RPGM - Completed - Shizuma Kenpu Legend Aoi [v1.0] [ahriman]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game have a somewhat good battle fuck mechanics, but the plot is almost non existent. It is pretty short, and you can get most of the scenes really fast, it can get kinda repetitive though
    As a buttstuff enjoyer, i would not recommend it, as it lacks a certain flavor
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    cool battlebondage battlefuck game. but that is all it has. story is barely coherent. gameplay same. this is the first game made by the dev, probably a demo version what he wants to try. his later games are awesome. this is passable too if you like bondage/rape/battlefuck. that is why i give it 4/5 due to its uniqueness and one of only games in that genre. (the rest are mostly still made by this dev lul)

    if you are not a superfan of bondage battlefuck then i guess the game is like 2/5. it's short, fuck scenes are not animated. not even multiple picture sets. you dont get a defeat CG. (probably they were planned but didnt finish)

    but it's a short game. you can finish in like 3h or so. more enemies will have more unique bondage skills to put on you.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid but short game that features the amazing battle fuck bondage system this developer is known for.

    If your kink is watching powerful women in bondage struggle then this is the game for you.

    It's missing a gallery which is a bit unfortunate since there were probably CG I missed (especially the final boss).
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    A very simple battle fuck game, the story is not good or an coherent one, even as some of the CG are hot, getting those in the middle of a battle against random enemies, can be a hit or a miss. Is short but also repetitive.

    The bondage art is nice, but nit enought to keep me going to the end of the game,
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    1. Art can be repetitive but hot 5/5
    2. Battlefuck is great 5/5
    3. Clothe tearing exists...sort of 5/5
    4. Need some explanation on what attributes do what 3/5
    5. Short game 3/5
    6. Game play can be repetitive 2/5
    7. You can't skip h scenes that aren't your fetish. 2/5
    8. No penalty in losing, so just relax and enjoy 4/5

    overall: 4/5
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    :D Turnbased combat RPG Game, with dungeon exploring, mid battlefuck.
    This is a pretty short game, with a simple story, The too much mid battle H-scenes are somewhat makes the game hella long. :mad:
    About the battlefuck mechanic, There is a clothing damage, the enemy can damage your clothes, throw H-attacks, restrain, and violate you. :p
    The gameplay is, kinda difficult to be honest. The amount of mid battlefuck is ridicilous during combat makes it super annoying. The enemies H-attacks will make the game never ends, and i can't even know how to counter the bosses. So i beat the game with the help of CE. :confused:
    The art is ok, i guess... I think the standing picture detail is pretty good. :)
    So for the ones who likes mid battle sex, BDSM. This game is for you. ;)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really am a fan of Ahriman's battle-fuck system, particularly with BDSM.

    - engaging BDSM combat
    - persistent BDM debuffs enemies can put on you

    - short (but 5 stars in terms of quality time)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    For all bondage/defeat enthusiasts one damn good game. Its short, gets to the point without any story and throws you into (battle) H-scenes very quickly. For that it lacks in the content amount, it barely touches 3-4h in playthrough time. Anyone looking for anything that looks like a story or good characters is wrong here, beware.
    Likes: jttth
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Has a more unique combat system than most rpgm games. It also throws you right in with no long expository dialogue and you can quite literally get to H-scenes in less than a minute from the start. The scenes are done really well and the content appeals to me, but may not be for everyone.
    Likes: jttth