Ren'Py - Shuggerlain [v0.73.3] [Taifun Riders]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    (Scroll to the bottom for the tl;dr)

    The art's really nice, and the animation's pretty great as well.
    Story's interesting enough to grab your interest (though honestly the exposition at the beginning needs a rework, because it was basically a lore dump for which you have no context), and the combat doesn't feel impossible like it does in a game like Vae Victis Khan.

    • The writing feels a bit rushed - MC literally loses his entire village, as well as his son, and he just kind of shrugs it off and carries on. When he meets Dynae (a mage that literally fought with the enemy), he almost immediately gets over his anger and grief, and decides to trust her, and that she's a good person. A little unbelievable for my taste.
    • The animations will often freeze the game when they're loading, and literally everything is animated in this game (even the standing sprites).
    • There's clunky 'next' arrows that you have to click to get through the sex scene animations, but they only load up after a gratuitously long time span
    • The sex scenes themselves are way too long, especially when it's just repeatede animations that you might have seen 1 or 2 clicks ago; but there's no writing during those scenes, which makes them feel even longer
    • YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO PREVIOUS ZONES! This is honestly the biggest sin of the game, because I was already onto the third zone when I realised I missed a succubus in Yalen; but you can only move forward, and not back, which is a massive design flaw, given the MC is literally given a stone that lets him teleport to any place he's been previously
    • Minor gripe, but you can't change the MC's name. It's Nulkan even in the code, but all the file management is horrendous (the main script is dumped in the same file as the definitions, but then side scenes for the LIs are in separate files), so you can't just do a replace all
    • UI needs work - the text box is way too dark, so it's a little harsh on the eyes, and there's no slider to change opacity

    tl;dr - overall, the game has promise. The characters are memorable, the story's interesting, and the art is great; but there's a lot of glaring flaws.
    The reason I'm rating it 3 stars and not 2 is because I want to believe that eventually it will come good, and the premise is unique enough that it stands out from a lot of other games.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is good, the story is good for a porn game, and most of the game is fine. Until the recent update, I'd probably rate the game a 5.

    In the most recent update, however, they added the worst minigame I've ever seen in a game, porn or otherwise. It's a volleyball game that's just a waiting simulator - the ball takes about 3-4 frames to get from one side to the other, at 1 frame per second. The ball teleports 1/4 to 1/2 of the way across the screen each frame. This means that you click on your character the ball is closest to, wait about 6-8 seconds, and click again. You have to score 20 points across 2 minigames; each point probably takes a minute on average, so about 20 minutes if you don't mess up any points (the characters' hitboxes aren't great).

    This minigame was extremely uninteresting and disrespectful of my time, so I'm going to take 2 stars off just for that on principle. I don't mind minigames, but they should not actively take away from your product.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Story just dident do anything for me, it was boring and it feels like an overused plot where an MC needs to remove corruption by fucking whoever which is the same as a million other games where you need to gain power or whatever by fucking, its boring and seen to many times.

    The sandbox was really boring, everything from moving around by clicking arrows to mini games.
    Dident like the sex fights either since you cant just enjoy the animation when you have to click shit to progress there really should be an auto option but theres not.

    Its also just a mindless fuckfest game and ive never been a fan of that, so theres no faithfull routes, no real harem route, so not really sure what is there really.

    The hole dating stuff is also just boring, you go talk to someone over and over with the same dialogs or events untill you lvl her up and you might get another date or thing you can do over and over, you get the idea.

    Sex scenes while they look really good due to the nice art they still feel empty since they dont have any kind of dialogs making it alot less personal.

    Girls 4/5
    Great art, not that much diversity in builds but they look nice.

    Animations 4/5
    Very nice animations and refreshing to see diffrent art then the standard stuff.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty average stuff nothing special.

    Choices 0/5
    This is really all kinetic, you dont controle anything,

    Sandbox 2/5
    You just follow the questline that you cant see since theres no questlog, so you wont know when you have played all content, moving around isent bad its just meh, grind is boring since you have to repeat the scenes and dialogs over and over to progress each girl.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just great. Development is perhaps slow but the quality continues to increase over that time and I'm excited to see where it ends up.

    Each character is wonderfully archetypical with a bunch of variety in secondary characters too. I can't think of another game where I struggled to have a favourite as much as this one.

    The story is actually not too bad, pretty bare bones but definitely enjoyable. I think it could use a lot more group scenes which we are actually seeing as the game gets into the final act. It's much better when the characters interact as their simplistic and playersexual nature can sometimes get in the way of the writing when they talk with the MC

    I think with a single narrative pass once the game is done the character interactions could be much more fleshed out, as the beginning didn't even have idle animations for the characters and the devs are focused on the scenes and more content the potential for improvement is actually quite significant.

    The scenes continue to improve, and even though some are better than others on the whole they continue to impress me. The end of the game should have some very impressive stuff in store if Space Paws is any indication, and I hope the devs take the time to actually give the final act the attention it deserves.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really great game. I enjoyed the first Taifun's release a lot and I am eagerly waiting for every new update. Many interesting girls, many interesting events, great gameplay, this deserves much more credit than it has.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game!

    - The art is very nice! Drawings (character designs and environment) are good-looking and the animations are smooth and very well done. Top notch!
    - Characters are interesting and we quickly get to like them.
    - Overall & characters' stories are interesting, with some 'refreshing' twists. We laugh, we are moved, we are interested in characters, ...
    - Minigames are fun and bring some variety in the game

    Good work, looking forward to the next updates
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game play, I like the story, I like the writing, I like the art, I like the animations, I like the characters (good and evil), I like the music, etc. This game is so close to a 5 star game, but it really needs a bit more attention on the H scene side to make it so, which is unfortunately the most crucial part. I was honestly tempted to push this down to 3 stars but it is really a well put together title, it's just not doing it for me (but it's frustratingly close do doing so lol).
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    Also, I just want to add that I was quite tickled by the thought of "post-nut-clarity armor" as a game mechanic lol.

    I must also say that I ended this game quite early once I determined that it was never going to be sexually compelling (day 6-8 in the camp). There may be more to praise or criticize but I don't have the time to experience any of it as the game stands today.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my Review of v0.55.2 (Shuggerlain)
    Made by the (Taifun Riders) Team

    There is a possibility that this Review will change when a new update comes later on since this game isn't finished yet.

    The Story-line: 4.5/5

    The best ways for a story to become amazing are five keys which are character, conflict, change, inciting Incident, and goal. The game hit me with all those five parts on the spot, which made me more interested in the story.

    The story part starts with a place called "Ashtera" which is a small part of the Shuggerlain world map. A small kingdom would face an outcome that would change the world of Shuggerlain.

    The main character you will be playing is one called "Nulkan" You will wouldn't all of a sudden one that can do everything, but will do whatever he can with the little he has to build up something to become the hope Shuggerlain needs and has to take decisions that would change the outcome of the story.

    The start of the game has given most of the info needed to understand where you are and why. The game won't just hand out all the necessary information that would blow your mind with a tone of confusion. You learn more and more about the world the more you go around it.

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    Some of the story events are short. Not everyone would agree with me here and want to go on, but some conflicts aren't that easily solved so fast. I would love to spend more time in a region I haven't seen before with a few more events (if possible) before moving to a new one.

    Animations and Art: 5/5

    Oh boy! What can I say, whoever made the visuals/animations you owe me a new desk. I had never seen that many dents before playing this game. I can cover all other damages. So anyway, yeah the characters look absolutely amazing and well done!

    I would like to see more images of the cities and locations, you're a long time on one background at a time. For example, when the text says "I moved back" I also want to see it. Like when you fight (Spoilers Warning!) against Jilliana, 3dr executer, just that image almost blows me away. I would love to see more like that! (Talking about sword fighting here people!)

    When you speak with other characters the animations and movements are perfect in every single part of it. There are no errors that I have discovered so far like unwanted pixels or sharp edges. Everything is smooth and beautiful. Excellent work done here!

    Some of the girls I wasn't so much into changed fast after... let's say when you get a better point of view. I loved the game has (Sex Battle) part when you can see red eyes. I'm not so much into blue eyes, since I have it myself. So seen girls with Red & Yellow eyes are amazing. When I looked into "Nadine" eyes, I just got lost in them.

    I'm not that much into furry stuff level. Don't get me wrong, I love Nekomimi, Kitsunemimi, Inumimi, and so on at that level, but here. I want to say that you would rather NOT lose the opportunity if you see a furry girl. Space Paws had amazing good-looking girls and this game got me as well (Even if it's the same creators) They look absolutely gorgeous. I blaming the animations here.

    Level of difficulty: 4/5

    The combat section is very good when it comes to fighting soldiers, think before you use anything. Both Mama and the action point are the key part to winning the fight and the new units that comes later on.

    The (Sex Battles) part is to find the spot and click. I mean click! Let your computer mouse feel it! Very difficult to give your attention to the computer mouse when you see your opponent. Resist is the key to winning (Even if it feels like a win when you lose as well) oopsy!

    The day part is very difficult to understand, in no part of the game does it tell you stuff like "I must do this part before that time" Some of the event parts will cost me days, but I don't understand what I'm losing if I spend too much time in one place.

    (Spoilers Warning!) Some of the events like skeletons just click like crazy as you do with the (Sex Battles) And Archer contest, just be smart. Most of everything your doing is fairly easy.

    When you speak with the girl in the camp you have no limits to how many times you can fail before answering the right one, it will only cost you time which is not important in this version. I'm guessing it will change in later new updates. Hmm... enjoy while you can boys!

    The sounds & Music parts: 4.5/5

    Oh, yeah! This game hit most of everything right on the spot. The music made me understand what situation I was in and got me more connected to the story.

    The fight part regarding the (Sex Battles) ha-ha... wow, I didn't expect it to be that good, this made it harder to resist them for sure. The (H-Scenes) are lovely and beautiful.

    So you have one music part for the SB & HS, I was hoping it would have another type of music when you are together with different girls, but that didn't change my opinion about it too much.

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    The only thing missing is more sound effects for the character when you read. It's not like they have to say something but more like sounds when they are scared or angry at the start of the text "A small sound effects" would be nice, even if you see their facial expressions.

    Overall: 4.5/5 - F95Zone Star 5 "Excellent"

    I have seen many kinds of games here on F95zone, and this has to be one of my top 10 games here so far... wait, no, let's say top 3. It's that amazing and well-made I am more of the anime art type, but what (Taifun Riders) are making is way too good work to resist. You like fantasy stories with many kinds of... "special" types of girls! This is one game for you. I liked this game a little more than I expected.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    animations are great, smooth, and fappable!! anal content, furry, vaginal, oral, boob job etc. good nsfw portion.

    now the story hasnt hooked me yet, so i often dont pay much mind to it or skip through.. however, if a story hooks me, ill read the lines upon lines of dialogue before the scene. so maybe make it a lil less tedious with the asking a million questions, aka.. ask four questions, mc gets too tired, then sleep and repeat to get date. maybe tweak it abit on the day cycle and energy drain rate. found it to be a chore, rather than enjoyable. i dont want it handed to me, cause thats boring, but i wanna enjoy it at a normal none intrusive pace.

    art style is exactly my liking. suits well with the great animations, which remind me of the short flash games we'd see of our favourite tv characters. good game, writing and the overall tasks required needs reworked/tweaked to make it a lil more enjoyable/engaging.

    but hey, this game is worth the pickup for the animations and art style alone. grab it.

    wishlists that i had hoped it wouldve had: optional bi content/fem/traps. more beast like furries (centaurs etc).. harem scenes, night interaction scenes.

    edit: okay, i take back what i said about the writing, its engaging. the chore of questions need reworked, or even more questions/activities added, cause ill get the same questions over and over.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    great game, looks a bit low effort on first impressions to begin with but it actually gets better and better as you progress. animated scenes, etc. i actually really like the lore and stuff which was unexpected.

    a bit of furry content aswell, but mostly non furries. im personally not into furry content like the reviewer below me but theres not really much of that ingame either, though you do get to fuck a furry at the start of the game
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    SID Gaming

    As of v0.42, this game was a 6/5, seriously the best thing on this website. 2d, fully-animated (even the character sprites have idles) and animated WELL with motions that actually look natural. The girls are hot, there are plenty of them, and they all feel unique and like they live in the world and have their own agendas. The worldbuilding is great, and the story is kinda simple but effective (work your way across the continent, fighting and fucking your way into power). The "game" part is good too, alternating between mostly quizzes to get acquainted with the girls (meh, but not terrible and can mostly be skipped by buying them gifts) and turn-based combat battles which are seriously entertaining, fun but not too difficult. There's also a sex-battle mechanic which is a little more stressful but another effective way to get more high-quality content in. The soundtrack is amazing too.

    So why dock a star? Well, the 0.5 update did two unforgivable things: added content that can't be accessed without restarting, and forced a choice between girls. The first won't be a problem for anyone considering starting this game, but there's so much content now (including those battles that can't just be skipped through like the text) that it's not worth replaying from the beginning for the rest of us. As for the second, this is clearly a harem game, so why for the love of god are you locking content behind branching paths? There's no way of knowing whether anything will be affected story-wise in the future picking one girl or the other, but I doubt it will be enough of a difference to once again warrant a new playthrough to try. It's worth noting that the dev actually fixed this issue in Space Paws, so maybe if enough people complain, they'll do that here too.

    Final verdict: It's a great game that you should absolutely NOT play until it's completely finished. If you're already going to need to play branching paths, you don't want to replay from the start with every update too.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely high-quality game that deserves more popularity.
    Fantastic art and great animations throughout the game, especially h scenes. It's seriously some of the best 2D h scenes I've seen on here, especially considering the massive variety of girls you can seduce.

    Gameplay is good too. I like how the gameplay itself takes many different forms depending on what you're doing at any given moment. It helps break up the monotony a ton, and elevates it way beyond just being a boring VN.

    The only minor shortcomings are:
    1: The beginning, which is a little too textbox heavy.
    2: It's not always clear what to do next, where to go next or how to unlock something.
    3(?): The game is very vanilla, which is perfect for me but others might be disappointed.

    Still, this is one of my favorite games on f95 and I look forward to see how it progresses.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty conflicted on this one. Space Paws was one of my favorites and I went into this with high expectations which were let down massively. It has incredible hand drawn art and animated scenes with some added moans. Some of the best fap material you can find around. However, the story and "gameplay" are very lackluster and it feels like none of the charm Space Paws had made it into this.

    It's so cliche it's painful. Setting is a generic fantasy world. You're the commander of an army, evil empire comes and destroys your home with only you surviving, you want revenge and go around killing all the evil generals before they carry out their evil plan to destroy the world.

    I'm fine with cliche stories as long as they're executed well, but it's done incredibly poorly. There's a lot of very convenient plot devices (looking at you, demon girl who somehow knows literally everything and magical demon armor that makes everyone attracted to you) which just feel very weird and lazy. I also have some major issues with certain events which took place later on.

    One of the biggest issues I had with the story was when

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    This might look like it has actual gameplay but it's basically just a time wasting accessory. You can win every battle by just randomly pressing buttons, there is zero strategy or brainpower required. Gameplay elements could be taken out entirely and the game would be better for it. The point and click exploration of Space Paws was infinitely better gameplay than whatever this is trying to be.

    Relationships with many of the girls advance too quickly and felt completely hollow. None of it felt like actual love despite parading as it.

    This is really just a visual novel with a bad story and brainless gameplay where the majority of scenes come from you grinding affection levels in the extremely limited "sandbox mode" by answering the same 4 questions they give you repeatedly. I eventually just gave up and unlocked the rest of the gallery because I completely lost interest in the story and its characters. I'd give it a 2.5 for the artists' work alone but I'm rounding it down to a 2 because the rest is unbearable.

    In summary:
    Art 5/5
    Story 1/5 (it exists I guess)
    Gameplay 0/5 (it should not exist)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.42 Hotfix is what is being reviewed.

    Gonna go ahead and give this the five star treatment because of how much I enjoyed whats on offer so far. I went into this not knowing that these were the same people who made space paws, Which is up there on the favorite games list.

    That was one of the games pretty early on the adult games adventure for me. This game is looking like it has potential to be even better and more engaging then that game was. I'm not saying the gameplay reinvents teh wheel, but it is gameplay. Not very challenging , but interesting enough.

    The story, characters, and art are where this game shines the most though. I can't really think of too many games that do 2d animations of this style this good. Taifun riders really know what they are doing. Maybe there are some people out there who could nitpick it, but compared to most games on this site I think they blow the animations and art out of the water.

    It's fucking refreshing when a dev goes the distance and doesn't just use renders or 3d models. Doesn't just use Illusion honey select animations. NOT SAYING those games can't be good, but when you keep getting the same incest games with those same honey select animations it gets boring. It loses the reason it was good.

    This game I'm glad to say ooesn't do that. I will say though thereare some story aspects in particular with a certain mage that annoyed me.

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    But apart from that long rant I would say this game is near perfect to me. It has everythinmg going for it when it comes to my taste. I'm a huge fantasy dork and this does it for me on every level. I highly recommend playing it even at this level of development.

    Join me in weeping for the wait.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent visual novel, terrible H-game. Very vanilla with little variety in scenes. I liked taifun riders' last game, but this one is just way more grind and wall-of-texty than that one. The scenes are pretty boring and there's way too much in between them. To get scenes you have to grind affection with various talking options followed by walls of expository text.

    I'm glad a lot of people seem to like it, but I think this review will help reflect a more accurate picture of the game overall when it's considered with the other glowing reviews. Hopefully the mods don't delete my review for going against the popular opinion, as they are commonly inclined to do.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Please, just play it. Even though it's built on RenPy, trivializing much of the intended gameplay, the world, characters, story, and animations are still top-notch and engaging. I found myself more immersed than I thought I'd be. Just make sure you have a decent computer or set the FPS to 30 so you don't have to deal with choppy animations since it uses Live2D to handle them.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting, isn't one of those games that you just keep pressing ctrl. Amazing character designs and I can't describe how perfectly the animations are.

    Even though combat isn't that relevant on these games, the mechanics aren't that boring.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good, and the idea of the combat system is interesting, but holy crap the writing is terrible. The author seemingly has no understanding of pacing, tension, or the formulaic hero's journey.

    Power should not just be given to anyone. You can't snap your fingers and make someone charismatic--not when your powers don't affect the audience. People don't get over the trauma of losing everything in hours, not unless they didn't value what they lost to begin with, and people don't get to hand-wave their terrible decision-making by blaming smooth-brained villains for taking hostages or making threats.

    Nothing about the MC is convincing or intriguing because none of the things which are supposed to define his character are: his losses all feel like insincere afterthoughts, his power-ups feel cheap and convenient, and his companions feel equally forced into his life not because they make sense but because someone wanted them there.

    I normally try to turn my brain off for games like this, but it feels like my disbelief snapped under the weight it was meant to suspend and lashed me across the face.

    I'd give this one star if it wasn't so pretty.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    +the art is superb. looks very good
    +all sex is animated and animated well
    +the waifus are wonderul
    +delicious vanilla relationships.
    +interesting story

    overall this is one of the better adult games I have played in a while.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still early but I can tell the dev is putting all the effort to make it as successful as Space Paws. Great soundtrack, the animations are very well made, the gameplay mechanics are good and the story is very interesting so far. Looking forward to its completion !