Sideload .APK of Game - Do Android still "tattle" to Google?


Apr 24, 2020
I do not trust the Company if very large, like Amazon, Google. They have collect much Data on Users. There are many Game I would enjoy to play on Smartphone, but Smartphone of me is not "Rooted" or have Install of custom ROM. So...

If using Sideload (download .APK File and install), I think I know does not "tracked" through Google Play Services. But I can not claim Certainty. Do Android System still record and report ("tattle") to Google about Application sideload-installed by Users? (I hope not). If Android do, how is Privacy to maintain while play Games on Phone? Thank you!

(I Apologies, but I cannot find Answer though searching on Bing and Google and here. And if this is silly Concern:cautious:)