
Unity - Abandoned - She Will Punish Them [v0.990] [L2 Game Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game Review
    Plot Description: You play as a succubus (because of course it has to be a succubus) battling demons to prevent your kingdom from falling. You defeat hordes of enemies and Archdemons as bosses. You conquer various locations where you can occasionally find enslaved Angels to recruit to your side as support.
    Gameplay Mechanics: A typical Dark Fantasy ARPG. You fight hordes of enemies, clear locations, level up your character, and gather new equipment (from chests or dead enemies) or gold to buy it from merchants. You develop a skill tree and become a true killing machine.
    Graphics: Nice, cohesive dark graphics. The characters are quite detailed, although they can sometimes look plastic. Both the effects and the locations are visually appealing.
    • Fast-paced combat with many fighting techniques: dodge, block, charge, quick or heavy attack, ranged attacks, and magic—everything you could desire.
    • Character editor: you can customize your character as well as the liberated Angels. Everyone will need equipment and everyone will level up.
    • Plenty of mods to diversify the game.
    • Unfortunately, the game is dead, even though it is still for sale. The plot is nominal and full of holes, practically non-existent.
    • Lots of bugs because it's still in "early access."
    • No endgame... because, as I mentioned, the game was never completed.
    Conclusion: It's worth playing if you get it as a free demo. I wouldn't recommend buying it, at least not at full price (I would pay a maximum of $5 during a sale). I really hoped it would be finished... ehhh, I have no luck with early access games.

    Recenzja gry
    Opis fabuły: Jesteś sukubem (oczywiście że musi być sukub), walczysz z demonami o to, by twoje królestwo nie upadło. Pokonujesz hordy przeciwników i Arcy Demony jako bossów. Podbijasz kolejne lokacje, w których możesz czasem znaleźć zniewolone Anioły, aby przeciągnąć je na swoją stronę jako wsparcie.
    Mechanika gry: Typowe Dark Fantasy ARPG. Walczysz z hordami przeciwników, czyścisz lokacje, wbijasz poziomy postaci, zbierasz nowy ekwipunek (ze skrzyń lub martwych przeciwników) lub złoto, by kupić go u handlarzy. Rozwijasz drzewko umiejętności i stajesz się prawdziwą maszyną do zabijania.
    Grafika: Ładna, spójna mroczna grafika. Postaci są dość szczegółowe, chociaż momentami mogą wydawać się plastikowe. Zarówno efekty, jak i lokacje są atrakcyjne wizualnie.
    • Szybka walka z wieloma technikami: unik, blok, szarża, szybki lub ciężki atak, ataki z dystansu i magia – wszystko, czego możesz zapragnąć.
    • Edytor postaci: możesz edytować swoją postać oraz wyzwolone Anioły. Każdy będzie potrzebował ekwipunku i każdy będzie zdobywał poziomy.
    • Sporo modów urozmaica grę.
    • Niestety, gra jest martwa, mimo że nadal jest w sprzedaży. Fabuła jest umowna i dziurawa, praktycznie jej nie ma.
    • Sporo bugów, ponieważ nadal jest w "wczesnym dostępie."
    • Brak endgame'u... bo, jak już wspomniałem, gra nie została ukończona.
    Reasumując: Warto zagrać, jeśli pobierzesz ją jako darmowe demo. Nie polecam kupować, przynajmniej nie za pełną cenę (dałbym maksymalnie 5 dolarów na jakiejś wyprzedaży). Naprawdę liczyłem, że zostanie ukończona... ehhh, nie mam szczęścia do gier z wczesnego dostępu.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'd be hard pressed to say this game is worth playing or installing. It's not a terrible game, but there are so many better things you could be doing unless you need the very specific niche of small unit tactics hack and slash featuring big booba woman, and even then I'd tell you to go play Senran Kagura or something else.
    This game is very unpolished, animations are jittery, movement feels awkward, and the feedback in combat is weak to nonexistent. The combat itself is not particularly satisfying at any point in the game either due to being too punishing, too jank, or too mindless and boring; enemies will walk directly at you if they are melee fighters, or they will shoot at you while standing at their weapon range if they are ranged fighters, meaning their AI is easy to abuse, but also relentless if you have no tools to deal with large numbers of them. There's very little skill involved in fighting, it is pretty much just a numbers game, with little hints of tactics that never develop into much. If you're just here for the combat, you'd probably have a better time elsewhere.
    In addition to the player character you also take a small army and a few other succubi with you into battle, units that you raise between battles. The succubi use the same gear and skills as the player character, so on paper they should be as powerful as you, but the AI is nearly braindead, so you will often have the other succubi standing around or casting abilities into walls after you've invested into making them strong combatants. You also get a small party of generic units that just have a class and level, which you obtain and upgrade by buying them and their upgrades with the money you get from battles. These units are all the same units you fight in combat, so they aren't particularly strong on their own but you get enough to help a bit. You can't really command any of your units to do anything in particular, so for the most part fights are you shredding the majority of the enemy army on your own while your minions go deal with stragglers, and or stand around contemplating what it means to be a skeleton. Not the greatest units. If you're just here for the army combat or for that element of raising up your troops over time, you'd probably have a better time elsewhere.
    The erotic content is also fairly lackluster, but this is tagged with no sexual content so hopefully you weren't here for it. Your character is a big muscular demon lady that you can customize and dress up in a fair variety of clothing, most of which is very revealing of course, and all of this can be done with a few follower NPCs as well. You can also pose the player character and followers on bits of furniture, but for the most part they are just static poses, with a few exceptions. If you're just here for the demon ladies, you'd probably have a better time elsewhere.

    This game is not stated to be done, so take all of this with a few grams of salt, but it does seem to be in a mostly complete state. It has a set of levels you progress through, it has a semblance of an ending, and it has a somewhat fleshed out set of systems for player progression accompanying those levels. Unless the game changes a lot over the course of its continued development, it will not be anything special. I'd like this to be good, as someone who appreciates games like Mount and Blade and Dynasty Warriors, and also big muscular demon ladies, but as it is the game just makes me feel like I should be playing something else regardless of what made me boot it up. It's a foundation that can be worked from, but I don't have high hopes. Install it if you have nothing better to do.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    "I liked this game. But you know why I deducted points. Personally, I enjoyed the game. Before this, I had played Skyrim which is similar, and I had also spent hours on it after installing xxx mods. Frankly, I got the same pleasure from this game as I did from Skyrim. It would be nice if a sex mod is introduced."
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Played the 0.990 version. Rating it two stars because its combat feels like a bland version of a Dark Souls rip-off combat system since you can dodge and attack but it feels very off, especially since the devs took a note from Dark Souls 2 and have a skill where raising it gives you more i-frames. And so far, I've yet to see the succubus get any sort of dicking which is a shame since you play as a semen demon who should at least suck some dick, human or demonic. But beyond that, just meh combat all around where you pretty much just click until your enemies die while dodging an attack that looks weirdly telegraphed.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Spinach Monster

    The models are nice and customisation is great but the core gameplay loop gets repetitive quite quickly. Fun for a while but don't expect it to hold your interest long term
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love the idea. The grill models are nice, as are body physics and customization.
    But the game lacks polish, content and any meaningful story progression.
    Not to mention a complete lack of adult content beyond gratuitous nudity.
    And the core gameplay loop just comes down to - slay a n number of enemies in this location, get your loot and repeat. Gets old fast.
    Nevertheless, picked up a copy on Steam in hopes the dev puts some more effort into it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Yet another game that does not know what to be, all elements of the game must be connected to each other, this is the basis of game design.
    If this is a porn game, please make the gameplay and plot related to 18+ content, not just a grind slasher..
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Its good as long as there is no sexual content. It would be excellent if it had it. Simple as that. Because models and everything else is very good. Plot not so much because I can't see any at the moment. Only fighting. Great character creation. Nice poses. Nice clothes to choose from but no sex.. so what is the point of this game? I really wonder about it if there are no sexual content in game with sukkubs as main characters..
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    -Edit- Version 0.85
    As promised, I have returned to update the review now that the infinite load screen issue is resolved. The score has been updated to a 4/5. Loading times are still arse, however, so I won't go higher than that.

    The old review is below, and all of it save the infinite load issue still applies.

    V0.8 review.

    This one's a mixed bag; on the plus side, the aesthetics are nice, and it's good to see a game that lets you have a lot of customization try the whole action game thing.
    The base decoration is very nice, and the fact your companions strut around and interact with the various objects is great.

    On the mixed side, there are no jewellery options that I found in several hours of play. There is only one glove cosmetic. The body customization is rather pitiful (it's about six sliders total).
    Potential improvement: Add a filter for gloves, add more gloves.

    And finally, on the negative side:
    The first five skillpoints you get should always go to the "Fast Learning" perk so you can keep progressing at a reasonable pace, essentially robbing you of your first two and a half level ups, which is not fun.
    Possible improvement: remove the "Fast Learning" perk and increase the exp to match as if the player has it level 5.

    The combat itself is rather mediocre, with clipping into the terrain occurring around stone stairs going into mountains, enemy damage being all over the place (this level 15 boss hits me for 0-1 damage a hit, but his little zombie dude takes 85% of my maximum health in a hit?), and it's somewhat grindy in places.
    Possible improvement: go over the damage numbers and make sure the small zombie dudes don't hit several times harder than the boss. Either buff the boss or nerf the zombies.

    But the worst part of the entire game, and the fundamental problem for which I rated it 3* and not 5*, is the performance; loading times are arse, and in many cases when I tried to fight a level 4 or 5 swarm the game simply refused to load.
    If my rig is good enough to handle the latest and greatest from our triple-A overlords, so if this gives me 10-15 minute loads and infinite load bugs, it needs a bit of work.

    IF the loading times are reduced and the infinite load problems are removed, I will come back here and rate this 5*.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    If want to punch thing as a sexy demon lots of choice of clothes, you have come to the right place. No story or personality, but a lot of sexy ladies beating up demons and the undead. I can dig that, its fun enough for a few hours. Turn your mind off and watch sexy bodies absolutely wreck shop.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    After dumping a bunch of hours into it, it plays closer to 3rd person perspective Skyrim and friends than Dark Souls. Except instead of open world, it's dungeon lobby. The loot system is Diablo-esque, but unlike Diablo, there's currently not a good way to farm endlessly. Unless they change their level design philosophy, it's going to be an (ai tracking bugged) uphill battle.

    As is to be expected from an early access, there's lots of problems with pathing and collision.

    It's absolutely worth the price right now; I've played less for more. There's a lot of potential in the furniture system, especially if they develop to further ends making a truly interesting and niche arpg project. But I have no idea where their heads are at because we're still waiting on a roadmap.

    It gets major points for directly supporting modding. It seems like, if they don't take the game in an interesting direction then it'll depend on how much attention this game gets from modders to decide its lifespan.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 122764

    Every time I see a different Unity game on f95, I'm pretty skeptical. The issue is that making actually fun games in Unity is insanely difficult to pull off. And when you're opting to develop a game in Unity, you'd better have a fundamentally fun gameplay loop or there's really no point in playing. Plus tack on optimization, clunky mechanics, bugs, etc and it makes Unity games typically a recipe for disaster.

    She Will Punish Them isn't as bad as some of the trainwreck Unity games I've played, and I can see that there's real effort put into it, but it's still not very good. Visually it's pretty great, and the character customization is well done, but that's about it.

    I really wish people would stop comparing this to Dark Souls because it's not even remotely close - not every game with stamina and rolling is a Souls-like. This game is just a run-of-the-mill hack and slash with Diablo looting mechanics. My issue with it is that it's simply not fun. The combat is dull and clunky on any difficulty setting. Just take the skill that makes you ignore staggering, spam attack, and you win. Or just play horribly, take a shit load of health potions to the encounter, and you also win.

    Combat is this entire game, and the combat honestly sucks. If you like mindless hack and slash games, then maybe this is for you.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I bought it on Steam to support the developers, but I have the feeling it's the kind of game which is gonna be in early access forever, with bugs, clunky gameplay and lack of content.

    Some things in the game look like red flags, like rolling instead of jumping which is a no-go in any 3D game; where you need to to jump to move around, and because some times you get stuck against land obstacles.

    There's also no stance command for companions, like "passive", "defend" and "aggressive", which are the bare minimum so they don't become a liability in certain situations.

    Sadly it looks like the devs know well how to code a game, but not how to make choices to provide for a decent experience or some quality of life when playing. I sincerely hope I'm wrong about it.

    As an example of good game, Valheim was made by a small team, has very few content in game, but provides for a smooth and pleasant experience.

    Right now, the best the devs of She Will Punish Them could do is make the game as modable as possible, so other people can make changes which would provide for a better gameplay. I'm not holding my breath though.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Been looking for a game like this. has good character creation and gameplay albeit it seems a little slow, but it play like a souls game. not sure what you call the whole the conquest thing but thats another plausible feature of the game. all in all the game is definitely unique in my opinion. only real thing id recommend would be a lock-on button cause my aim is crap and i play on control.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.850 Test]

    slow- stamina restricts running, attacking, dodging, levels are large and enemy placement varies from sparse to entire gangs;
    fairly repetitive- other than special enemies the melee or ranged attacks are mostly the same, levels are long and experience gain rate is slow, making the weak level system a lot weaker;
    has lots of collision and AI pathing issues making them or the player character stuck on various terrain or act weird in combat (aggression loss);

    Currently boring, hope for more interesting additions / tweaks.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Played v0.65. Good graphics performance for an unity game. Makeup and clothes changing systems already have plenty of contents. Face sculpting system is OKay, not difficult to build a face which is not too ugly. But the combat and skills functions are still immature now. Swinging action of weapons is lack of feeling of directions, which usuall cause invalid swings against air.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has good character creation
    The sucubus model looks alright
    Gameplay is good for an AO game, but mediocre otherwise

    No sex scenes is a big deal breaker for this game.
    It has some posing scenes, but that isn't enough. If they were animated, at least, like dancing/teasing/etc, it could be interesting.

    Right now, the game isn't fun, interesting or sexual enough. But it has great assets. So, in the future, if the game gets some more kinky stuff, it can become a great game.

    Time Played: 10 minutes (Because I lost interest)
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Great proof of concept, but needs a ton of work. Way to early to be asking any money for it on Steam. Number 1 priority should be to implement some kind of targeting system as the pseudo targeting in the game now is infuriating. The game wrestles control away from you, always trying to target whoever is closet to the camera, not the direction your character is facing.

    Also for the love of god, cut the roll cool down by 4x at least as is its a total waste of time. That coupled with the barely there blocking mechanic, your best strategy is to just stand in the middle of large packs of enemies and mash mouse 1 till the all fall down.

    That said unlike a lot of unity asset flips this does actually have potential. If the dev can stick with it, it could be something great.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Works really smoothly on linux (as many unity games), but not in 5120x1400 as the menu and toon are cut.
    Sounds are extremely good, the timing, the reverb' effect, even the specialization. Combat is a little bugged and so is dodge but it has room to grow! Some assets are a little glitched too : wings don't stuck to the back and are kinda small once selected, some tomb stones are flying over the floor but there is, as for now, no really game breaking bugs. A locking option would be welcome as well as the possibility to map controls keys in game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)



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