VN - Ren'Py - Single Again [v1.24.2] [Clever name games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Makes me feel bad trying other VN's out after playing this. Characters are charming as all hell. writing isn't over the top and feels pretty normal. lily turned out to be my favorite character. She reacts as normally as i expect her character to react to stuff. Very nice work cannot wait for more.

    However i do agree with the masses that the MC is a little bit of a wuss, although it adds to the realism. People play to many games were the MC is a horndog always ready to jump. MC here is a "dad" so i understand why he is so hesitant to pursue the girls. The Hesitation towards Rebecca makes no since as she is the oldest and the most normal one for the MC to say "Yeah you know F it lets do it" after all the things shes done on her own as a women and as your partner you would think the MC would make up his mind about her.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440241

    The whole "I'm their dad, I shouldn't be letting them seduce me" bit works fine in the beginning. But when you've been balls deep in a girl and agreed to keep having sex, it's time to move on. The ironic part of that being that the MC has had a similar conversation with said girl because she's agreed to a poly relationship but still gets jealous. So in one scene he going "you've made your decision so quit getting pissed off everytime you see me with someone" and in the next he's bitching about how inappropriate it is that he's in a sexual relationship with his daughters.

    If that isn't enough reason to avoid the game then be sure you play with a walkthrough. While ~90% of choices do nothing more than change small bits of dialogue, every now and then you'll get choices with drastic impacts on later scenes. Nothing story related of course, you and the MC are barely more than passive observers in one girl's plan to build a family harem. But there are plenty of side girls that you'll never experience if you don't make the right decisions. Probably the worst example of this is in the spoiler below.

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  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game hasn't changed since the big NTR cut a few versions back. It's a truckload of dialogue and a "slow burn". But the actual good stuff is like a needle in the haystack of this dialogue.

    The MC is still the door mat these girls and their mothers seem to kept/keep as a bed warmer and an ATM. He has not developed, he still waffles and whinges at every turn.

    The girls are fun and the sex scenes are good. They just got saddled with the biggest piece of beta milquetoast the writer could come up with.

    I say stop this game with a sudden Truck-kun applied to Step-MC and have them stay with one their other father figures. Gotta be more interesting then this...
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    (I am going to attempt to do this review “spoiler free”, for those who have not played through it.)

    This game would be incredible, but ends up being very frustrating because ‘Frankly’ (No pun intended) the main character is a pussy! He cannot make choices for himself without his daughter (or other women) making them for him. Then when you think he will go along with things, he does it again, then again, then again. The whole game, everything he is unsure of and it gets annoying and old, really fast. 70% of the dialog is him being unsure of what to do and being in denial of obvious treasures shoved his way, it's ridiculous!

    The girls are hot, and the buildup with them is nice (if not too prolonged). While I understand his conflict about the “situation”, he is even like that with characters other than them! Meiko is a perfect example, when you play it, you will see what I mean by it.

    I like build up, and I understand they are trying to build up (to make the end result even more satisfying), but he is conflicted about every single situation in the entire game, even when women are throwing themselves at him. While I can understand the women in his “situation”, it’s frustrating how much of a pussy he comes off! He constantly needs others to make his mind up for him, likely the most annoying MC ever conceived!

    I like build up and I am glad the game is prolonged a bit (yet it’s too much!), but they went overboard with it here because he turns down situations, only to have them happen anyhow or later. It’s not very realistic, everything most would love to have causes him conflict or makes him want to get out of a situation we all would dream of happening to us. He comes off not complex, but like I said, a real pussy! They made him in a way he would be a conflicted mess about having 20 hot naked women in front of him or winning a million dollars! It is stupid and frustrating, instead of building up the scene. I wish I was exaggerating about how much he takes this game down a few notches!

    The art is good, the girls are hot (it took me a little bit to get used to the big eyes, but now they work fine for me). The scenes, when they do finally happen because of the sissy MC, are really good and are animated fairly well. The story is good and they did not rush it, but it is too prolonged just because every situation the MC is “I want it, I do not want it, I want it, I don’t. This is wrong, but I want it! Make my mind up for me!?” In moderation, this would have worked and built up the scenes, but he is like this in literally every single situation (even when it makes no sense).

    Still worth playing through and I love the scenes, the build up would be nice if it was not so convoluted! I just cannot stand the MC and the plot device concerning him.

    Without the MC, or done in more moderation, it would have been an easy 4.5 to 5 star game. Having more choice of his action (or denial of action) would have made him better.

    Until now, I never played a AVN game where the MC ruins the situations almost every time they happen until now!

    • The women
    • The renders
    • The scenes
    • Animation of said scenes is well done
    • The story
    • Lots of content
    • Seems to be more content coming!
    • MC is annoying and constantly conflicted, often for no or little reason, I cannot stand him!
    • MC cannot make up his own mind, needs young women and others to do it for him.
    • MC turns down women who want him, ruining the happiness you get from finally getting a scene after he constantly denies wanting it to happen. Or you think it is going to happen, then he ruins it or ends the situation. In moderation, this works. In every scene, it is annoying and disappointing you do not get more choice.
    • MC is a complete pussy and is more like an emotional female mess, but even female emotional messes can make decisions he cannot!
    • It still is one of my favorite ones, just sad the MC ruins it quite a bit, and by that I mean a LOT!
    My Rating: 4.0
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Well it's a good story and believable characters , I find flashbacks and parts about past more appealing , there is no determining choice implemented inside story, You can't even reject Meiko, it's good to have option, but there is not much given to MC , may be he wants date only one girl at a time, sadly that is not possible.
    Also parts in dream with fairy versions of characters are a little bit much, it can be a normal dream , nothing wrong with that.

    I liked the Single Again , but that doesn't mean it can't be better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i loved this game. i love the storyline, i love most of the characters. just one thing: i wish i could choose which character i can be with or without. i don't wanna be with one char but you just can't push her away. but overall, best lewd game i have ever played.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fine, the animations are very good and everything, but the protagonist becomes a bit repetitive with the "we shouldn't, it's wrong, etc." It's okay, the story is a bit interesting, it's a bit disappointing that they're all stepdaughters but I can avoid it a bit and pretend that they are, it's not that it's bad like this but I like the idea of taboo, more than What's wrong, sometimes the faces look a little weird but otherwise it's ok, I'd say there's too much dialogue, the dream thing gets pretty long sometimes and it would be more fun if it affected the real world, it would be nice a little bit. a little more content, not totally sexual, but a little more toying, like with the thighs or maybe the butt, something while they sleep would be great
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    well-done graphics and wonderful story, it's enjoyable for playing slow burn game. But there's room to improve, just like what others said, the male protagonist is literally unconfident. There's no doubt that this game is good, can't wait to completed version!
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Itachi RHB

    I was hoping a good romance so I played it for 3 hrs and it got so boring that I stopped. The mc was so shy and passive that he needed to be continuously reminded by his alpha stepdaughter Rebecca to man up in situations. I mean this dude got cheated and caught his ex wife during the act, but he couldn't reveal who the guy is to his step daughters cause he made a promise to his ex wife about it. I mean yeah, this dude is pathetic af. Don't waste time playing it if you don't like beta cucks who's so mentally fragile that it's a wonder how a character like this is a porn game mc. He must be terrified of even the idea of sex cause it's scary :LOL:...
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing version v1.18

    What begins as a novel concept -- the submissive and almost passive manner in which the main character, Frank, suffers the amorous advances of his three stepdaughters -- eventually becomes dry the longer the VN goes on. He's entirely illogical at times and hypocritical almost always, yet never seems to gather enough confidence to stand up to the machinations of his teenage and twenty-four-year-old paramours.

    Still, it's an interesting enough concept to explore, and the renders are always passable. 4*
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Yo not gonna lie played this game on version 1.08 wasn't to found of it, but holy shit the amount of content that as being added and especially lillith relationship god dam made it so fucking worth it to replay it.
    This game jumped from a mediocre game with an interesting plot to a really good one with an even greater character development and depth, some of the girls feel really unique in their one way, and even tho mc is really fucking dense for a porn game mc it doesn't feel like a burden especially remenbering his relationship with his daughters.
    The only possible draw back i could see is people not enjoying the incest part of it, which there is none but it kinda points in that way, either way for me that aint no problem and its more like a feature, don't stop yourself from playing this game because of that believe me this shit is kinda fire.
    REALLY GOOD GAME looking forward as fuck for the next updates would recommend in a heartbeat 9/10 LILLY BEST GIRL(fuck u all who dont agree).
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games I both loved and hated.
    I stayed engaged for the majority of the story but found that I had to start skipping dialogue cause of how repetitive the MC mental behavior of flip flopping emotions was (smells of a severe personality disorder). Roughly half way through the play through I found that I was skipping the internal dialogue and some of the dialogue of the MC and most dream sequences as they no longer felt like they contributed to the continuation of the story and had that repetitive feel. The way the MC internal monologue happens is something I am seeing a lot of and it doesn't sit well in most of them, it's a hard thing for someone to capture without making the MC look and feel like a fucking weak willed pussy who only gets the woman out of sheer luck rather than through any true effort on the MC's part.
    The author seams to be on the cusp of being able to really give the individual characters distinctly different personalities but there is a single mindedness that creeps in making the characters feel somewhat generic, but this author has down far better than many others with being able to give some characteristics to the individuals that gives them some individuality. I have never encountered someone who uses more variations of 'Mmm', 'Mhmm..', or other variations of that as a dialogue from all characters.
    Regardless of the faults I find with this game I did enjoy the time I spent in it and was pleasantly surprised by the amount the creator has done on this and will be looking at future updates.

    If you're a person who thinks toxic masculinity is a myth you might not enjoy this title at all and feel like the MC is a beta cuck of some sort.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is 5 gigs and if you take out all the MC whining and the useless dialog that gets brought up time and time again for no reason the game would probably only be 1.3 gigs.

    The game started out great and I was looking forward to every update but the last few updates have gotten more and more of just the MC crying about stuff that he has been crying about since day one and just waiting for becca to come over and hold his hand why she tells him what to do.

    If you love looking at pictures of a wall for twenty plus minutes or the back of someones head for no joke about one hundred lines of dialog this is the game for you.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    If a game reaches the point where I have to hold down CTRL because I can't stand to listen to another word out of the main character, there can be only one rating to give it. This game has one of the 10 most irritating protagonists of any game that I have ever played. The writer seriously needs an editor they trust who is willing to say no to them.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    A game you should only play if you're comfortable with unren, and willing to skip through a lot of dialogue.

    If you'd asked me a few months ago this would have been a solid 4 stars. If you'd asked me a few months before that it would have been pushing five. This is a game that started off strong, but the longer it goes, the more its inherent flaws undermine it.

    On the surface everything seems destined for a high rating. You're the (step/adoptive) father of three girls. The youngest is innocent and sexually curious. The middle is rebellious but looking to be tamed. The oldest is mature and romantic .There are sexy side-pieces to distract you. There are cute models and well-made renders. There is good writing and well-defined characters with story arcs. There's a recognizable plot. What's stopping this from hitting five stars?

    The best way I can describe it is that the MC is not the protagonist of the story. He's he point-of-view character, but he is not the character that drives the action forward or directs the story. The MC is at every step the person the story happens to.

    There's an alternative universe where there's a far more successfully executed version of this game with a female MC (or multiple female MCs), where after it was done the author thought "what if I tell this story from the father's perspective?" and that spin-off became Single Again.

    On the surface this sounds like an interesting premise for a game. What if [successful incest game] but the MC was the seducee rather than the seducer? And for a while it is. But there are two major flaws that add up over time.

    The first is that the decisions you make as MC are disconnected from their consequences. Because the important decisions are being made by characters you don't control, all you can do is nudge those decisions in a very unpredictable way. Narrative forks will often depend on three or four unrelated dialogue choices you made entire episodes before. There is (kind of) an internal logic to how the game chooses certain scenes or outcomes, but the only way to understand it is to decompile the game, read the source code, and puzzle it out after the fact.

    The second and more fatal problem is that the longer the game goes, the more it has to sit you (the MC) down and explain to you in long expository scenes what is going on and why. The further you go, the less you are taking part in the story and the more you are having a character explain what is going on to you.

    The net result of this is a feeling of disconnection. More and more of the game becomes scenes that you skim past looking for something engaging, and then when you do hit some kind of payoff you wonder if the effort was worth it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    TL/DR- Relatively wholesome slow-burn daddy/daughter kink relationship game with a really shy/weak protagonist. Worth it- but the main character is extremely frustrating if you like more dominant archetypes.

    1.23 edits: MC is back to being top 3 most pathetic VN protagonists in a 'cest daddy harem game. Think I finally fully lost my interest in this title.
    1.20 review edits: MC was far less annoying and far more dominant than usual in this release. What an improvement.

    + Really cute character models. (Especially Abby and Hanna)
    + Some particularly wholesome moments. Even teared up a bit occasionally. In a smut game- pretty rare stuff. The end bit in Lilith's side story was quite touching.
    + Sexual tension / build up is quite enjoyable. (this Abby x MC plot is driving me crazy with how hot it is- though the lesbianism makes it less hot.)
    +Some really nice stuff here if you like praise kink. Complimenting the girls on various things and seeing their reactions is very hot.
    + Writing is above par. The prose for the actual sex scenes is a little boring though.
    +A lot of the pathings seem like they could develop into hot scenarios. Hanna's route in particular is fun. I love the idea of her and her wife slowly giving up the rules they've been setting b/c they find they are wanting to break them themselves.

    + Mei's Pathing
    + Cute / Hot symbolic moments such as Lilith's piercing or Abby's increasingly lewd picture wall gallery.
    + The "kink choice" pathings pretty dynamically effect scene content in 1.19 and 1.20.

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    * Some players will be upset about the dildo scenes.

    -The ratio of the MC internal monologue vs shit actually happening in the game is too damn high. The MC's reluctance should be shown in a way that doesn't brow-beat the reader with the same concept 5,000 times.
    - MC is supposed to be a 39 year old adult but he looks and acts like a stuttering school-boy. Horse cock triages that and makes him feel somewhat powerful- otherwise he'd look super wimpy.
    (Post 1.9 he looks a lot better).
    -All the sex dreams ect spoil the actual events happening in game. Feels pretty uninspired to simultaneously edge the player with sexual tension / build up just to have the first actual scene b/t the MC and a character be in a fucking dream sequence.
    -If you don't like seeing your gal with other men you should probably skip Lilith's side story. (It is a separate game- buts still canon)
    -A lot of the plots just fall into the MCs lap. It'd be nicer if he could assert himself and actually make some stuff happen on his own. All this free stuff he keeps getting is annoying. (Alimony, Free apartment, free house, free money,
    free car). Bro should be working *himself* to make a better life for his girls- that is a big part of the daddy/daughter vibe.
    - I don't see what the point of the bad ends are. Its just lazy writing. (Exception; the Lilith bad end if you don't accept her advances did a lot narratively)

    ~I get why the author has made the MC so indecisive and passive in regards to the sexual progression of the daughter characters, but he should not be like that in other aspects of the game as well. Adding segments where he can be aggressive, assertive, and protective outside the scope of the relationship build-up would help the game a a lot by 1) Showing he isn't just a huge bitch 2) enhancing the player's sense of MC-Kun being torn about his relationships with his daughters specifically since he isn't ALWAYS a doormat- he is only a doormat in the context of those relationships.
    ~Eventually add some more dominant sexual content for the MC. These girls need to be fucked into the floorboards on the daily and then given a hot-chocolate, a cuddle, and a hand-hold afterwards. They want a daddy. Let them have one. MC is too weak in the scene content. (
    This improved a lot in the latest release.)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Soooo glad that it's not a sex but characters driven story. It's so well written, made me laugh many times. Protagonists and their emotions / feelings are so natural and although girls' natures are stereotypical for VN, writer gave them much more depth and human factor than most titles there are to found around.

    Thank you, you do really great job with this one.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of 1.17

    - Story concept is pretty good overall. I don't mind the slow pace so long as it's going somewhere. Unfortunately, this one only feels like it's moving forward at a reasonable speed if you skip through all the monologue nonsense, otherwise it feels like a snails pace.

    - Writing is bad. Spelling and grammar are pretty good overall, a few mistakes here and there, but nothing major. The MC is incredibly annoying with at least half of the game being inner monologue that repeats itself over and over and then the MC talks about everything that was written in monologue to nearly everyone he talks to and repeats himself several times to the same person too.

    - Renders used to be good, then somehow it got worse with alien looking females with giant scary looking eyelashes and buggy eyes that the light bleeds through and some having ugly hair styles and every face pretty much looks the same now.

    - The personalities of the females are likeable and there's at least some major differences between all of them. Like most AVNs though, they're all horny monkeys and are obsessed with the loser MC.

    Overall, this games seems to be going down hill and it doesn't appear like the dev has any interest in making any changes to the major issues this game has. For me, this game sits somewhere between 2 and 3 stars, so I rounded up to 3.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty... good! this game surprised me, and I can't wait to see where it takes us, next..

    the score:

    ***** - Great story. Even though the narrative remains a "porn game" it is well written. Excellent dialogues characters arch well thought out story. excellent "incest-y" plot Top notch. Slow burn, too many dreams
    *** Good visuals and animation.
    ***** plausible characters (for a porn game)
    *** cliché porn game big dick.
    *** choices: very few, if you want a somewhat "plausible" harem game for beta males, you won't find anything better. However, MC is painfully "PC" with his girls for a porn game (not real life). IF in contrast you do like any sort of corruption, dominance, trickery - turn elsewhere. you won't change his character, you can only unlock certain (side) scenes to the story

    Conclusion: support Dev if you can!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I understand where a lot of the critisism in the other reviews comes from. If slow burn fluff isn't your thing this story won't hold you at all, but for me, who comes to these kind of games from the hundreds of thousands of word fanfic world, these kind of games are exactly why I'm on this site.

    I find the characters to be beyond wonderful. Yes there are a few scenes that aren't perfect in my opinion, but the vast majority are consistent character builders or just pure fluff. Some reviewers have complained that it's all talk and the story doesn't progress, but when you're built up to care about the characters nothing fluff scenes are equivalent to sex scenes. In most games sex scenes don't actively progress the story (with some exceptions) they come about between the story elements, and fluff is the same way. Fluff is enjoyable in and of itself if you like that, and I love it.

    This is definitely a favourite of mine, and if you're a fluff lover like me, then it will be for you too.