RPGM - Completed - Silver Bullet [v1.02] [hijoguchiyuki]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    As a first proper game from this dev that isn't a kinetic novel (well, technically a visual novel with branching linear paths where your only choice of the branching path was in the beginning of the game lol) in RPGM format, I am thoroughly impressed with how this game turned out and can forgive some of the annoyances I had with it. This game has made me optimistic for what the next game they will make if this game is any preview of things to come.

    As for the game itself, it's an action rpgm game, with some mini-games regarding the church protagonist. The action is similar to bullet-hell or shoot-em-up games but played on rpgm so it's much more primitive in comparison (not necessarily bad either). Another reviewer has already touched on the story already so I won't go into that. If you've played any rpgm game with similar story premises, you'll know what its like and what to expect plot-wise and H-scene wise.

    The H-scenes weren't anything special by themselves since if you've played similar RPGM games, you know the song and dance, but the presentation, progression, and variety of them in this game did exceed my expectations (which again, was kind of tempered considering his older games) so I was pleasantly surprised. It's mostly NTR, pleasure corruption, exploitation, or blackmail so if that's not for you, this ain't the game for you. Although I will mention, there IS a vanilla ending.

    One gripe I do have with the game is that it's actually a bit annoying to go for the H-scenes because with the main protagonist, you have to go into the action areas to build up her lust to get access to them. With the church protagonist, you have to build up points by playing minigames and talking to specific NPCs to get access to hers. While not a "game unplayable" level of complaint, it was a mild annoyance that I hope the dev learns from and makes the experience better in his next game.
    Likes: colifa
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    if you want to play any action game, this isn't it. go play dark souls or god of war or sekiro or elden ring. or how about good old left 4 dead? anyway this really isn't it.

    if you want story, uhh what story? its barebones.

    sorry but very terrible.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The gist of this porn game is two beautiful women being out in some town to protect and aid people, and apprehend criminals, but as they try to do so they get in more and more sexual situations against their will and get more and more corrupt. It's a pretty old porn trope but can be hot when done well. I don't think it's that interesting this time. Cecily and Amelia don't offer much resistance and the corruption is pretty quick. It's just kind of boring. What's worse is that the art is damn mediocre, so it's hard to get aroused from it. I guess some people enjoy seeing fat bastards screwing girls or NTR stuff in general, but fat bastards kinda turn me off. Even worse is that the combat is dry and minigames feel like a waste of time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    Two playable characters can be swapped between throughout the game with the main character (silver hair) having a fiance who she can cheat on. The visuals are unique, the gameplay is engaging, but the real beauty of this experience comes from the writing. Each ending to the game offers a brand new perspective on the possibilities of life simply by going down a different path. I won't spoil too much, but I will say its my favorite RPG of 2024 so far. Not too long, not too short, its an instant classic that's well worth playing for both NTR fans and people who like general corruption as well.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, definitely not a game for me. Played it for about an hour before I deleted it. Super annoying combat and no real NTR build up.

    Art is ok, not the best. But not the worst I've seen. But when the art isn't super good the story really has to carry and this one was just boring to me.

    Id say this is more along the aspect of being a game than porn. When I play porn games I'm not looking to be actively gaming, so it just kinda annoyed me more than anything.

    Id say its worth wasting an hour on it to see if you like it, it's definitely going to be hit or miss for people. For me, it was a miss. :cautious:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good. It's a rpg with some minigames. Both the main girls are very well designed and there are A LOT of scenes and different endings, some are even kinda animated. Most of the scenes are pretty vanilla (a bit ntr to be honest), but they are all pretty avoidable. There is also a full gallery ingame (where you can unlock everything), just reach the main hub of the game!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid all around. This game is an example of how devs can make great games with rpgm. The combat is actually fun. Bosses are decent challenges, and there are interesting minigames. This makes the tiny bit of grind in the game not feel like a chore.
    The story is nothing crazy in general, but the characters make you invested enough. Hell, I cleared the game wthout going too much into the h-content, because I genuinely wanted to know more about the character, especially Amelia, the nun, and big-nose guy.
    From what I could see, the h-content is really good. The art may not be for everyone, but I like it. This is subjective though.
    I can't talk about the translation because I played it sometime ago in JP.
    If I don't give 5* to this game, then 99% of the rpgm stuff on this site deserves negative score. This is an actual videogame, not just something that could just be ported in Renpy and be just as good