Ren'Py - Simple Days [v0.18.2] [Mega Lono]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not bad, if your looking to suspend your disbelief and the thought of potentially impregnating a character within the first 2 minutes of a game is your thing then boom you're onto a winner. If your looking for a deep story with tension and build up meh.. maybe not.

    Some of the renders are a little grainy, but that doesn't bother me it might to you and the animations look a little janky.

    There is quite a few choices which is nice and not just yes or no answers too. Already a selection of girls who want to get in your pants within 2 mintues of meeting you. I don't think English is the creators first langauge lines like " will make sex with me" i couldn't help reading with a Russian accent in my head.

    Overall not too bad, not very deep and I will probably will have about 6 little Dave's by the end of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    MEGALONO ( name of the dev ) means in greek GROW UP.
    The start was really nice with many nice situations.
    The story with Emma was a typical NETORI situation. More of this.
    I hope the dev continues to GROW UP. :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, I like the idea of getting pregnant. I really like the possibilities of the story and the choice. I would introduce corruption in my mother. And the possibility of a harem
    Otherwise, I will continue to look forward to the sequel and other ideas.
    so let's surprise you
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.4.0]

    Art's alright but has issues. Lighting, composition, graininess, and a failed understanding of how the human neck works.

    Writing is bad. Scenario is trite, narrative is disjointed and has no stakes or weight to it, fluency is poor Babelfish levels of low and characterization is just a rapidfire sequence of HERE IS THE NAME OF THIS SET OF TITS AND NOW YOU BANG HER.

    Porn was pretty dull.

    TLDR: Wasn't for me.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Professor Black

    Review as of 0.4.0

    I'm giving this a 3 in technicality but personally i'd give it a four.
    I'll start with the pros'. The idea of it is great! love the characters and the story is entertaining if you manage to not exclude characters. something about this game is just very charming.

    Now the cons. render needs work. I'm talking about flat lighting (headlight lighting from daz) and some graininess in some renders, English needs an overhaul, reading takes some effort to understand but not a deal breaker. characters background story might turn off some if not alot of people as they come off all slutty and whorish. Personally i don't like rape of any kind, there is one here(MC does the raping). And a hint of sandbox at the end of the update. At the moment it isnt too crazy but yeah, I dislike sandbox.

    Play it , its GOOD if you can get over the grammar issues and the not so good renders.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This still need a lot of work, but the concept is great, most of the girl are really nice, and there is a lot of choices to make.
    The potential is huge if the dev don't drop it, but he will also need some help from a proofreader.
    Edit : the game isn't evolving in a good direction at all, becoming a sandbox and doing nothing with the good starting situations...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    So I'm givin this game the full 5 stars, why ? Am I blind or what you thinkin ? I might be a bit "blind" for the small grammar mistakes (highly overated on this site as an argument in reviews imo anway) and the bit grainy renders, and the somewhat 'simple' story (Hey, the Dev DID warn you beforehand, just look at the title of the game !!!) but my hearing definitely works very fine, and that's exactly were this Devs scores : the lewd sounds that go with the also very good animations are just awesome !!!
    I could easily fap 'blind' on only the sounds in this game, dude soooooooooooo good :love: Oh yeah, I also find the simple story amusing, he he, had a lot of fun playing this game :D
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The models seem good, but the bad English translation and the simple-mindedness of the MC leave me feeling like I'm wasting my time when I play it. The experiments with animation techniques seem interesting if a little unnatural. I may revisit this at some point in the future. If I liked this game more, I'd offer to edit the English text, but it just seems too pointless to me so far.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This may be the worst game that I've ever played on this site.
    It has good ratings, so I though why not give it a try and see what it's like, that was a stupid idea. The badly translated writing, the awful none story, the empty boring characters and situations, all make this absolutely dreadful. If you're considering giving this a try, please don't, it's really bad.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game hits my fetish buttons. Lots and lots of impregnation (both consensually and sneakily), harem aspects, a branching story where many choices at least somewhat matter, and so far no incest (which is a huge turn-off for me and a black mark on a lot of games I would otherwise like).

    The English grammar could could be better, although the 'engrish' feels like it fits with some characters (such as Anna, who, in my imagination, is FOB).

    There are a lot of renders in this game for such a small file size, but they are in low resolution and many/most of them look like they should have been left to run at least 2/4x longer. Not a deal breaker for me, but they do look grainy.

    I'm very worried that this game might never get finished, though, because by the end of content (as of this writing) there are at least 4 characters that may or may not be pregnant and may or may not have certain kinds of relationships with the MC based on choices that were made. That is a huge number of branches and TONS of work for the dev.

    Overall, though, I think it is great and I'm giving it 5 stars because I really want to see more of it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I like some of the content and it's not a bad game but the renders are so generic it hurts it, in the slew of games on the market right now it's above average in a few side categories but below average in rendering, combining the two it's a solidly average game that won't stand out but won't really disappoint.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Grey Wolf 73

    version reviewed: 0.1.6b alpha
    mods used: none
    you might like this if you're into: creampies and pregnancy

    overall impression: Hopeful

    + Story: It's good enough to keep my interest. Some games here are deeper and more filled out, but Simple Days is FAR better than others here. It's not War and Peace, but I'm here for boobies...

    - Grammar: I apreciate anyone who is willing to put forth the effort to make a game they feel needs to be made, no matter what language is their native tongue. The Engrish in Simple Days is almost funny enough to make me think it's done on purpose (ex. '...he sounds 100 percent sure, that this girl will make sex with me.'). Even with the Engrish, you get the point of the story without having to do mental translation.

    +/- Visuals: The animations are rough but they get the point across. Games with smooth sex scenes also come with huge file sizes so I'm OK with this. But the models are nice even though they aren't all my cup of tea.

    This game is a decent way to spend some time without getting too overly invested. And I think it will get better.

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    Edit: 0.2.0 Update was short but good. Dev is revising and updating graphics and I like that. Few games are anywhere near greatness right from the start and I still think this game has potential.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I have been pleasantly surprised by this game. It really needs refinement in some areas: in addition to the grainy renders and engrish that others have pointed out there is too much repetitiveness in the daily cycle. You don't need to show that the MC eats, bathes, does his laundry, etc. Just stick to the important parts of the story. It's almost like the dev was planning for this to be a sandbox game, put in all the worst parts of a sandbox grindfest and then kept them anyway when he switched to a VN format.
    Besides these flaws, the game has a lot going for it. Ema and Dora are very attractive and the characters have a lot more depth to them than I was expecting from the game's shaky beginning where An and Dora seemed to just be fuck puppets.
    The story shows a lot of growth in the MC too, as he's progressed from a childish view of wanting to impregnate everything that moves to thinking harder about his choices and actually caring about the women he's with.
    Overall I'm pretty impressed and I hope the flaws can be overcome to allow this game to achieve its full potential.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I can't give this more than 3/5 stars because I got to a certain point and just went into a dialogue loop in the MC room. I backed up to a previous save, and it didn't fix it.
    The story is good. The characters are different. The writing needs some work. If the mentioned glitch gets fixed, this might be a good VN. I didn't want to give it a bad rating because it's really not. The dev is doing a good job. The text loop that I encountered held it back from getting that 4th star. I'll check back with the next update and see how things go. I believe I encountered the loop on the evening of day 11 or 12. It's at night in the MCs room after coming home from An's place and the choice you make there.