evolved, the hot tub scenes, the country bar scene, the waking up after Emily and Mei come back from the club.... so disappointing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this guy has the most creative and hot titfucks/paizuris, same goes for sexbot I. if anyone is obsessed with titfucks like i am i suggest you check this guy out. also if anyones interested in a paizuri dc server dm me
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    FOR BOTH PART 1 - 2 (V2.00)


    favorite characters starting with the best :
    ( Samantha - Ms Jessica - Lexxx - Emily - Mai ( both looks ) - Meiko - Ashley - Daphne - Steph )

    dislike characters :
    1- Alexa [ she's too skinny & literally has a lady-boy's body type , i just wish she was having the amazonian body as a default instead .. plus , her face is just a copy of Emily's face ]

    2- Bailey ( she is a bit OK , but still too skinny & she has a weird body design )

    3- The Mysterious Lady , i have no idea why is she even in the game , she is totally useless


    Flaws :
    1- unfuckable characters ( at least until now , no idea what will happened in future updates ) Mai - Meiko - Mysterious Woman .. Etc

    2- im not a fan of that silly ( crossed eyes _ tongues out ) face every single time when the girls are fucked , its too childish & its not matching their ages , come on now they are human beings not emojis , quit mimicking Animes , you are not a Japanese developer , i would let it pass if it happens once or twice with one or two of the little girls , but every time & every one ? its a bit annoying , for god sake Emily is 40+ imagine how dumb she looks when she does that .. what do you think the players are , 12 years old kids ?

    3- a lot of
    NTR contents , and some times you will miss important scenes if you not go through those NTR choices

    4- all the girls are lesbians . ok first of all , you don't have to make all the girls are in to girls in order to make some threesome scenes .. you can easily create MFF with 2 straight girls to please the
    MC , without the need to make them kissing & licking each other , its not like all the girls now all of a sudden are ready to give a head to other girls , why should i waste my time chasing a bunch of lesbians all the time if they are already into each other instead of my character ! if she is lusting over other girls that means the MC is just another option to her nothing special about him , BRO 1 or 2 lesbians are pretty much enough .. the HECK !!

    5- the walk-through & controls are a bit awkward .. sometimes its just doesn't roll back .. and some girls are hidden on the left behind the screen , with no sign what so ever , or any thing to tell ,, i got stuck full day not knowing where else to go , until i got lucky by scrolling & finding out there are more girls to choose that were off screen , and some of Halloween event girls were even hard to reach with the mouse , because a small part of her body was barely visible to click on it

    that's all , so , with all these flaws , is it still a good & playable game ?
    YESS IT IS , because it has a lot of potential , positives & unique experience , with entertaining story .

    in Conclusion :

    STORY : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEXY GIRLS ::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SIDE CHARACTERS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    GRAPHICS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEX CONTENT : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    SEX SCENES : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    TYPOS : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    MUSIC : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    CONTROL : :HideThePain::HideThePain:

    GLITCHES : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:

    DIFFECULTY : :HideThePain::HideThePain::HideThePain:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever i love playign it the models are really really good looking. the story is fun but it doens't get in the way of the main purpose of this type of game. i like the asian milf and ashley the best. its well executed and there are cheats/galleries exploits if you just want to get to the scenes.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for the version 2.00.
    It looks promising, though the cockblocking for the two blondies (Daphne and especially Ashley) should stop. We already have seen enough of it for the first game (despite that, the 2 girls are able to enter or come in the building ?? That makes no sense at all).
    I would like to see more development with existing characters, rather than adding too many new ones that will (obviously) diminish the experience. For example in Lust Theory, I think there are way too many girls which takes too much time for the dev to advance all stories (and make each character arc a bit too short). Just my 2 cents.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Animation: Stellar
    Scripting: Stellar
    Story: Stellar

    A triple S game from a triple S developer. Sexbot 1 was an amazing game and I am excited to see where this one goes too. Plenty of characters to indulge, new and old. A story that is actually intriguing. Plus a wide variety of ways to play. Can't wait for new updates. Right now there isn't much there but I look forward to what comes next.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the first game - probably my favorite ever on this forum.

    Also really love where the 2nd one is going. At first I was a little worried that this may turn out to be a "too much stuff that makes the game complicated" type of situation. However I think spending the first couple of iterations working on the foundation is important, and so far I like what I see. Also a decent amount of content for an early version of the game.

    Things I like so far: 1) being able to select different clothing options/ idles / background for the phone, 2) easily being able to see how many scenes I have left with a girl, and 3) variety of characters and personalities.

    Things I'm not a huge fan of and hope to see less of: the two new male characters. There's enough male characters (and premise with Melvin being a potential villain type character), to just build off of that.

    Hoping to see more BDSM stuff!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a review for v2.00.

    Good setup for the rest of the game. Characters are reintroduced, while at the same time showing that this loop is not a complete reset and the Mc's character developement from the first game is retained. Also introduces a couple of new characters who might affect things. The designs of the girls were something i really liked about the first game, so i'm glad to see it's continuing in that direction with the new bot character.

    Even though it's early in the process, i really like what i've seen so far and hope that LlamaMann continues to deliver.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    + Female character models are still hot, even tho feel a bit worse than in the first game, especially Bailey's face looks different, and worse than the first game.
    + Sex scenes have animations and aside from being low quality, and having some bugs/issues they are decent.

    - This is the sequel of Sexbot, I have a review for that one as well, so let's skip how messy Sexbot, Sexbot story was, the problem is this one is being based on a messy, and nonsense AF ending of Sexbot, and continuing with same messy, and poor writing. It starts a couple of months after Sexbot skips a couple of months of time MC spends in university, and the story acts as if nothing happened in that time with the girls, etc, or he didn't see Alexa at all and sees their first time this day, meanwhile, it makes no sense, then throws you into building scenes from nearly zero with same girls again, and from how things going on this game will have weekly loop thing with homecoming dance gonna happen in 7 days. The only difference is this time Alexa has no calibration events, since she already is we have calibration events with Lexxx, and since MC doesn't have his memories, and even if he remembers they keep getting deleted after it, it's like he is experiencing things from zero, and that's really boring.
    - It didn't explain yet we will have the week loop thing again, instead, we had a day 1 loop, but the premise looks exactly the same as the latest dance loop thing, with this time Homecoming Dance, so probably we will have messy, and annoying loop thing again... At this point, this game will never end and the DEV will loop this thing over and over again for forever... (Cash Sounds)
    - It's good to see Jessica as a professor at the university, but seriously wasn't she a high school teacher? How is that supposed to make any sense?
    - So... Steve got a robot called Xel as well, and he knows nothing about, it and didn't order anything... Yeah, another thing doesn't make any sense and is not explained.
    - The existence of Dwayne and his character is enough to count as a con, but he is not the only one, we have Thad as well, seriously can't this game be less cliche? I'm gonna say unironically ''This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!''
    - Weird scenes between Sam & Lexxx are enough to count as a con...
    - MC should have to get more Bravery Zeta points, and changes with this game, considering how Zetas work, considering the shit he went through in the latest game he has only 1 bravery Zeta, and still being the nearly same nerdy shy guy is beyond nonsense.
    - Ashley & MC's first scene had a part where she asked him to fuck her, but the scene cockblocked by MC's ''landlady'' seriously? Either don't add that line or not cockblock the dude, this is not the first time, this is the second game for god's sake... And not to forget most sex scenes the game has at this point were just light stuff like: handjob, blowjob, and MC jerking off a girl, only real sex scene we had was the one with Sam, it was short, but least it wasn't just MC jerking off, etc, even tho we already saw nearly same-sex scenes with nearly every girl in this game, DEV should have focused on Lexxx or Mai since they were the ones with less or zero scenes from the first game instead of adding content with the girls/women MC had sex, etc.
    - Your choices didn't matter in the first game aside from controlling Zeta Affinities slightly, and still don't matter, girls/women have their Zeta Affinities leveled up, but they have no connection with your actions in the first game, and you have no option to import your saves from the first game either.
    - Nearly nothing is avoidable again, honestly at this point you wait for writers to learn something, but girls like Daphne, and her annoying content, etc, are still unavoidable, and what's worse is it seems writers have the plan to add MCs ''Landlady'' to her nonsense ''onlysims'' content players have no choice over it, and that's just like the cherry on top.
    - Considering this is the second game it's unacceptable this game didn't improve visually and still looks rough & low quality, seriously why still most renders still look almost pixelated even on 1080p monitors? Heck, it might be even worse than the first game...
    - The new fully white menu & menu outline look too basic, like literally zero effort spent.
    - Photos sent by girls via messages can't be viewed fullscreen without HUD/UI/Menus.
    - Opening the phone, looking at messages, photos, etc, feels like someone rather than MC doing it even to messages, etc, sent to him, since nothing happens at that moment and MC just carries on things he does from the background, maybe phone screen can have MC looking phone screen kind of render so it would look better, it's weird DEV didn't think about this one...
    - Dialogues have some problems, like Daphne calling Emily ''Ms. MC''
    - There are some animation bugs like the one in the Bailey blowjob scene her breast area having that wobbly weird thing.

    As a sequel this game feels even worse than the first one, which is something really hard, soo... Good job I guess...
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    As a fan of the first Sexbot game, I approached the sequel with high hopes, given the good gameplay and sharp execution of its predecessor. While Sextbot 2 retains some of the charm and engaging mechanics of the first installment, it feels like a step back in a few key areas, making it enjoyable but not as memorable as the original.

    What Works Well
    The core gameplay loop of Nextbot 2 is still solid and provides plenty of fun moments. The game successfully builds upon the suspenseful, unpredictable encounters that made the original so gripping.

    Additionally, the overall pacing is good. For fans of the first game, it’s satisfying to see elements of the story carried over and expanded, even if the execution isn’t flawless.

    Where It Falls Short
    Unfortunately, Sextbot 2 struggles to meet the high bar set by the first game in several areas:

    1. Graphics: Compared to the polished visuals of the first game, the graphics in Sextbot 2 feel underwhelming. There’s a noticeable lack of detail and refinement, which detracts from the atmosphere. The world doesn’t feel as immersive or alive as it did in the first installment.
    2. Dialogue and Writing: The dialogue is another weak point. Conversations often come across as mediocre and lack the sharpness.
    3. General Polish: While still enjoyable, Sextbot 2 feels like it needed a bit more time in development to refine its features and ensure consistency in quality.
    Final Thoughts
    While Sextbot 2 is a good game in its own right, it doesn’t quite capture the magic of the first . For returning players, it may feel like a mixed bag—fun to play, but less impactful than its predecessor. For newcomers, however, it still offers a decent experience.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I should preface this by saying I loved the first game, binged it in like 2 days. 5/5. If you haven't played the first game, you should probably stop reading because there are plenty of spoilers below.

    I'm posting this review here as a way to provide constructive feedback. It's unwarranted advice, I know. So here goes nothing.

    I think this sequel lacks focus. It doesn't bring a lot of new things to the franchise, and what little is new is not really valuable. The phone gimmick is clunky. UI improvements like hovering to see the time or fewer choices when in front of the computer by use of a few clickable areas rather than a stack of choices are "nice to haves" but don't make a great game.

    Aside from the new things, this sequel is also different from the first title but in several bad ways. First, there's a lot of exposition text that feels like a chore to read early on. The first game set up the plot brilliantly and this one pales in comparison. For example, when you take your first call from Melvin in the first game, you have no idea he will be the antagonist. You get introduced to the bots then and it's only later on that you find out his nefarious motives. If I recall correctly, you're not introduced to the "hot squad" as an ensemble cast in that game. Some of the chicks like Daphne and Steph are just there in the background of the prom scenes, and it takes a while for you to know who they are. You have to work for it and peel the layers of the time loop onion until you get the reward of interacting with them. Similarly for Miss Jessica. Mai only shows up way, way later in a totally unexpected way that adds meaningful suspense and WTF-ness

    Conversely, in this game, you get long info dumps, every character strolling into your life in a matter of minutes and "here's my number" from so many characters so early... because it's so easy to get to know them, it doesn't feel rewarding at all. It actually feels taxing to have so many contact numbers. You now have me worried about needing to keep track of my phone, which I don't really want to do.

    As we get towards the end of the demo, we're presented with what will be the future choices for how to spend your day. Again, there are 4 choices immediately available, many of which with multiple LI routes. That's neither rewarding nor easy to choose from, which actually translates to being a negative experience for players.

    I think the best story-driven games (AVNs or not) strike that perfect balance where the player is given some illusion of full freedom while in reality they are pretty much on rails as the storyteller moves the plot forward. Full-on sandboxes can be very frustrating. IMHO, they are only interesting when the dev fucking nails the world building with countless details so that the exploration is rewarding, but that seems like too ambitious a scope for an AVN. And even these games, this can still be very taxing. You basically need a full day off, lights out, take-out food and drinks and your phone on DND to really get into it. Again, out of scope for an AVN.

    Very often when we build something we fall in love with the thing we are creating rather than falling love with our customers. In this case, customers are the degenerate zoners and patrineons. To the dev, I suggest reconsidering whether the things they think are interesting are truly valuable to users.

    What made the first game great was not great UI or technology, but an interesting plot, fantastic humor, quick action without info dumps and the ability to develop relationships with a diverse cast of LIs and side frenemies over across time. This tech demo basically has none of the above and doesn't suggest it's really going to be there in a meaningful way, or in some way that is more rewarding than just replaying the first. Maybe it's coming down the road, but at a minimum, I expected the demo to get to first tension moment of the plot, similar to when we learn Melvin is a bastard in the first game.

    Last but not least, there's no meaningful improvement in the renders. It's been years since the first game and while I think I'm actually one of the players who can enjoy the russian-plastic-bimbo look of some of the LIs, that level of quality is meaningfully below what I would consider "meeting the bar" of today's titles. And I'm no dev, but I feel like the lighting overall is very flat here too.

    Anyway, I'm rambling a bit but hopefully that's helpful to the dev. Congrats on building a great game and on artfully setting up a sequel with its ending. I actually liked that a lot and I sincerely hope this game dunks the alley-oop (at which point I will happily change this to a glowing 5-star review!)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Sexbot is my favorite game on this site. I also sub to Llama on a site that shall not be named.

    It really breaks my heart to write this but this new game feels like a big step down from the original.

    The renders looks like they were made on an old potato card instead of the crisp pictures at the end of the last game.

    The dialogue feels rushed and it completely disregards the last game beyond a few mentions here and there. You are introduced to the matron figure and she immediately invites you to her room for some naughty times.

    It doesn't feel like a continuation of the last game at all. It feels like a Disney reboot.

    Llama, bro, where is your awesome humor? Where is your build up? Where are the clean pictures? I'm a huge fan, so don't take what I'm writing personal.

    I really appreciate the new systems you are trying to integrate, but please don't sacrifice the visuals and story telling!

    4 stars only because I love the last game so much. If you didn't play the last game, go play it and let this one cook for a while before trying it out.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excited to see where this new season/chapter will take us! I trust the dev to make this an incredible game, I was a huge fan of the first one. The updated UI seems like a nice upgrade over the old version, and I know its not super original, but I'm happy to see this game have a phone function that is used for the gallery as well as brief conversations with characters.
    I will add that I'm not a huge fan of the AI posters in the characters room. There is so much better art out there that could be used instead of AI stuff.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll keep this short since at the moment, it's just the beginning of a new phase. For a first update of the game tho, it's pretty incredible and shows a lot of promise!

    As a follow up to phase one, it has welcomed improvements in nearly every area. The renders, animations, scene pacing, shot selection, UI, in game hint, soundtrack, sound effects, dialogue and just simple stuff such as setting the tone has been improved leaps and bounds.

    One of my favorite parts of this update was the character introductions, they all did a very compelling job at getting me invested and wanting to see more of said character(whether they were old faces or new ones). The latest method of panning shots is sick as well, love the animations for it!

    Overall as a update setting up the foundation for what's to come, it was great and has me very excited! I'd definitely recommend it, especially if you've already played through the first one