VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sharing Is Caring [v0.1.0] [Fronte91]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: I only played through Netori and swinging paths as I dislike Netorare.

    This game actually surprised me. While netori usually deals with cucking other guys, the husbands were surprisingly cool with me banging their wives. So much so that I did a separate netori/swinging path so they could have fun too (didn't let them knock up anyone, though). The setting, humor and personalities were oddly endearing and I liked seeing the wife's progress with creating the AI.
    Most of my problems were personal preferences. Specifically, the overuse use of the line, "I plead the fifth", pregnancy scenes being short and the AI getting a male body. Also no gallery so you have to make save files for each scene.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A nicely done NTR VN. If you're asking if that means netorare, netori, or netorase, the answer to all of the above is yes. The choices in this game are very straightforward which is appreciated, each one will say which type of NTR it will lead to. The characters are all enjoyable and it does a good job of representing each NTR you choose while still featuring a loving wife, not a super dark NTR. A good enough little plot to go with things though pretty porn-logicy.

    Just to state more clearly, the whole loop of this game is 2-5 mins of dialogue, choices pop up stating do you want to see Netorare (Wife sleeps with other w/o MC wanting it to happen), Netorase (MC lends wife to other), Netori (Wife watches MC with other), or sometimes Swinging (both MC and wife have sex with others together), rinse and repeat. Almost nukige like in a sense, you're not playing this for anything other than to see those scenes.

    The only con I would say its Koikatsu isn't my favorite style but I still greatly enjoyed the game regardless.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Sharing is Caring V0.1.0

    I really liked this game, but it does come with some small issues that I personally didn't like. Even though I mention a bunch of bad stuff in the Good/Bad points, I did really like the game and wouldn't have minded it if it was longer. For a first game, it was a great effort and I hope that the dev can put everything they learned on this into another game.

    The Good:

    • Most of the characters are great and they feel different from each other.
    • I liked the fact that more swinging scenes were added in later chapters. I'd rather see both people in the relationship have fun then just watch the wife or have the wife watch the husband. I would have liked even more of that.
    • The side story of the AI was interesting.
    • There were a bunch of fun and sexy scenarios for the characters.
    • The english was great and easy to follow.

    The Bad:

    • I dont like Koikatsu Party. Characters created in that just dont look hot or sexy to me.
    • I feel like something went wrong at the end. I'm pretty sure I got close to zero sex scenes in the last two chapter. I had a mix between Netorase and Netori points. This could also be because I had pregnacy content disabled since I dont really like that.
    • Speaking of which, when you turn off pregnacy content, it is a bit jarring that later on in the game, there a still a LOT of converstations about pregnacy. I turned off pregnacy because I dont like that stuff. There should be more alternative conversations or scenes so it stops being part of like half the conversations.
    • The side story with the office and weird aphrodisiac in the drinking water made no sense whatsoever and was barely solved at the end.
    • The six main characters were fine, but it did feel like that was not enough at all. I would have been fun to see more scenes with other one-off couples.
    • It would have been nice if the wifes also had some fun with each other.
    • - I also didn't really like how you have to choose between Netori or Netorase for a lot of scenes. What if I want both characters to have their fun?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The was much more than I expected, including the choices and the different routes. It delivered what it promised, it's already great for me. Not really a fan of this type of genre but was surprisingly interested in this one.
    I hope I can see much more from this creator.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: v0.1.0
    Time Played: Around 3-4 hours
    Gallery Mode: No (No mod either)

    I've been following this one since its early releases and liked what I saw from the get go; the creator clearly had a vision for the game's progression and story from beginning to end and executed on it brilliantly. While the characters aren't incredibly three dimensional from a personality perspective, they all fit their role in the story and behave consistently with their set characterizations and motivations.

    It should be fairly obvious from the title that the game is very opening to sharing and this goes across all LIs so, if that kind of thing isn't your jam, you can grandpa simpson your way out.

    + Fantastic, sexy story with ample sexual content and a simple fun story to keep things moving along
    + Multiple paths from sharing to netori to netorare to netorase that's sure to hit your kink (honestly though, I mainly just stuck to things that get my motor going, so sharing and occasional netorase, but I appreciate that all the options were available and the dev didn't overcommit causing massive delays)
    + Complete!

    = Koikatsu - I don't hate Koikatsu, but the lack of detail (pink stick dick!) really brings the hotness down to me. The situations therefore did the heavy lifting rather than some really hot characters models or animations

    - The game feels like it ends rather abruptly. That said, everything is resolved at the end. Sequel maybe?

    Overall, a fine entry into the annals of sharing and sharing-adjacent games and I'm eager to see what else this developer is capable of. If the themes are in your areas of interest, I strongly recommend you try the game out!

    Note to Devs: Excellent work! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you will cook up next and very much hope it's still in the sharing vein! I hope that you can refine your use of Koikatsu or something else should try a different graphical type!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    To be honest, I enjoyed this game. I am a fan of netori and impregnation, so this was right up my alley. A few of the characters didn't do it for me, but that's totally okay. I played a game of Poké-'em-all and I did. 100% impregnation rate too.

    I didn't try the other two routes as they just aren't my thing.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a great game for us, fans of netorare and stuff like that. i missed maybe a soundtrack but with spotiffy ist not a problem.

    If i say something that dont like is how the FC tells her husband about his adventures, i like went the husband dont know anything about his girl being corrupted
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Frustrating, this game started off God awful, but improved quite a bit. However, now that the game is starting to stretch out longer, the flaws in it that haven't improved are getting more and more glaring, making each update feel like more of a chore to get through.

    -Different routes for different types of NTR. This is an excellent idea as there is a huge difference between a lot of them and different people like different kinds.

    -Once you've gone far enough down one route you're basically locked in, and the game becomes a kinetic novel.
    -The writing is soulless. This feels mean to say, but it's bad. The characters have no depth to them and any dialogue feels bland and meaningless. Most of the characters talk like they're fifteen. I know some people just skip over the dialogue to get to the next sex scene, but this is just painful for me to get through.
    -The netorare route is terrible. Might as well call it the abuse route, because that's all you're getting from it. Everyone treats the MC like garbage, lies to him, and then gaslights him whenever he isn't comfortable with something that they spring on him out of the blue. The wife is especially bad in this route, she is constantly angry at him for daring to have an opinion that doesn't line up 100% with hers, berates him, and refuses to have any sexual contact with him. The whole route feels like the very ending of a hard NTR game where the MC suddenly finds out that his love interest has been unfaithful to him and his world starts crumbling around him. That works as a payoff to a longer story, not as the constant status quo.
    -The council. I cannot take this seriously. Why, why on God's green earth did this game need a shadowy council trying to corrupt everyone? We already had a decent(ish) antagonist with Jack, we didn't need a big conspiracy for the characters to fight against. This part of the story makes very little sense.
    -Holly. I swear to God, almost every NTR game has the "slut friend" who "helps" the main love interest in exploring her newfound sexuality, and almost every single one of these characters are terrible people. Holly really pushes this to the extreme. At first, she's just a relatively nice and supportive friend who is open to a bit of extramarital fun and likes to tease everyone. However, once Jack comes back into the picture, she does a complete 180 and becomes a ruthless bitch whenever any of the main cast are off screen. She actively plots to get the MC's wife and Jack back together by getting Jack to knock her up, just so that the wife will retire and she can take her job. This is made even worse by the fact that Holly is very aware of how poorly Jack used to treat the MC's wife and how he traumatized her back when they were dating. Seriously, what the fuck. This wouldn't make me so angry if the game didn't feel like it wants me to like her for some bizarre reason.

    Game started out terribly, then started improving, but it's been going on long enough to make it pretty clear that the aspects that are still bad will not be improving. Decent idea to let people choose their style of NTR, but weighed down by bad writing and even worse plot decisions.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty good NTR focused game.
    The best point, in my opinion, is the writing. It does the perfect job at creating really hot scenarios for all the sex scenes to take place, and it actually had me anticipating for some of the scenes. However this compliment doesn't really goes for the "non-sex" scenes. If I have to be honest, I don't really care for the stuff happening outside of the sex in the game. In addition, the CGs could look much better, specially when I think the characters' models look really good,but the illumination and camera work on koikatsu don't do it any favors

    Overall, it's a good game, but it has room for improvement. I would say it's worth playing for those who like NTR, but wouldn't put it over other games of the genre
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That 0.0.8 had me really scared the game would be super small but its the opposite! There's plenty of scenes and characters and dialogue and everything! Its a well built out game and definitely has plenty of content to enjoy. If you love NTR/Swinging/Sharing then this is the best game for you!
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    Pretty good game with some good H scenes, the thing that I like the most is the number of scenes for the paths are nearly equally distributed, which is a tough task but Fronte91 is able to do it nicely, props to him for this.
    Game is in the early stages but already has a decent amount of content.
    Even if you don't like sharing or swinging or NTR, you can still play the Stealing (Netori) route and won't miss much of the story.

    Good luck for Future Updates Fronte91, eagerly waiting for them.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it. It is a very simple design that makes it easy to pick the path that you want to see. I also like that the story just jumps right into it, though a little more build up might not be too bad either ;) . The animations did seem to have a little blur effect, though I am not sure if this was accidental or intended. Also the harsh transitions are a bit hard on the eyes.

    I really enjoyed my time with this today, and I will be looking forward to seeing where this goes.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Sharing is Caring is an NTR focused VN following a married couple and their explorations into different flavors of NTR.

    No, the NTR is not avoidable. In Sharing is Caring, you basically choose whether you want netorare, netori, or netorase and then run with it. There is a missable scene halfway through if you try to mix and match, so choose one and stay the course. Replaying is pretty quick with the skip function anyway.

    The upside of the game is the scenes are fairly hot. The character models are pretty average, but there's definitely been thought put in to the circumstances around the porn. While it's basically just porny nonsense, it does that well.

    The downside is it's pretty soulless. The characters have little personality, being little more than their relation to the main character. The story basically just links the sex scenes together, just telling you how it's going to be before you choose what flavor of NTR you want. It's not outright awful, but if you don't like the scenes, there's nothing else here.

    Overall, it's a four edging towards a three. If you're an NTR fan who likes Koikatu models, this game should entertain you for a time. If you're lukewarm on either however, feel free to skip.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea of this game good , and it gives you a lot of freedom.

    But the Dev did his minimum effort with sprites and characters design, i wasn't able to get attached to any girl , they're soulless.

    Another point, NTR is just another normal routine like sleeping and eating, i want to feel NTR as something special and more serious.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Routes are very well defined with each choice showing the route they lead to, the Netorase content is really hot and my favorite by far, although the Netorare first scene (Carlo birthday) is still the hottest so far, too bad it is just a dream.

    Only thing really missing is more corruption content, and would be nice to see mixed route content (mixing Netorase+Netorare could have Lara do something more naughty than the usual Netorase route allows and the protag would still find it hot)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    game is pretty good each route seems fleshed out which I appreciate. usually in games like this they will focus on one theme then try to get fans of the other themes by tacking on a token scene or two which is always a dissapointment. But this game seems to have a netori scene for every netorare scene.

    One thing I appreciate is that so far that the netorase route is actually netorase. What I mean by that is the MC and Lara still have a loving relationship. A lot of times games with netorase its just consenting cuckoldry meaning their relationship is full of humilation, spite and the MC of course has a tiny dick. I hate that which is why I hate netorare but I am actually okay with netorase as long as the relationship is healthy and loving even if I prefer netori. One thing I would like to see on the netorase route is actual swapping cause so far its just the wife doing things with other guys and occasionally sleeping with the MC.

    Game is still in early stages but it looks promising. will be keeping an eye on it give it try if you like any of the fetishes mentioned.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Huge improvement over initial release. Dev seems interested in exploring the different routes with care and while the progression is a little fast and rough around the edges, it does a reasonably good job of setting up an interesting story.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Visually it does not offer anything relevant, in terms of gameplay it is a standard visual novel, in terms of the story it is the typical project that tries to please all players, does this work? NO
    As always happens when trying to please everyone is that no one is liked, the game has "paths", which means divided content so be prepared that in each new update you can only enjoy 1/3 (at most) of the content of that update.

    In the end whoever looks for ntr is not going to play a game where it is avoidable and minimal, on the other hand whoever hates it is not going to play a game that has it even when it is avoidable.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I played this on its first release and my review was scathing. To be fair, it was very different on its first version. I have since tried the game again on v0.0.13 and think it is much better. The dev improved in the areas i complained about and its now a pretty good game if you are into ntrs.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Sharing is Caring [v0.0.4]
    • Well-written
    • Very Informative (Perhaps some one may learn something important and talk less)
    • Well written characters
    • Choices matter
    • Renders are good for Koikatsu
    • PNG images. Could have used JPG. But the size is small, so downloading is no issue.