Unreal Engine - Sin Spire [v0.0.3a] [Krasue Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    really impressive and actually fun, impressive gameplay loop as well as hot enemies, only thing thats a shame is no gallery yet as well as a bit of a learning curve, however once you understand how its suposed to be played, it opens up fast. However dev has planned it. Updates have been quick as well!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    review for ver 0.0.3 - very early in dev so i'm mostly just making suggestions/observations on what direction i think the game would benefit from.

    so far i'm liking the steady updates (well, as steady as 3 can be) though i do wish they would delay just a liiiiiittle longer and include the stalker's boss fight with each new update. that way you can actually enjoy wandering through the new area timer-free after beating the boss. of course some kind of gallery would be great too, but considering the dev added one to their last game i'm sure that's a planned feature and just isn't implemented yet.

    the sex anims are good so far too, noticed that the statue in area 2 has a context-dependent position depending on if you are in front or behind. would like to see more variations on the other monsters as well. there are a couple animations that are pretty janky but it's a given for such an early build.

    i do like the variety of enemies and how some show up in multiple areas (without breaking the sort of "theme" of the specific dungeon) though it would be nice to have more variety to their behavior, most of them just walk/run/spin at you while spamming attacks, and it makes any multi-enemy encounter just a conga line of idiots walking into your axe/bullets.

    the statue that you have to keep in your line of sight and the laughing girl that you can't get too close to are some great examples. interesting enemies like this would shine even more when contrasted with enemies that might limit your movement, weapon/item options, etc. could add a lot more replayability especially considering the game already has a lot of items, weapons, and upgrades for such a comparatively simple combat system.

    as it stands the best strat is to walk up behind enemies and one-hit them with a sneak attack and bang 'em. more development into the stealth would go a long way- the monsters do just stand there doing nothing and unless you fire a gun they act like they're deaf, patrolling behavior and some tweaks to their awareness would be great and make dungeon crawling more dynamic.

    the stalkers also offer basically no threat at all- they're not very smart and kind of just run to where you were last seen and if they can't find you they wander off. this makes avoiding them very trivial, especially when the entire map is always revealed and the stalker is shown on the map all the time. i bet this is planned to be changed in the future anyway, but it definitely takes all the tension out of the chase when you can just pull up your gps and run to the other side of the floor to avoid them. not to mention, just going in and out of the floor resets them anyway, which i think is letting the player off too easy.

    the stalker also has no threat even if they find you, they simply run up and hit you. i know previous versions had them insta-kill you, which in my opinion at least made the chase appropriately high-stakes, if a little too punishing.

    lastly, the sex... in case you forgot this is an 18+ game. so far sex as a mechanic exists just to erase dead enemies so they dont get back up, resident evil style. there are a couple upgrades that make sex viable beyond this but i think the game would benefit from giving it more unique incentives. getting money/health/inf stam are nice and all, but you can already get all these things through other means and it makes the sex feel like an afterthought in a game centering around sex. maybe a seperate "currency" and upgrade system altogether, or some way to get benefits that only fucking can get you (reveal stuff on the map? delay the stalker? etc)

    just my 2 (hundred) cents. i like the roguelike gameplay loop so far and with some polish it'll be great. it's very early in dev so i can see a lot of changes being made to balance so i dont think there's much to say there other than "you get overpowered too fast"- which is a given since only like 20% of the game's content is even playable at the moment. i did quite enjoy the dev's prev game and i hope this game grows more from here on.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The dificculty is WAY too overtuned, you can wail on a simple enemy for your weapon's entire durability and they simply don't die, the cheapest weapon costs 1000, and it quite literally can't kill a single enemy, and if you do manage to cheese an enemy with traps, they only give you 100 coins. "Oh but you should be stealthing!", but you can't, bc they can see you from a lot further than you can see them, they make no noise when they are just standing still, and there is no way to get behind them when they are looking down while standing right in the middle of a corridor
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.0.3

    Very fun, well-programmed game. If you are intrigued by the premise, you won't be disappointed when trying it out. Be prepared for a grind, and know that the game is more about running/hiding than actually killing every monster you see.

    A few bugs were encountered:

    - One time, I was grabbed by the witch and immediately fell through the terrain instead of being "finished off" by her. I'm not sure what would have happened if I'd just allowed myself to fall, but I chose to pause the game and reload my last save, since I had only just started that run.

    - Another time, I died and returned to collect my money, but it simply wasn't there. I checked the entire level, and even the previous level, but it was nowhere.

    What I would like to see in the final product:

    - A redesigned map, fully zoomed out with no need for panning around. A quick glance should be all that I need. Unique markers for the previous/next floors would be nice, as well.

    - Every 2 or 3 floors, it would be nice to have a portal back to the hub. When I have hit my run limit and need to return to spend my money, it becomes a chore to backtrack through so many floors. However, I also acknowledge that it's part of the risk/reward mechanic, and part of the blame is on me for simply not ending my run sooner, when I can still afford to take a few hits as I speed run back through the levels. This could also be alleviated by a better map, allowing for quick mental navigation.

    - It would be nice to be able to skip the witch's animation, since you tend to see it a lot in the early game. It's more rewarding when the climax is timed correctly...

    - Animations from basic enemies when they kill you. Example: The butcher could start riding the player, and then swing her knife one final time as you climax, before the screen goes black. Or the legs enemy could "suffocate" the player by sitting on their face, etc.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun game. Level generation worked well - good balance of traps and enemies. Felt as though it was a little too easy to get ammo - felt my guns were breaking far faster than I was getting ammo, even when I was using the same one. Nice variety in enemy design and attack patterns, kept each level interesting. Boss fights were alright but maybe a little underwhelming in scale of attack/variety - felt pretty easy.
    Voice acting was surprisingly well done and dialogue felt natural; stood out especially well compared to all of the shitty translations on this platform.
    I dont' know how I feel about the map - almost makes each level a bit too easy. I remember for like the first hour I somehow didn't realise there was a map and just found myself navigating throughout the levels blind. Tbh was probably more fun this way - definitely ended up exploring more but naturally this made making it out before the timer pretty challenging. idk if there's anything really of value to take from that but if the map feature got removed I wouldn't be upset.
    Atmosphere was great - nice graphics/textures and all that.
    Nice variety of weapons but I found myself always using the shotgun for regularly enemies and only the machine gun for the boss. Wasn't really any reason to use pistol or rifle or any other melees bc I never ran out of repairs and ammo. Maybe could use some balancing.
    Solid game worth playing
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most fun h-games I've ever played. xD Kinda missed the crouch-jump from your previous game, it was fun to speedrun with that mechanic. Also, will the tutorial boss have an h-scene? Seems perfect for it once you defeat it. Other than that, super excited for future content! I'd love to seem some dungeons with bigger rooms and more verticality, and maybe more animations for melee combat, since its just a single swing for the katana, etc.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    S+ Tier.

    One of the best H games ever, its a brutal RPG with amazing retro horror graphics. Some were disappointed that there was no 'defeat sex' and instead sex is initiated after beating the monster girls, but the way this game does it is how I wish most H games would do it. Getting scenes after winning means the gameplay loop isn't interrupted. I don't have to load a save etc.

    The variety of monsters is awesome, some monsters have multiple scenes. It has a Soulslike RPG upskilling system, which is great, and the gameplay loop is actually a little addictive, it was fun outside of just the H scenes. I highly recommend supporting the dev as it shows that more of these games are wanted in the industry.

    Some criticisms that I think are valid:
    - The early game tutorial is a little lengthy with not a lot going on. Its very maze like and a little confusing. There are parts which go on way too long.

    - The game is genuinely scary and uses jumpscares. I think a minor warning at the start of the game may be appropriate for some people

    - The game is too grindy at the moment. It takes a bit too long to get strong enough to clear the boss and get to the next levels. At some point you can encounter the same monstergirls before getting bored. This might get better if dungeons were populated with a large variety of different girls.

    Play Sin Spire. It's so good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a nice balance of a myriad of things that just make it great IMO, I find it unique to the point where this is my first review on a game.

    Firstly, i would like to point out the combat. IT ACTUALLY HAS IT its like a doom rogue-like and i just love that, the progression is fair but grindy, i think it needs that ATM (0.0.3) and I'm sure that will change.

    The Animations and models are also great, pretty unique and also gives me that that SCP or LC vibe also with the visual pixel-ness which i love.

    Overall its a 5 it's just one of those i would support with how interesting and fun it is.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good !

    Can't wait to see more coming in the game !

    More monsters, gallery, and why not monster that grab you and reverse on you, and if they steal the lust bar, we lost a % of life ?

    Really good, as i've already loved the first game, glad to see more stuff coming from you
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.0.3

    I think the novelty of this game really captures you at first. The old-school graphical style, the atmosphere, sounds, working mechanics, npcs, voice acting, enemy designs etc etc. It just being an actual functioning game really, which is a rarity for lewd games when you look outside of visual novels. But as you get into the roguelike dungeon-crawling gameplay I think the game starts to lose it's charm quickly.

    I'm purely rating this on what's here. Conceptually I do think the game is pretty neat and with enough content this could be a banger. But for me that's also sort of the problem right now. A big part of the fun of roguelikes for me is the variety. The first dungeon, give or take a little RNG, you'll practically see everything it has to offer on the first floor. The remaining nine floors are all the same outside of the random layout generation.

    An issue solved with more content like I mentioned, but the gameplay itself turns into a slog imo. The overly long intro aside, once you actually get to start the dungeon crawling you realize two things: You're weak as hell and you gotta grind. There's a dark souls style leveling system that uses currency to level up. You get this by opening chests and defeating enemies in the dungeon. So, off to the dungeon then.

    It feels like it's almost built to be speed-ran like some sort of extract game honestly. You literally have nothing so you'd want to rush chests to get random items because you can't beat enemies otherwise. You maybe get lucky and find a weapon, or unlucky and find one of the many consumables. I'm convinced chest rarity means nothing as I've found katanas and shotguns in basic chests and regular consumables in gold ones. Even when you do find weapons, it kinda seems not worth to fight anything? Enemies are tanky, your weapons have durability, and when you try to parry attacks your weapons really suffer from durability loss. Not to mention you get the shit kicked out of you pretty easy by some enemies (those leg things combo the fuck out of you). Then, enemies you defeat get back up unless you fuck them. I do like that sex is engrained into the game that way, but then you're also limited by a lust bar that recharges slowly. Which you could wait for if your sanity wasn't slowly decreasing. Not to mention you're also on a timer as soon as something sees you that triggers an un-killable hunter at the end of it so you can't really wait around anyway.

    The game does have a stealth mechanic that sort of circumvents some of these issues. Problem is there's no way to reliably sneak by enemies given the room layouts and enemy placement. So you either do two things: run to a hiding spot and wait until they turn around, or speed run to the next level door to reset them and enter back in to get behind them. The first just feels tedious and the second feels cheesy?

    I think the worst part of it for me is the fact that there's TEN floors of doing that same thing over and over. Which each level being more or less the same like I mentioned. THEN, after you do get to the end and grab the key item, the game says "hey go do that all again" because you need two of those key items to open the boss door. Really just feels like a sort of inflated difficulty at that point. That's not even getting into the second level that stops you by needing to find keys for locked doors and wanting you to run through the ten levels THREE TIMES.

    TLDR - I think the gameplay loop just isn't that fun and way too inflated with grind in it's current iteration. The game has a good theme going, I like the horror take on the enemies, and being able to fuck those enemies. Sex animations are good themselves too. But I don't really want to grind that much for what little content there actually is. With time I can see this being something really cool, but I'd give it more time to cook before I'd really recommend it.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    i dont understand why this game have good reviews everthing is randomly generated so gettin gun is based on luck if you dont have one you gotta run around in narrow corridors with annoying monsters and traps is it scary? no. is it fun? no.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    v. 0.0.3
    It has poor but cosy Mist-like style graphic with only one animation with every enemy, bosses have more animations.
    Gameplay is simple but very captivating and it's a strong argument among other games on this resource. It's grindy to farm 10 floors for every orb and every new boss needs one more orb then previous. It's hard only in first gate, then you with all collected weapons and upgrades won't have any difficulties with other gates and it becomes boring, i had almost 1 thousand of every bullets after second gate.
    It's only alpha version so you can meet some bugs like stucked enemies in doors.
    I hope dev will make it more balanced, will add perk or function to skip sex animation and also remake good mechanic with timer cause it's boring to return to previous floor after every encounter to stop timer or to get 30 secs of free roaming.
    Very decent, i agree with others to give 5 star in advance cause it has great potential.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is special. I ain't used to horror games, but I am working my way through this one. It's fun, the style/atmosphere is great and spooky, and this feels like an actual game with story and passion behind it.

    Gameplay is very solid, foundations are all clearly there. Sex is implemented into the gameplay and the animations are great. What I love about the sex scenes is that they don't have that stiffness that a lot of other creators struggle with. I like that there's combat in the game even though it can be frustrating. Combat on the player side could be tweaked, right now the melee weapons feel pretty bad because they're very slow. I found that parrying is the way to go against fast enemies, but if you mistime it they combo the hell out of you. This game can feel too punishing, especially when you consider the very short time that you're given to complete each floor. I am enjoying the game, but it could benefit from giving the players more control over their character.

    Edit: You may want to cheat through this game if it starts to feel too grindy. Dungeon 3 has pretty obnoxious level design and NO boss fight as of v0.0.3.

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  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Trying Unreal Engine games is worth it for this. I was skeptical because monsters are not my thing but got hooked on the gameplay. really great gameplay loop and rewarding boss fights. Great job developer
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.0.2;
    A hidden gem on this side that looks very promising. I love the PS1 looks and gameplay and the spicy scenes are well integrated in the gameplay without needing a game over like most horror games on this site.

    My only complain for now is, that the start can be very rough until you get some good items and levelup and the stats for levelup could be explained because I could only guess what they actually improve.

    I am looking forward for future updates and hope the dev won't abandon this game and we get a full release someday.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    - Gameplay:
    Gameplay has been great, I personally would like to skip the very first white boss encounter where I need to hide (I just like shoot things while escaping), even though it is a tutorial barrier to prepare for the dungeon exploration.
    Add some number button to quick access the weapons, or add the ability to unequip unwanted weapon to be brought. It surely add an extra layer other than just player die > drop money, but potentially also drop weapon (if playing HARD mode, if there's even will be a difficulty slider in the future) so the inventory management is more fun. Like, the playstyle already souls-like, but the difficulty could be "managed" by the player.

    - Graphics:
    The maps has been great and the dungeon exploration is quite satisfying, despite being chased by the stalker (but the maps helps exploring efficiency). The 3D need some need work to enhance their graphic, either add DLSS or something like that, then it's generally good to go. Current graphics's quality is decent for a retro approach, I just personally wanna use my "RTX" privilege if possible.

    - NPCs:
    10/10 so far, need to focus on banging Savina's a.s.a.p. The witch boss has a great design, but while normal enemies have only 1 sex pose, I personally would like the bosses to have 3 instead of 2 (you know, since they're bosses). Which potentially you could add "elite" enemies that give you 2 poses, either can be picked or doing both (since timer are paused while banging anyway).

    - Weapons:
    Weapons variation is there, but the length of uniqueness or what it can achieve compared to other weapon is not properly projected. Like, for the current build, running Katana and Double Barrel Shotgun is just more than enough (considering there's no ADS-ing for the rifle, potentially doing headshot and dealing quadruple damage, etc). So yeah, Katana is justified since it's the most expensive melee weapon, but as for the ranged weapons, while there's price differences, it still need some length on each weapon where they can have mostly have pros and cons when comparing within each ranged weapon (e.g. SMG better for pray and spray on crowded enemies compared to Shotgun, etc). And my personal request would be add as crazy weapon as you can (auto shotgun or LMG) even though it'll be overpriced as hell.

    Overall rating: 7/10 when it comes for a shooter experience while sexing the hot enemies. 10/10 on the ability to keep repeating the witch boss.
    -1 for expecting better max graphics without exploding player's pc
    -1 for needing WAY more hot bangable enemies and bosses
    -1 for waiting until this game is fully build without flopping (which less likely to happen, since you can only improve from here and on)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is MASTERPIECE? you feel it? i love combination of FPS Horror + Urge for Fuck NPC. When you got jumpscared, this game made my friend below awake 24 hours - ehem. I LOVE THIS GAME VERY VERY MUCH
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I sincerely believe we can call Krasue the Father of the Scaroused Genre. Although not the creator, he is pushing this concept to new frontiers, and conquering every horizon he crosses.

    Summary: Joining together generative maps, PS2 graphics, excellent audio designs, a variety of monsters and challenging but fun gameplay, Krasue is breaking grounds in pushing all erotic vidya as a whole to a new dawn.

    Why the negative reviews?: Skill issue and poor frustration management.


    Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The art-style is reminiscent of PS2 games, but honestly, you get so much into the game you skip past the pixelized low/tier graphics. And honestly, this stylized approach is marvelous: it runs smoothly on most PCs, and realistic monsters would probably overturn the game to just be scary.

    Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    If you played HotPW, you'll know that grinding will be important in this game. Still, I find it fun as you don't get the same map twice, you don't get the same monsters twice, and you don't get the same loot twice. You need to know when to:

    1) Sprint to the next level;
    2) Stun and run;
    3) Hide;
    4) Slay and run;
    5) Slay and fuck.

    Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    [VERSION A0.2] There's no complex storyline, but even so, the game does a good job at telling you the very basic concept it follows. You're lost in the woods, get attacked, run into a gargantuan tower. I'm sure there's much lore to be found in future updates, and when so, I'll add to this section the missing star.

    Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    There isn't a lot of dialogue, but both the voice acting and the English fluency are excellent.

    : 19
    Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
    Final result: 5 (19/4 = 4.75 = 5)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a really engaging theme, very few games have been able to blend gameplay with h-scene so perfectly since the Imperial gatekeeper, I will buy it when it comes out on steam because it's worth it
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a fascinating blend of roguelike dungeon-crawling, horror elements, and erotic themes. Players traverse randomly generated dungeons filled with creepy yet creatively designed monsters, which can be defeated using traditional weapons and through intimate interactions.
    The retro-style graphics give the game a nostalgic charm.

    However, a couple of areas could use improvement. One notable shortcoming is the absence of sexual attacks from the monsters directed at the protagonist. For example, it feels like a missed opportunity that Stalkers, when they catch you, or even other monsters as part of a finishing move, don’t use such attacks. Adding this mechanic could enhance the tension and immersion, aligning with the game’s themes.

    Additionally, more variety in the monster designs across dungeons would be welcome. The frequent repetition of previous monsters can make the encounters feel less exciting over time. A greater range of unique creatures in each dungeon would significantly boost the game’s diversity and surprise factor.