HTML - Abandoned - Simp! [v0.0.2] [Mandy ☆]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential here, creator just has to make sure to iron out the issues and keep the game going, hope it goes all the way to completion.

    Premise is good and for an early build alpha/beta it's definitely got a lot to be praised for but definitely is open to constructive critism.

    Firstly there are a lot of bugs and ways to break the game to no longer continue, which is easy to do because the progression system isn't too clear and ignoring/passing a day (which is easy to do because you can sleep to skip days) can break a quest and force you to restart or reload a previous save.

    The writing is also inconsistent, say what you will about the content of the game (which is a conversation for your personal preferences) a lot of characters just don't have characterization. They introduce themselves in a certain way that implies they are on generally good terms with the MC only to later bully/berate them. The MC also goes from being normal to completely wimpy, I wish the creator would just choose whether they want a normal MC or a submissive bullied guy because the scenes are just jarring when you don't/can't anticipate how a character will act/respond.

    I think reviews are being either too unfair or too praiseworthy right now as of 0.0.2. The game is in an early state so naturally it has bugs, some people don't like the content in these games which (and I mean no offense here) is more of a them issue than anything else, and a few just seem to give 5 stars when this game is more like a 3 or a 4 as of now.

    If you like this genre of game try it out but I'd wait a few months before hopping in as right now it has issues that needs to be resolved and definitely could use some more content. But it shows promise.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Radical honestly says it best.
    Ignoring the unfinished aspects, it doesn't seem like any of the preference settings do anything: disabling everything still has you getting punch in the balls and pissing yourself
    I got whiplash from the writing where supposed LI goes from being friendly, flirty and grinding on you to exploding and blaming you for everything for having the audacity to ask her about being into you.

    I checked out a while before the robbing scene and thought I could power through to at least get to good content, but that scene was too atrocious to continue, so I don't know how much content there is after

    Your agency in a scene is basically nonexistent (there's a couple that have grayed out second options).

    This game is a great case for their being a torture porn tag
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Not bad. I hope there will be no hypnosis or chemistry. It will be very interesting to see what the project will be like in the future. The content that already exists suits me. I hope for quick updates and character development in terms of moving around the map.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    While I think the game is a little over the top at times I'm a sucker for anything that incorporates foot domination, cucking, and cruelty the way this game does. I know some people hate when MCs are such unbelievable pathetic losers but I find it enjoyable. For a first version this game is pretty good definitely has some technical kinks to work out but I think it can be a pretty good NTR game once the development really gets going
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a disaster. The mechanics of the game have nothing to do with the primary story.

    I'm guessing the current Dev is using someone else's UI architecture for a story that doesn't match said architecture.

    The game appears to have a lot of day to day grind to increase friendship, love, perversion, etc. But, none of that has anything to do with the story (It's also near impossible to increase perversion, except in the story path events).

    If you are interested in the story content, simply skip to the day of the event in the hint section. Interacting with the sandbox elements in the UI--to raise friendship, love, cook or eat food, take showers, etc.--has no effect on the story and is ultimately a waste of your time.

    There is also no way to credibly play the long term maintenance aspects of the game (cooking food, for instance) since you eventually run out of money and ingredients with no way to make money or buy more.

    The "childhood friend" (Dakota) is basically a psychopath, and one of the sisters (Lexie), who apparently lives in the park, is likely helping her. There's an armed robbery orchestrated by Dakota that leads to the death of a family pet and the police aren't called. There's no real trauma over the death of the family pet. No one in the family cares.

    There's also racism cloaked as BBC/BNWO fetish, with the use of some racist pejoratives. I didn't find it fapable. It's basically cruelty masquerading as NTR.

    UPD v.0.2: Looks like the Dev saw my criticism and is actually making an effort to eventually connect the stats to the story -- which sadly should have been part of the first release. Doesn't look like he's meaningfully changing the more disturbing parts of the story mentioned above, however, but who knows.

    For all of those only interested in the NTR and cuckoldry, be aware of the Devs intended development of the sissification and feminization of the MC. Shades of this intended content appear in how Dakota describes the MC on multiple occasions.

    This is not a criticism, it's just so you know. tbh that was one of the initial appeals for me. According to the Dev, those elements will be forced and not avoidable as the story develops.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Good start! Very nice UI. I like a lot of the actresses you picked out to represent the games characters. As for the writing... it can be improved. The first time Jaeson is introduced, he says the n word so unnaturally, it comes off as really, really cringe. As someone who has lived in the ghetto for all of their life, this is NOT how people talk lol. The story can get pretty dark and is focused on making the character a little too miserable (Did his dog really need to die?), but since this is a 0.1, I'm treating this as a proof of concept, as things can be changed later on.

    In that regard, there's enough here to see the potential of a game like this for someone who enjoys cuckold/sissifcation games, but the writing honestly brings it down. I do have hopes that this can improve as time goes on and I'll even write suggestions on the game thread itself. I will be keeping my eye on this game.