so after playing this, its just a guess the word "game"! if the word hint leads you to a certain word and it doesnt work you might try using different instances of the word! for example one of the words gives a hint like "the state a woman is in when she is having a child" (or something like that) and if you use pregnant it comes up as wrong, but the actual word is "pregnancy"!
if this game continues further into becoming a real game and not just a guess the word mini game thing, the dev might try to actually make scenes to go with each found word instead of just having the AI voice tell me her thoughts about it! again an example would be "sex", you type in the word and the AI says something about being horny and always ready to have sex with the player but doesnt do anything!
i think i cleared like 3-4 pages of words and couldnt find any animated scenes except for one and im not even sure which one it was! couldnt find the words that corresponded to the images in the sample images except for the "evil" one that turns her into the devil (which isnt even that great of a costume imo)!
i know its a demo, but giving a demo of a mini game that seems like its already complete but just has 5 of 9 pages of content locked behind a paywall is bad my guy! i dig your art, but your monetization practices are gonna scare people off!