Poor and lazy design. A lot of barren long hallways with enemy spam (that is funny the first time since you do just walk through enemies to kill them) but very much just drags. Run around a place that is just dull brick with nothing to see.
The story is told poorly.
The art is fine, the sprite sex is nice.
The sex scenes have a lot of very pointless SFX to mash through. Nobody needs to read "lerolerolerolero" 27 times.
"lick lick lick lick lick urhghgh"
"Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp ooooohhhh ooooohhhh"
Literally. As in this is straight from the game. So obnoxiously repetitious.
And it just keeps going. It keeps going. So many messages that are just the same utterly vapid SFX spam. While nothing is changing in the graphic.
Probably the worst sex text out of any H-game I've ever played in my life. And I've seen pretty bad stuff.
If you think it's bad at the start, let me assure you
it gets worse.
"Drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip"
"drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip"
"Don't spill it lol"
LITERAL excerpt.
Anyway, that's all a distraction from the fact that, even if not for that absurd, over-the-top issue, it's still a bad game. The maps suck, there's no gameplay besides move from point A to point B, the story is forgettable, the characters are dull and not well-characterized, you aren't pushed to get invested in anyone.
There's hardly any NTR because you don't get to know Reene, really. She is a little charming, but there's 0 chemistry at play.
It just sort of shoehorns in this idea that Reene has feelings for Lloyd and then she's craving Kite's dick. It's the laziest attempt to make it NTR just short of giving a character a ring and never talking about their off-screen partner that never shows up.
The story is told poorly.
The art is fine, the sprite sex is nice.
The sex scenes have a lot of very pointless SFX to mash through. Nobody needs to read "lerolerolerolero" 27 times.
"lick lick lick lick lick urhghgh"
"Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp ooooohhhh ooooohhhh"
Literally. As in this is straight from the game. So obnoxiously repetitious.
And it just keeps going. It keeps going. So many messages that are just the same utterly vapid SFX spam. While nothing is changing in the graphic.
Probably the worst sex text out of any H-game I've ever played in my life. And I've seen pretty bad stuff.
If you think it's bad at the start, let me assure you
it gets worse.
"Drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip"
"drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip"
"Don't spill it lol"
LITERAL excerpt.
Anyway, that's all a distraction from the fact that, even if not for that absurd, over-the-top issue, it's still a bad game. The maps suck, there's no gameplay besides move from point A to point B, the story is forgettable, the characters are dull and not well-characterized, you aren't pushed to get invested in anyone.
There's hardly any NTR because you don't get to know Reene, really. She is a little charming, but there's 0 chemistry at play.
It just sort of shoehorns in this idea that Reene has feelings for Lloyd and then she's craving Kite's dick. It's the laziest attempt to make it NTR just short of giving a character a ring and never talking about their off-screen partner that never shows up.