(I am going to attempt to do this review “spoiler free”, for those who have not played through it.)
This game would be incredible, but ends up being very frustrating because ‘Frankly’ (No pun intended) the main character is a pussy! He cannot make choices for himself without his daughter (or other women) making them for him. Then when you think he will go along with things, he does it again, then again, then again. The whole game, everything he is unsure of and it gets annoying and old, really fast. 70% of the dialog is him being unsure of what to do and being in denial of obvious treasures shoved his way, it's ridiculous!
The girls are hot, and the buildup with them is nice (if not too prolonged). While I understand his conflict about the “situation”, he is even like that with characters other than them! Meiko is a perfect example, when you play it, you will see what I mean by it.
I like build up, and I understand they are trying to build up (to make the end result even more satisfying), but he is conflicted about every single situation in the entire game, even when women are throwing themselves at him. While I can understand the women in his “situation”, it’s frustrating how much of a pussy he comes off! He constantly needs others to make his mind up for him, likely the most annoying MC ever conceived!
I like build up and I am glad the game is prolonged a bit (yet it’s too much!), but they went overboard with it here because he turns down situations, only to have them happen anyhow or later. It’s not very realistic, everything most would love to have causes him conflict or makes him want to get out of a situation we all would dream of happening to us. He comes off not complex, but like I said, a real pussy! They made him in a way he would be a conflicted mess about having 20 hot naked women in front of him or winning a million dollars! It is stupid and frustrating, instead of building up the scene. I wish I was exaggerating about how much he takes this game down a few notches!
The art is good, the girls are hot (it took me a little bit to get used to the big eyes, but now they work fine for me). The scenes, when they do finally happen because of the sissy MC, are really good and are animated fairly well. The story is good and they did not rush it, but it is too prolonged just because every situation the MC is “I want it, I do not want it, I want it, I don’t. This is wrong, but I want it! Make my mind up for me!?” In moderation, this would have worked and built up the scenes, but he is like this in literally every single situation (even when it makes no sense).
Still worth playing through and I love the scenes, the build up would be nice if it was not so convoluted! I just cannot stand the MC and the plot device concerning him.
Without the MC, or done in more moderation, it would have been an easy 4.5 to 5 star game. Having more choice of his action (or denial of action) would have made him better.
Until now, I never played a AVN game where the MC ruins the situations almost every time they happen until now!
- The women
- The renders
- The scenes
- Animation of said scenes is well done
- The story
- Lots of content
- Seems to be more content coming!
- MC is annoying and constantly conflicted, often for no or little reason, I cannot stand him!
- MC cannot make up his own mind, needs young women and others to do it for him.
- MC turns down women who want him, ruining the happiness you get from finally getting a scene after he constantly denies wanting it to happen. Or you think it is going to happen, then he ruins it or ends the situation. In moderation, this works. In every scene, it is annoying and disappointing you do not get more choice.
- MC is a complete pussy and is more like an emotional female mess, but even female emotional messes can make decisions he cannot!
- It still is one of my favorite ones, just sad the MC ruins it quite a bit, and by that I mean a LOT!
My Rating: 4.0