"Masterpiece" is a term tossed around with reckless abandon, but in the case of this visual novel, it is not only deserved but a gross understatement. The visuals alone demand reverence—each frame is a painstakingly crafted symphony of color and shadow, a study in subtlety and grandeur, as though the artists were channeling the brushstrokes of the gods themselves. The textures? Divine. The lighting? It is as if the very concept of light and shadow was reborn in this game, forging a new visual language that no one before could even dream of. You don’t see the game; you experience it, with every pixel reverberating deep within your soul.
And then there's the plot—a labyrinthine narrative so profound that it defies understanding, yet simultaneously invites endless interpretation. The layers of meaning, concealed beneath a veneer of seemingly mundane dialogue, only reveal themselves after hours of intense reflection and analysis. It’s a meditation on the human condition, touching on themes of isolation, existential dread, and the crushing weight of choice, all while providing just the right amount of absurdity to remind you that life, much like this visual novel, is nothing if not beautifully absurd. You won't just play this; you will become it. 5/5, naturally.