RPGM - Ren'Py - Shadows of Desire [v0.4c T2] [Shamantr]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    EDIT 2: It's really just the cheating path that gets good. Cuck path has a couple of genuinely great visual scenes in chapter 5 but plausibility is hot trash. lol. Blackmail path is also very uneven & less hot than the other two. At its best parts: Hotter than any individual scene by EvaKiss. As a whole: Wildly uneven and can definitely use some trimming & focus for quality. Dev definitely has some very strong talents and skills though, seen in bursts of great quality in-between much poorer stretches. If he can add more focus to his game/story design & improve on his weak-points I can see his next game being pure dynamite. Or alternately a retcon at the end of development on this game with his newly developing skills to fix visual sore-points, condense focus and sharpen the story for plausibility. (This is his first game).

    Edit: PREVIOUSLY TWO STARS: Gave this another shot for the Chapter 5 Renpy release. Marked improvement brings it from 2 stars to 3.5. If earlier chapters get a BIG writing rework when converted to Renpy & the male (especially black) faces are improved to not look ridiculous, this could become a 5-star (for a porn game) title.

    Faces of the black male characters in the latest chapter are still cringeworthy at parts, with the white-guy-painted-brown effect from certain angles & lighting, namely in the hair texture/color, eyes, cheeks & brow ridge, which is a huge pet peeve for me. Though still a marked improvement from early chapters. Another character also has a huge body & tiny-ass head. Plus white male MC is still weird looking. Yet the female characters for the most part are designed well. Writing in early chapters also still awful & will hopefully be cleaned up when those get converted to Renpy.

    REASON FOR EDIT: Despite the above, everything from the writing to the graphics are a marked improvement, if still not perfect. The female characters - especially the main LR - are of super-hot design and Renpy is a much more palatable format. I'm truly hoping the dev focuses on the male characters' heads, faces and hair because it's still just such a huge sore spot in a game that's really stepped it up in all other ways.
    Honestly, the final sex scene of Chapter 5 is about the hottest I've seen in one of these games which is another huge reason for this edit. The skill & talent is there & the dev has put a lot of effort in to improve. both writing and graphics (or maybe got some help). It's still just very uneven at times. Hoping more support will help the dev work out the flaws in the game.
    ______________________________________________ Original Impression from RPGM
    Very poor writing: Dialogue, motivations & interactions are completely implausible. It's as if written by someone who has never had a relationship or even regular day-to-day interactions with other human beings. There isn't even the thinnest iota of writing ability here.

    Poor format: RPGM makes absolutely no sense for this sort of game. User going from point A to point B adds nothing but time-waste here. There are no relevant functions where RPGM would be apt. No battling or equipment/item management. This would be better in RenPy.

    Very poor graphics/design: On top of the grossness that is MC's hair, a variety of characters are weird or unnatural looking. Facial expressions are ridiculous as well. Pet peeve that's the absolute worst: Dev just picked a Caucasian Das3d model & painted him brown, putting an afro on him. It looks just as described. Why, when you can get free models with African facial features on F95Zone? This just makes me thing it was due to sheer laziness & no care for quality whatsoever. The model looks ridiculous.

    Even if you like the fetishes/scenarios this game aims for, it's a waste of time. Unless you have absolutely no standards for quality whatsoever & your capacity for suspension of disbelief is retard-strength.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really interesting because it allows you to play the cuckold and the bull. Graphically it's not the most beautiful game but the author knows where he wants to go and makes players want to see the transformation of Cami and Fred.
    I think that in terms of humiliation he can go even further. Afterwards what would be good is to give the player the choice of transforming Fred either into a loser or into a big alpha male after having ingested a pill
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I would really like to rate it higher as i do like the idea of the game aswell as the designes of the female characters and the overall story.
    However what i don't like is this generic stupid MC with little dick, the concept of girls who turn into rad sluts just by seeing a bigger dick and unfortunately the poor game mechanics of this game.
    I like RPG games, but this one better be a renpy game because the running and minigames just aren't fun.
    I don't see the point in making this a RPG Maker game, cause there are no elements ingame that would justify this decision.
    On top of that, the animations aren't particularly good (to me). Really (!!) hoping for some major improvements and i will gladly come back to this game if they are made.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game possesses a rare potential seldom found elsewhere. Granted, one must truly appreciate this genre or be willing to embrace the fact that Black men predominantly take the spotlight, and that the protagonist's girlfriend and surroundings inevitably succumb to corruption. This game may not be suitable for those unwilling to accept these aspects.

    What makes this game exceptional is its captivating storyline that never grows dull, coupled with a gradual escalation of character sexualization. Some characters are already corrupted, offering a glimpse of what awaits the Female Main Character (Cami) later on. With various routes offering entirely different narratives and scenes, SoD is perfect for those who appreciate a non-rushed experience. Personally, I prefer the Cheating Path, and towards the end of the 0.3b update, I genuinely felt my heart race. It's been a while since I haven't just skipped through to the sex scenes; I was genuinely engaged and eagerly followed the game's development. And with each update, it only gets better.

    For those seeking an emotionally challenging story and for those who appreciate beautifully crafted renders, this game has something to offer. I highly recommend trying out the public version at least once before delving into the official and high-quality Patreon versions..
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple the best game I've played since years

    Just try it except if you really hate ntr

    Characters are well designed (Jason the mad and the GF are awesome) story is a bit crazy but in a funny way, dialogs are great, animation are not perfect but enjoyable, and there is a lot of little details (like sound, face expressions, decors) that make the difference and feel like the dev is putting a lot of effort on it.

    The only thing that I would like is to have a better help to understand exactly which path I'm taking. Cant wait for the next updates!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    spent HOURS playing this on the cuckold route and I must say the Dev focused way too much on the story rather than the sex scenes. Seriously, at this point, the game might aswell be a SFW game by ripping out the badly made sex scenes and just focus on telling the story completely
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Paywalled some content, time to forget this game exists two stars because thers some hot content but dev is makeing two versions public an patreon meanwhile black box still doesnt work walkthrough is garbage as is in game guide 3 compleatly differint routes good fucking luck with that.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The advantage of the game is the variability. You can choose three paths, each with its own storyline and events. But you should not expect any seriousness and thoughtfulness from you. Personally, I'm not a fan of the BBC, but I liked the visualization of the characters. The scenes look good, and after a small "remake", the smoothness and quality of the animation have improved. The gameplay is not complicated, go there, go here, and the stage is yours. I will also consider small mini-games for Fred as a plus. But since this is an RPGM, there may be some bugs and broken scripts, but all this is promptly fixed. The potential of the game is great, Shaman commands my respect.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, everything is good, the story, the graphics everything. No more games like that! The cheating side is so good, more development on that side. The rpg side is meh, it's long and difficult to explore everything but the characters make up for it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the best NTR games out there.
    Story & Plot - Well thought of and written
    Renders - Great
    Sound - Great and thrilling
    Content - good amount every update

    With the white girl and black guy, this added another level of spice in the NTR category.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    i have to leave a review for how overall disappointing this is, so far just a giant build up to be let down in the end, no actual ending scene, very weird pointless animated scenes, full character shots instead of heads and body would be way better, the writing is obviously been translated using google and should have be double checked with how nonsense it gets at times, there is too much pointless running around for just a tiny bit of content, i would suggest focusing on one route at a time instead of having 3 that have hardly any decent content. don't listen to the 5 star reviews unless you just like the idea of being a bbc cuck that is the only draw here.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    great game overall, the best part is Camilla's model, she looks SO hot, the hair and her looks are definetly the highlight (her ass too of course), my only complains are the stereotypical speech between the black ppl in the game (it got better as the game advances except jason's friend) the corruption is a nice burn pace, nothing outrageus but also not really realistic (its an hentai game, no need for that because if it goes too hard it goes to the boring side) great blacked themes, lot of games try but fail spetacularly at the execution, looking foward for the next updates
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    probably the first great BNWO game ever made, which is crazy considering how many there are. Maybe it doesn't deserve the 5 because it's RPGM, but I'm extremely biased. If you are okay with stepping out of vanilla NTR (yes that's a real sentence) And getting into some messed up shit, this is a masterpiece. Renders might not be for everyone taste, but they are pretty much perfect for me as well. I was going to spew on some shit about how I like the camera work and tension building in the scenes, but felt instant disgust at myself for even typing in the words (it's true though don't @ me)

    edit: it's not RPGM anymore, mankind has truly peaked
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this game is in the top 3 of Ntr games out right now. Every character has a unique trait that makes them believable to the story being told. It also contains Ntr in the form of phone calls, text messages, face time and there's even an app where you can see the corruption going on.

    The male protagonist although weak and a simp in some routes the player has the option to fight back against the antagonists which is very interesting if you like that. Or you can just pick the best routes to really destroy his life and lose everything and everyone around him.

    The antagonists are borderline psychopaths who have no problems going to the extremes to get what they want. Evil but charismatic to say the least.

    The female protagonist together with all the other females in the game are amazingly and beautifully well done and in some cases other females can take the limelight out of the main girl.

    Now to the developer Shamandev, although it's his 1st ever game it's really amazing how he keeps in touch with his supporters either over Patreon or Discord he will interact with them on the daily, Sneak peeks, polls and votes are pretty much done every week without a fail. Updates are usually 1 month apart. Trust me when i say he is the hardest working Ntr developer right now.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good for being the creator's first game, it's fine, but there are things to improve.
    1 Even when playing with the guide there are scenes that you miss.
    2 the character of the mother seems very unattractive to me, dry skin and there is nothing attractive about her face.
    Be careful, I'm not complaining, just giving an opinion, I think that as the game progresses the creator will improve for the better and I trust.
    I liked the recent update. success to the creator
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Sloppy and disappointing

    The game looks decent at first sight. Good reviews, the pictures capture you into an illusion of a great NTR game with good scenes.

    First issue is the fact it is RPGmaker game, and of course that means lots of walking around and talking to random characters. But why do all developers working in this software have to prolong the suffering by pointless quests, and walking around looking for different npcs on a map? And why do devs making games in this engine have to release unfinished games? Especially when it's not even their creation, with zero interesting mechanics and models made in another engine (like Honey Select). What are you trying to showcase here?

    Definitely not your writing skills this game, that's for sure. It is hilariously bad at some points, decent at others, so below par on average. The english could've been better, but let's not discriminate ESL people (I mean, I'm one of them as well). Anyways, it does get some points for making a good slowburn storytelling, but since it doesn't reach any satisfying moments, you will just be left with the blueballs syndrome. And where did the misinformation that white people handle cold weather worse than black people (a thing that will be mentioned on two different routes)? It's literally not true, whites handle cold temperatures better while blacks handle hot temperatures better, I mean it is logical.

    Gameplay itself is typical RPGmaker stuff: BORING and TEDIOUS. Go fetch my bag, bring a key, blah blah blah. Just make it a VN in Renpy at this point, it's not like you have much else going for you. And then you also have to play Jason, the main pussy thief, which sucks for a NTR game.

    Which brings me to the already mentioned models. They are not handmade, but just "borrowed" from other games/engines like Honey Select. And you can see it (at one point the hot teacher has few shotgun shells strapped around her thigh). Second problem which you will most likely notice is the clash of the so called WHG (western hentai games) and AHG (anime hentai games) styles of models. While the main character Fred looks like a typical WHG character (a bit alien tbh), his GF looks like an anime character (wouldn't call it Honey Select but it's not far from it). Same could be said about his mother (Donna I think was her name). She has a look of a typical WHG milf while other female characters, like the shopkeepers, Ruth, Melissa, etc., look like anime style characters (I'm positive about some of them being from Honey Select).

    Which brings me to the scenes: don't get baited by the colorful frontpage,it doesn't have so much explicit stuff, in some routes you get to see kissing, fondling ,handjobs or blowjobs, you don't get to see actual sex though, which is a pity if you goon for 4 hours only to get to a sudden end, realizing that there's not anymore content. The animations are surprisingly decent, except at some parts they were somewhat fast.

    For improvements, I would suggest less RPGmaker style walking around, focus just on a single route (the cheating one should just get 100% of attention) and character (Camille should take 100% attention, I don't care about a girlfriend of some other guy, mom and sis are nice so they should be the first two in line) simpler ways of making cash ( go to work button that would pass the time and give you money would suffice), more outfits (that wouldn't be so eccentric).
  17. 5.00 star(s)




    First of all, great pacing of NTR, at least for the cheating route. Unlike other NTR games where the characters just turn to mindless whores upon seeing the antagonist's dick, there is HESITATION and RESISTANCE of the characters, which is ever so slowly tested. I like the internal struggle. But it doesn't fail to give something spicy. Some NTR games are just grindy, and more others are too "sudden" in the NTR pacing.

    Second, graphics. I love how the characters are drawn. Cami especially exudes the innocence that she needs to portray. The characters are all drawn beautifully, and their assets stand out, which make you think that the loser MC could go for another instead of Cami, if that is possible.

    The con for this is the engine. RPGM while contributes to the pacing of the story, it makes the animation clunky.

    Other than that, I can't wait for the next updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Plot: 10/10
    Charters: 10/10
    Renders: 10/10
    Animations: 9/10
    For the NTR genre, this game is an absolute masterpiece. The game has a huge potential, there’s nothing to complain about. But it can still be improved by raising the quality of the animations. For example, you can look at the animations in "My Girlfriend's Amnesia"
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    story: 5/5
    artwork: 5/5
    animations: 5/5
    immersion: 5/5

    Don't pay attention to the 1 star reviews, the vast majority of those reviews are from people who hate RPGM and hate NTR.

    If you really like NTR games, then this is the one, it may be that the beginning of the 3 routes is not that good at the cg art level, but starting from version 0.2 the developer reworked the game and both the animations and the images can easily compete with the AAA games that exist today.

    Now speaking of the story, the game is divided into 3 routes, each route with its own story in which the MC's girlfriend is going to be corrupted by the antagonist of the game without the possibility of the MC being able to save her, the three routes are: Blackmail, Cheating and Cuckold. And also, each route has its different branches depending on the option you choose at the beginning of the game. If you don't know how to get them, there's a walkthrough that explains in detail how to get into each route and branch.

    Aside from the MC's girlfriend, there are also a wide number of hot female secondary characters who will have action in the game.

    Now speaking of the sexual scenes, the corruption of the MC's girlfriend will vary depending on the route, in both cuckold and cheating the corruption will be moderate, while in blackmail it will be faster. The animations in these scenes are excellent and the improvement from the rework is widely noticeable.

    Remember that it is a game in development so bugs may be found during the playthroughs, it is also a game that has a lot of dialogue between the scenes, so if you are the type of player who only wants to watch the scenes without enjoying the story, This may not be your type of game.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game, waste of time, characters look weird, the MC's gf is avg looking there are hotter secondary characters in the game, gameplay is buggy there are some elements that make no sense, story is boring really boring, to the point I skipped dialogs most of the time and still took a long time to see some action and on top of that very dissapointing erotic scenes, bad animations etc, you should avoid this game, it's just a waste of time