Others - Java - Simbro Reloaded Dev Journal [PC only]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    ok first off. was a fan of the original and that's all i'm saying about that.

    as a game its very basic. you make a character similar to the original and just like the original it can be male or female. the game as it currently stands is a simple loop of make character, go to slums and fuck the opposite sex. again very basic but forgivable given the fact that this is the first time the creators making a game. also alice joins your group but doesn't do anything.

    from a graphics standpoint, the creator is either using the playshape models or creating ones that look like them. most likely it's a combo of both.

    what do i say to this? it's a decent if not good start. and the creator does seem to want to make a version good enough for the fan base that loved the original.

    but! there are problems with this, obvious ones but problems nonetheless. the next part will be me giving advice to the creator and the first piece of advice (if not the most important piece of all)

    listen to the community! i know that you know why this game fail in the first place. the original devs didn't listen to the fan base and didn't correct the problem they should have. hence the mess with got! so for the love of god, listen to the fans!!!

    second the graphics. the graphics are passable at best and bad at worst. what i suggest you do is set up crowdfunding page. now i don't know if you can do this without getting into shit. i think you can, the key word being THINK! but when you get enough people to learn about what your doing then start a subscribe star. there you make getting artists a goal, an artist that make models similar to the play shapes models and make them look nicer at the same time. now i said i think because this might not work, i would do some research and talk to some people who know this stuff more than anyone else. after all while this is a remake a of someone else game, there's no guarantee this would work because the original might be under some form of copyright. so be VERY careful.

    if subscribe or any other crowdfunding option is off the table. try working with the community to get in touch with people who can help you. i would go for option one because at least you'll have capital that will help things move along while option two will slow you down due some of the people you might need help from might ask to be paid in return.

    third the story. let's say you managed to reach the part where the last update of the hit and you've added in the update where you got took the world where you'd find that robot anime girl with white hair from that game (i can't remember is called) that the creator never put in. then what? i would talk to the community to brainstorm ideas.

    i would also like to throw my hat into assist in writing but that's up to you.

    that's it! that the last bit of advice.

    well this is more something i would personally like to see added to the game. namely a shemale protag. if play shape can make a verizon crystal getting fucked shemale lizard woman then it can be done in this game.

    to the creator good luck and don't fuck up!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A remake of simbro, that alone makes this project worth pursuing, I would really like to see a finished version of simbro in the future, and this gives me a little hope of seeing that come true, as long as I have to wait, I will continue the project until the end...