Identify Side-scrolling game about... time travel? (resolved)


New Member
Nov 8, 2020
It was a game in progress the last time I checked, a few years ago.

It is a side scrolling platformer. There was only 1 trial stage at the time, so it was hard to tell whether it was supposed to be more like Mega Man or a Metroidvania.

The protagonist is a woman. I think she wore a purple suit and had blue hair, but do not take this as gospel, because my memory of the game is at best rather vague. I think a king sent her into the future to find some important artifact. It is a dystopian future where people are basically forced to be emotionless/sexless. I think when you die, the respawn is explained in-lore as the protagonist having her body entirely reconstructed.
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New Member
Nov 8, 2020
Yes, that is it. Thank you.

Now, I seem to remember there is a way to mark the question resolved, except I cannot find it. So I edited it into the title.
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