[Ch.2 P1 v0.1.2] review.
As for now, the game seems like basic college setting game, it doesn't add anything interesting in the genre. Exposition seems OK at best.
Visuals are good: beatiful girls (I like all the LIs available rn) are balanced by kinda weird-looking MC and usual (maybe slightly better than ususal) overall visual quality.
Story seems basic, it's not annoying, but it's not great either. The beginning of the plot tries to be mysterious, dev isn't telling you shit, other than "MC had a troublesome life and now he starts fresh", this seems kinda lazy and cheap, because as for now, dev didn't extend this narrative at all; I don't really see any scars of the past on MC nor his struggles and hyper motivation. There's really no background for MC other than a contact named "Her" in a contacts list in a phone, which is again, for now seems like a really cheap trick to make people invest in the story and MC.
Since I already mentioned this, MC is a blank list with really no background, that would affect him in any sort. It is good if the dev is giving the player dozens of ways allowing to shape the MC themselves, but I don't really see the changes. Even though two updates could be too little to judge the state of MC development, but I didn't see any lines in code that would show MC's progression (and I don't get why the game has an RPG tag). Everything seems kinetic, you can't really change your behavior if you're already engaged in a dialogue, most of the choices are quite useless and in the notable ones you're choosing between talking to the girl or not.
Characters are okay/good. They can be distinguished, some of them have a soul, but that's quite it. LIs have different personalities, one or two of them I would even call unique, so that's good.
Gameplay is kinda weak, most of the plot choices are forced, there's really no sandbox(again, i don't get why it's tagged so), only a few freeroams, which are okay, excluding the fact that they force you do things you may not really want to do.
Overall, I'd say the game has potential. I really like the vibe and appearance of the LI's. It can get 4/5 in just a few updates but no more than that. The game has some core problems, which usually require remaster.
I already can see some progress made, but there's still a lot to fix, wishing dev the bests.
As for Ch.2 P1 v0.1.2 the game deserves 3/5.
As for now, the game seems like basic college setting game, it doesn't add anything interesting in the genre. Exposition seems OK at best.
Visuals are good: beatiful girls (I like all the LIs available rn) are balanced by kinda weird-looking MC and usual (maybe slightly better than ususal) overall visual quality.
Story seems basic, it's not annoying, but it's not great either. The beginning of the plot tries to be mysterious, dev isn't telling you shit, other than "MC had a troublesome life and now he starts fresh", this seems kinda lazy and cheap, because as for now, dev didn't extend this narrative at all; I don't really see any scars of the past on MC nor his struggles and hyper motivation. There's really no background for MC other than a contact named "Her" in a contacts list in a phone, which is again, for now seems like a really cheap trick to make people invest in the story and MC.
Since I already mentioned this, MC is a blank list with really no background, that would affect him in any sort. It is good if the dev is giving the player dozens of ways allowing to shape the MC themselves, but I don't really see the changes. Even though two updates could be too little to judge the state of MC development, but I didn't see any lines in code that would show MC's progression (and I don't get why the game has an RPG tag). Everything seems kinetic, you can't really change your behavior if you're already engaged in a dialogue, most of the choices are quite useless and in the notable ones you're choosing between talking to the girl or not.
Characters are okay/good. They can be distinguished, some of them have a soul, but that's quite it. LIs have different personalities, one or two of them I would even call unique, so that's good.
Gameplay is kinda weak, most of the plot choices are forced, there's really no sandbox(again, i don't get why it's tagged so), only a few freeroams, which are okay, excluding the fact that they force you do things you may not really want to do.
Overall, I'd say the game has potential. I really like the vibe and appearance of the LI's. It can get 4/5 in just a few updates but no more than that. The game has some core problems, which usually require remaster.
I already can see some progress made, but there's still a lot to fix, wishing dev the bests.
As for Ch.2 P1 v0.1.2 the game deserves 3/5.