- Gameplay:
Gameplay has been great, I personally would like to skip the very first white boss encounter where I need to hide (I just like shoot things while escaping), even though it is a tutorial barrier to prepare for the dungeon exploration.
Add some number button to quick access the weapons, or add the ability to unequip unwanted weapon to be brought. It surely add an extra layer other than just player die > drop money, but potentially also drop weapon (if playing HARD mode, if there's even will be a difficulty slider in the future) so the inventory management is more fun. Like, the playstyle already souls-like, but the difficulty could be "managed" by the player.
- Graphics:
The maps has been great and the dungeon exploration is quite satisfying, despite being chased by the stalker (but the maps helps exploring efficiency). The 3D need some need work to enhance their graphic, either add DLSS or something like that, then it's generally good to go. Current graphics's quality is decent for a retro approach, I just personally wanna use my "RTX" privilege if possible.
- NPCs:
10/10 so far, need to focus on banging Savina's a.s.a.p. The witch boss has a great design, but while normal enemies have only 1 sex pose, I personally would like the bosses to have 3 instead of 2 (you know, since they're bosses). Which potentially you could add "elite" enemies that give you 2 poses, either can be picked or doing both (since timer are paused while banging anyway).
- Weapons:
Weapons variation is there, but the length of uniqueness or what it can achieve compared to other weapon is not properly projected. Like, for the current build, running Katana and Double Barrel Shotgun is just more than enough (considering there's no ADS-ing for the rifle, potentially doing headshot and dealing quadruple damage, etc). So yeah, Katana is justified since it's the most expensive melee weapon, but as for the ranged weapons, while there's price differences, it still need some length on each weapon where they can have mostly have pros and cons when comparing within each ranged weapon (e.g. SMG better for pray and spray on crowded enemies compared to Shotgun, etc). And my personal request would be add as crazy weapon as you can (auto shotgun or LMG) even though it'll be overpriced as hell.
Overall rating: 7/10 when it comes for a shooter experience while sexing the hot enemies. 10/10 on the ability to keep repeating the witch boss.
-1 for expecting better max graphics without exploding player's pc
-1 for needing WAY more hot bangable enemies and bosses
-1 for waiting until this game is fully build without flopping (which less likely to happen, since you can only improve from here and on)