Seeking Similar to: Hapymaher


Feb 2, 2019
I played this VN ages ago, it was SO amazing! Characters were great, story was interesting... and I did not expect to cry my eyes out so much over the MC and Maia... Cried for a long time during Saki's route and again in Maia's ending... being in a similar situation of "not wanting to wake up" when I was younger probably added to that time lol.
I really hope Fragmentation Dream gets translated and uncensored too, really want to buy it :LOL:.

But until then, would love some recommendations to some similar VN's! Recomendations need to be english, multi-route romance, male MC, and preferably uncensored...
Thanks in advance! :D



New Member
Nov 6, 2018
Yikes it's been more than a year mate but here's three I liked so far:
1. Katawa shoujo
2. Kana little sister/ kana okaeri
3. Narcissu
The last two may not amply supply satisfaction to your demands yet I so greatly admire that you might try them out sir