Ren'Py - Completed - Shiva's Unusual Adventure or Quasimodo [v1.0] [FluffyLynx]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Feds Suck This White Cock

    The idea is really good. I liked the graphics, the animations, I liked the heroine and how the other male characters behaved but characterization is near to 0, no sex sound effect, nor slapping nor voices, nothing and the game is really too short. Would have given 4 stars if the sex scenes had sound.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is quite short, but contains a lot of scenes! The protagonist is a swordswomen with abs, WHICH IS THE BEST. There are a couple of bad endings, a ntr route which is easily avoidable, and there aren't any obscure scenes too hard to find...But a gallery would be cool.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice little game, but does not deserve the rating it has at the moment.
    The renders and CGs even though bit unique are not polished in any way. The background is static, animations are jagged and whole story telling and dialogs are unrealistic and does not allow for the user to engage.
    Freedom to choose how you deal with every situation is nice, but transitions and dialog does not make any sense as MC becomes willing to do anything without any hesitation.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6042191

    What a nice little game. Very hot and likable, not-annoying female protagonist. None of the 'coercion' stuff you see in some NTR/corruption games. I love games like this where you play as a strong female character and give out sexual favors to guys because she wants it herself or the guy was nice. Would have loved a more extensive outfit system though!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This was beautiful. Very nice adventure with a likable protagonist.

    It is a little bit unfair that it is impossible to win if you don't cheat, but still it is a nice story with funny characters.

    It would be interesting to expand the story keeping the same gameplay, which is not too bad even for a real adventure game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Graphics could be a little better and I wish it was longer, but aside from that I had tons of fun playing it. Main kink: A strong woman freely giving sexual favors to guys as a way of diplomacy or simply because they've been nice or helpful. In that sense it has a certain free use flavor that I really like but don't see in games very often. Would love a part 2 and will definitely keep an eye out for more from this dev. Time to try his other game now!

    [Edit] Almost forgot: One more gripe would be that you can't fuck Quasimodo! Or if you can, I haven't found a way to do it...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe a little short but I really enjoyed it. It has all the things I like in an adult game, good scenes, combat and some challenge.
    I think this game is made just to promote the patreon, but is a good one. Not too pretentious, the art elements are OK. It delivers.
    I would like to see a sequel.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    For some reason, this game only had 2 five-star review, so I guess it's my job to bring some salt here.
    The only point making this game worth playing is the few laugh you'll get from how bad the dialogues or pics sometimes are. For the rest, it's absolutly boring and ugly.
    But let's dive into details.

    The first thing you'll probably notice is the extremly loud music that launch on the starting screen, destroying your hears in the process. But if after that you won't hear music or sound anymore, it's not due to your suffering ear, but the complete lack of audio in the rest of the game (except during fight, where another music will start to play extremely loud once again).

    Another thing you might quickly notice is how awful the images are. This can easily be explained by the fact that the pics aren't rendered, giving the whole game an awful and rushed look. I won't spend more time speaking of it, but keep in mind you'll be struck by the game ugliness on every new pic.

    The first phrase alone can really sum up the level of dialogues you'll found here. "oooh, what's my name ?" [Insert name] "Oooh, that's right, I was so tired I forgot my name". Just no. And the rest of the dialogues are just as bad, with way too much description, and sudden lore element no one cares about popping up and disappearing forever. And it's wonderfully completed by a total lack of proofreading too.

    Now for the transitions. You have a forest background, and characters to make an appearance on it. Well, some will just appear magically in the middle of the screen, while the other will just slide their way in. One of the best part of the game, you're in for a lot of laugh seeing how bad those transitions are.

    All the characters have a extremely rigid pose, basically the good old T pose with their arm lowered, and no expressions at all. The only change you'll see is when they're talking, they're raising an arm. I greatly recommand moving quickly back and forth two characters dialoguing, and you'll have the impression they're just passing a ball. It's the more entertaining way to play the game anyway.

    And then you get to the first scene. Basically, you're being robbed by bandit, and completly out of the blue, your character think to herself "well, I haven't fucked in a long time, let's fuck those bandits", you have the option to fuck them, where they agree, and then you fuck. The thing here is the absolute absence of sexual tension.

    During every scene, the pics will show absolutly no emotions from any characters, and the dialogues are just vaguely describing the action, without any emotion once again. It's not hot, it's not sexy, it's just nothing. No intesity, no emotion, and no interest from the player whatsoever.

    It's true, you have scene pretty quickly, instead of having to grind relationship for hours to get something like some games tend to do. But what's the point of having a scene if it isn't remotly interesting or hot ?

    For the scenes, a good point is that those semi-animation of three frames looping, which is still better than a single pic. But so many of them have awful camera angle that you won't see much anyway... And be careful when your character is orgasming, cause the bright flashes might destroy your eyes.

    For the fights, you can see that there was an effort put into. The character have small animations for the different attacks or block, but they are so rigid that it might just have been better to just have them stand still. As for the gameplay in itself, it seems to be missing. You only have one option most of the time (with specific conditions on later fights you might have two, yay), which is attack. And from there, it's purely luck to win it. Knowing that loosing some fight just means game over.

    You have no luck on this ? Well, just cheat by using rollback option, and replay the action until it's in your favor ! And since the dev himself advise to do this, I guess it's considered a gamepaly mechanic (or a poor excuse to avoid balancing those). And after playing three times every single action to get the best result, you'll realize that those combats are beyond boring.

    As for the overall plot, it's just as cliché as you could expect. You chain various event that are barely related to each other and go your way to discover that the bad guys are bad guys with an evil plan that only bad guys could though off. And that's it. Oh yeah, there' a big monster everyone is scared off too, but when you encounter it, you beat his ass in 2min and he's out of the story forever. And once again, the dialogues fail to deliver any emotion or intensity, making the whole story even dumber than it's dull.

    A few good points though (far from redeeming the rest though) : the animations, during fights and scenes, while still ugly due to the lack of render, it's nice to see some effort were put somewhere. Some choices really have an impact on the ending (not much the story though, it just can add new companions). And that's all.

    Overall, even if it can get you a few laugh due to how bad it's written and designed, it's quickly replaced by boredom and an urge to end it quickly. Even if it's not really long, it's defintively not worth your time, and even less the time I spent playing it and writing this review. You'll have more fun sorting out your socks.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = female MC who can become either a great adventurer or a nympho slut.

    Story: 5/5
    + Female MC is on an adventure and trying to locate her friend/crush/boyfriend (you can decide your relationship at start). During journey she encounter various difficulties. She can overcome obstacles by acting like an adventurer or by seducing everything. Heh. I like the part where you get to decide how she will act.
    + Story mainly works as a platform to deliver lewd scenes.

    Art and Sex scenes: 4/5
    + Art isnt some photorealistic renders, but they are nice. I like them.
    + Heroine is hot.
    + Sex scenes have huge variability.
    - Unfortunately sex scenes are bit rushed. Just 2-4 renders with few lines of text.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    + Game is sort of visual novel with choices. Choices have pretty decent impact even though they are mostly about the way you overcome obstacles.
    + There is also simple battle simulator. Heroine can fight against enemies. She can use dirty tactics to distract enemies (eg. fight naked). LOL
    - Unfortunately game is a bit short at this point.

    To sum it up:
    This is pretty entertaining game. Sadly it is slightly short, because game is still early in development.
    But I will recommend it, think of it as a small piece of candy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I see female mc game i like i give 5 star, also really like how the mc looks
    jokes aside i tried the previous game of the creator and i will say that there is definitely potential, based on the previous game there will be definitely some more action, unlike other games where it takes years to put in 2 scenes

    and some comments on this early 0.12 I wish there meaningful consequences of the things that happen. examples just in the beginning: the bandits take clothes, but kind hearted to leave dancer clothes and a weapon? Why not some rags or naked and then this lead to the mc need to acquire clothes from somewhere the game tries to bring an rpg feel it should work like it is.