Identify Side scroller guro game with sword weilding mc

Oct 30, 2018
Hey peeps, I'm looking for an older game I used to have but never finished.

It's a side scroller game where you play as a some blonde sword wielding girl, the game starts with her friend being captured by goblins (I think) and you go into the cave after them. I think early on there is a castle themed level with human parts in barrels, pretty gross. After that you go through stages where everything kills/rapes the mc. Last I remember was going through some bullshit level where everything is fleshy and tentacles constantly follow and attack you from below.

Really raw game but I feel like I need to finish this one to get it out of my memory. It's definitely not by any sizable studio; I feel like the game just launches straight into the action when you start it. I appreciate any tips.
Oct 30, 2018
Sword of Ryonasis. That's the one. Looking up the images I'm impressed you got it right with my poor description from memory. Weird shit I'm not necessarily into but pretty annoyed I couldn't beat it. Good job, and thank you!