The biggest issue I see right now is the inventory system itself. The click and drag system doesn't register half the time when dragging items, other times instead of dragging the item it highlights the words on the page, and when you have too many bags part of the page/ items becomes unresponsive. The game also bugs out if you change viewing settings. So right now the best advice I can give is that equipment slots need to be dedicated/ and easily recognizable ( dedicated weapon slot, armor slots, bag slots etc.)[*You can currently equip random items to body slots], The UI needs to be fixed to be more user friendly be that viewing, interacting ( shift click to transfer items), or responsiveness, and finally a risk reward system because right now there isn't really an incentive to just go from the shelter to the nearest town and harvest the same 3 house repeatedly while hoping for high end gear to spawn. ( Maybe a week in game cool down on loot respawn).
Edit V0.3: UI improved but still skips quite often as well as accidental highlighting, Shift click to inventory implemented great for quality of life but it should be shift click to transfer between inventories ( so you can transfer items to storage or for sale as well not just exclusively to inventory). Loot rebalanced but still can get current "end game" gear by moving from base to closest houses and back, so no real reward for exploration. Too many useless items like cloth and empty syringes, implementing some form of crafting or base upgrade system to make them useful.