VN - Ren'Py - Single Again [v1.24.2] [Clever name games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Long John Silver

    This used to be a 5/5 for me, but as time has gone on, the biggest issue for me, the protagonist, has become more and more glaring.

    The visuals won't be everyone's thing, but they have their own charm. The models and lighting do get better later on in the story, as do the animations. The characterisation (other than the protagonist) is very good, all of the girls have depth and their own distinct, charming personalities.

    Now, the protagonist. He is severely lacking in confidence, decisiveness, and willpower. He's also painfully dense, not just when it comes to the girls but often just life in general, despite having twice the life experience as the other characters. He feels like a passenger in the story, there is no sense of urgency from his character, he doesn't even really have any goals. Instead, he's dragged kicking and screaming from plot point to plot point by the characters around him, endlessly second guessing himself at every possible opportunity.

    This wasn't such a problem early on, but at this stage of the game it's just becoming frustrating, reading the same stuttering dialogue over and over again from a dithering protagonist who refuses to develop or grow alongside the other characters.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    (limited spoilers about main story setting ahead)

    Single Again (v1.17) is beautifully written tale of a seemingly hopeless romantic who lost his best friend, and high school sweet heart turned wife. A few short years after their daughter was born his wife dies tragically . He later marries his high school ex-girlfriend despite having 3 daughters of her own. Within the first few years they have a beautiful family and for the most part, they are happy, until things take a turn for the worst years later. Divorce ensues and you experience the trauma and hardship these girls (and other kids) have to endure during a divorce.

    During this heartfelt, warming, and beautifully written tale, you'll live the life of our mild mannered, good natured, and hopeful MC as he attempts to keep his family together through hardships, and win the heart of someone close to him, whom he loves most dear.

    This beautiful story brought tears to my eyes a few times, and made me laugh even more. This story was so riveting and I kept rooting for the MC during every struggle. I even found myself getting frustrated for him when he was so naive that he wasn't able to pick up on subtle social cues at times, and missed the big picture. This is riveting! I couldn't stop playing, b/c I wanted to see the story unfold!

    Originally I wasn't too sure due to the models for the characters. The design style isn't exactly normal with their larger than life eyes and heads, and proportions, but it grows on you; after a short time, I liked it!

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    I can't wait to see how this story turns out!
    This is definitely on my list for, "Must Play" games. My fiancé even enjoyed it, and recommended it to a few of her friends and even her her cousins! (nothing, kinky, it's just that good!
    Likes: aslop
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Using the BB brother model for the MC and an Eric model which may or may not be someone trying to cuck you. For an incest game, not a great start. Read through text for 30 minutes and got a nipple scene and a scene where the MC jerks off, which means there's a higher dick than pussy ratio already. There is a ton more text where nothing happens so I used the skip for a few minutes before the next scene occured which lead to a lot more text afterwards.

    The female models are not outstanding but acceptable. Story is ok. No game sounds. Having to click to continue when there's only 1 choice is annoying. Having to click when there's 3 choices that make no difference to the gameplay is also annoying. Both of these should be removed.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I will rate 5 for games that I think are worth the download (even if incomplete or imperfect) and 1 for games that I think are not worth wasting time (although in my text I talk about their positive aspects).

    The game has no music or sounds. 3DCG is pretty basic, and I didn't really like the girls' cartoonish style. girls face looks like a doll and despite making them look younger, it has no sex appeal. The animations even look a little worse than the static images. They look like robots! Yes, it's hard to find good animations in VNs. So you can't ask for much.

    In the tutorial it is said that the focus of this visual novel is on the characters and story. And if you are looking for "fun stuff" this game is not for you. However, the developer should know that QUANTITY IS NOT QUALITY. He fills the game with text, dialogue, thoughts, useless scenes, parallel characters and situations that add nothing in any way. They could remove 70% of the texts and scenes and it would still be THE SAME GAME with the same story and the same character development (which is terrible). And we have the MC's dreams that are about 25-30% of the game. That could be completely cut.
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    The game gives you options for topics for conversation, but you must click on 3. So it's not a real choice. I hate it when they do that, and the game does it several times, after many texts in which it doesn't give us any choice.

    The game rarely gives you options to do something naughty, which always results in GAME OVER. Basically, girls are throwing themselves at you, looking at and talking about your dick, for example. And "corrupting" you. But if you try to do the same with them it's game over. In other words, the game is a kinect novel where your stepdaughters want to have sex with you (but you have no control). This doesn't happen right at the beginning, which is a positive point, but after hundreds of boring dialogues, which are repeated on the same subjects and same dull sense of humor. His relationship with them is not captivating and you are forced to read their interaction dozens, hundreds of times. I would rather play that abandoned game with a boy named Bobby, albeit incomplete, and have to go through all the grinding and repeated actions, than be forced to read all the dialogue and thoughts in this game! I played about 25% of this game reading, and the rest was skipping and still my finger got tired of holding down the crtl. And when I stopped pressing to read something, IT WAS THE SAME THING they talked about dozens of dialogues before.

    The characters are totally inconsistent. One of the sisters keeps calling the other "prude" all the time, but in the biography we learn that they have had sex all these years sharing the same room. Is that being prudent??? o_o The girl who is a "prude" says to "dad: dad I'm going to take a shower, but no peeks ok?" What daughter would say that to her father? The stepfather MC doesn't look like a father. Stepdaughters don't look like stepdaughters. Yes, many VNs are poorly written and inconsistent, but they don't say their focus is on the story and characters.

    I don't recommend this game. And if you download it, leave the skip unseen texts pressed because you won't miss ANYTHING. There are occasional sexually arousing situations, but the truth is that by the time they happen, you're already tired of the characters.

    Right at the beginning we see the glaring inconsistencies:
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  5. 4.00 star(s)


    *Almost a Top Tier Game - just short of the 5 star rating*

    Ok... lets start with the positives...

    1) Story and writing is very good, not engrish, and i actually found myself reading the dialog and get invested in the characters which i can only say for a small proportion of games on this site.

    2) Renders and animations are very good. Models are unique and the animations are plentiful and smooth... i would say that there is some lag on lower powered devices, but on newer devices they are fine.

    3) Plenty of content - its a fairly slow burn at the start but you can tell this is an established game and as of version 1.16, there is a fair few hours game time and a lot of lewd animations so no issues there.


    1) Updates are slow. I do subscribe to a couple of content creators and i would consider subscribing to this project if the updates were quicker... but its months and months between updates which is not quick enough in my opinion.

    2) This one is a minor quirk, but the MC is not related to any of the characters so the incest tag is not required - adopted and step daughters maybe slightly taboo but do not class as incest.

    3) the MC is a bit of a pushover, he comes across as a bit of a wimp, could be more confident without ruining the story.

    Nutshell... good game, pretty well paced... would be one of the best games on this site if the updates were quicker.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A strange one. First off, as far as I am aware, there's no incest in it. MC's "daughters" are one adopted daughter and two step-daughters.

    Visuals are mediocre and there's a change of DAZ versions during the game. The models themselves are fine with some welcome variety between thicc and slim.

    The prose starts out all right, but with time there's a decrease in quality and an increase in quantity. My mind started wandering during reading because there's basically nothing in the text to hold my interest anymore. They're stating the same things over and over, without any development.

    The story develops slowly, which is fine, but then kind of comes to a stop and just keeps reiterating the same, which is not. The lack in sexual content with the "daughters" is remedied by side characters or dream/fantasy versions of characters. That's a method many VNs use, but I personally don't care for those scenes, unless there has been some meaningful exposure to the included characters.

    My biggest gripe is with MC and the basic setting of the story, which should have been a red flag to me. MC is a complete and total pushover with apparently no desires other than to fulfill the wishes of some woman around him. He never takes the initiative, romantically or sexually, he never confronts his thoughts and emotions or those of the people around him, he's just there. Even his proclamied fatherly love is shallow, because he is too spineless to enable himself to take care of his "daughters". He expected to get into serious financial trouble and did fuck all to find a solution or make sure that doesn't happen. Some VNs have a weak protagonist, who conquers his weaknesses to be able to care for his loved ones. This one just has a weak protagonist.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well this is my first rewiew but this just has became one of my favorit games the setting of a father that got out of a marriage and in the aftermath of it told his adopted daughter of his first marriag that he wasn´t her biological father opend them both little by little for the possebilety of "something" between them to than letting his step daughters of the second marriag to fullfill there kind of love with him is a lot more realistic than what most incest themed games offer

    here are also some points liked:

    + more sex patners than the daughters but not too many to make them two-dimensional fuck toys
    + the story is interseting there are a lot of games I skip thru till the sex because they just don´t feel like more than some flavor between the sex but not for this game
    + they are all over 18 and have lifes that show that they are adults

    and hier is the only negative point I have agenst the game :

    - the girl Lilith seems to hate her body but it seems to not only be her but also her sister and her boyfriend think of her as not femenin or that she looks boyish but of all the body typs in the game I think she looks the best so seeing my ideal body typ getting shamed is a bit sad even if this is one of the games with more normal body typs
    Likes: aslop
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    play 1.16 with a french trad 1.15 (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 3/5 A good story very well written, but not revolutionary, with unfortunately far too many lengths and speeches that are repeated again and again or that are lengthened for nothing.
    In addition, unfortunately the translation I had was not great (but that's not the game's fault).

    characters: 5/5 All the characters are very "stereotypical" but are very well written each in their own way, for me this is THE strong point of the game

    sex scene: 4/5 They are really good, of a very good length and very erotic! But I really can't give them 5 for the reason mentioned above, we really expect them too much, several hours of play between each.

    renders: 3.5/5 I really had a hard time with the "childish" aspect that it gives to the characters, and I really didn't think I could get used to it, but the writing helped, I was surprised, because finally, it happened, I got used to it. The expressions are very well done.

    animation: 4/5 They are really good, maybe a bit too "fast" fps at times, but it's better than the other way around

    sound: Unfortunately no sounds, no music.

    gameplay: 3/5 We are bored, not much to do except read again and again, there are many choices, but melted into so much reading that their importance is not really felt
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I´m liking it.
    Single dad with one adopted daughter and 2 stepdaughters. You know how it goes. It´s a bit annoying that the developer writes thoughts about the guilt but then blurs it with action. What makes a real incestual relashionship (and a shrink worthy one) is family not blood. I like these type of games but the relashionships need to be damaged.

    The real annoying part is that the MC is a big dick beta loser (minus 1 star)

    The hotties are nice so try it.

    Edit: 23/11/2022 - Newest update and the MC is so infuriating. If this guy existed no way he´d get pussy. Minus another star.

    Edit: 08/03/2023 - 1.19 - At least cuckholds are losers and embrace it. This MC i dont know. This story should end in suicide. Just saying. - 1 star.
    Jaye and Mallory! + 1 star! oh no! Multiverse Jaye and Mallory - these make no sense! - 1 star!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not sold at first, not for a while. I didn't like any of the characters, except for Abigail, which hooked me from the start. Later, I grew to love the other involved characters. I'm used to slow burn stories, I enjoy them, and this one seemed to rush one character pair initially, but then slowed down, and other pairs were brought into the fold. The writing shines towards the middle of the story, in which the protagonist and his plight is made very believable. I actually teared up several times, and that hasn't happened to me in any other story (any recommendations would be nice haha).

    Characters: A-
    Character Models: B+
    Environments: B+
    Story: A-
    Writing: A
    Sex: A+ (animations included)

    Superb. Will fap again.
    Likes: aslop
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't need to discuss the positives, that is clearly repeated over and over with the posts below. The reason people new to this game should re-consider is the way the MC is portrayed.
    This is a ground hog day of the moral compas of the MC, where he crosses a boundry one day, only to repeat the same objections, and fight tooth and nail to prevent anything sexual happening with three young girls (who all want the MC sexually no matter what) the very next day.
    MC's literally the only one besides the ex-wife who even knows the previous relation he had with the girls...via marriage, not blood, but acts like if he's caught doing anything other than talking to them in public, he'll get drawn and quartered by public outrage.
    It is an interesting aspect TBH at the start, but it's a hang-up that the MC can't get over, no matter what happens, or logic presented. It gets really old and a bit like nails on a chalkboard to a story that otherwise would be really good without it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    God damn this MC is so infuriating. I mean everything bad about him has already been described in detail below and I agree with every word. It really is bad. The other parts of the game though are good enough to keep me playing.

    The story, the other characters, and the renders are all pretty good but the MC is incredibly unlikeable. Take a shot everytime MC says "it can't happen", I dare you.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The author warns that the story is slow, but honestly the pacing of the narrative is perfect. Maybe I have been playing too many porn games but the only part of the story that stuck me as absolute unbelievable fantasy was the divorce. Honestly Fuck that bitch..
    Having an Either/Or vs Points system works well for the VN style here and doesn't distract by tempting Pro-Gamer Stats.
    The lewd scenes are spaced well in the plot but a gallery would still be appreciated...
    Also; a "The Road So Far" summary in the pause menu would be super rad. just spit ballin' but if it were set up on the bio cards with paragraphs added after milestones it would be easier to dive back into a save and keep track of who's feeling what after a break from the game.
    Neither of those niggles are worth detracting points though.
    Writing solid characters is hard, dynamic characters that don't lurch from one point to the next but have observable development more so.
    Character models are unique, or at least I didn't immediately recognize anyone. Sometimes with assets it's like watching Law and Order and being able to tell the vic/perp by who you recognize and that immediately pulls you out. That's just not the case here just a rant, sorry.. Tough I wouldn't be surprised to see these women in future games because they do look damn nice.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a 9.5/10 game IMO. The visuals are great, the story is great and the personalities of the 3 main girls is great. Only main issue I have is that the MC seems to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. I can understand the reasoning for him being conflicted but it seems like he will make progress with them all to just revert back to the beginning. Other than that, I love this game and can't wait for more updates, really looking forwards to where the story is heading.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a great premise and the story is sort of wholesome which is great. It's fairly simple but still manages to make you care for the people in it. So why the 3/5? Well mostly because the execution is very lacking. The renders are fine, I'm not as opposed to the looks as some people and I think it's sort of a fun little story. Biggest complaint however is that MC is such a weak twerp.

    Men can be shy, indecisive and lack self confidence. Then there's this MC he isn't shy but he has a stupid moral compass that prevents him from acting like a real person. Without spoiling anything (the story isn't really that spoilworthy) MC can be reluctant to sleep with young women who he's known since they were children. That's fine, that's realistic! But when he's finally done it he keeps going back to acting like they haven't and he's all shy about it. Pretty much every girl in the game literally tells MC that they want him sexually over and over and over again but he's like "Are you sure?". At one point one of them is straddling him, kissing him and he still goes "You don't have to do this!"

    Then there's the CONSTANT ( I do mean constant) internal monologue of the MC that explains every thought he has about a given situation. He looks at someones ass and we get serveda giant plate of monologue about how her ass is nice and how wrong it is for him to look. I get that the MC should be apprehensive and somewhat reluctant to do this kind of stuff but when you've creampied a woman and then decide that you're going to take it slow after the fact... it just gets absurd.

    Final verdict: It's a decent game that I've abandoned a few times because I get tired of the weak MC and his internal monologue and as such I can't advice anyone to play it in one go. I get bored if I play it too long and find myself only skimming the text. If the dev removed at least 75% of all the internal monologue the game would be a 4/5 and it would probably not affect the story at all. Infact it could improve the pacing.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    What a waste of good renders... In this "kinetic novel" you are the most mentally weak, whiny, submissive and pathetic beta MC ever seen before. Yes, kinetic novel, because the choices are absolutely irrelevant to the events. You will have to go through whatever the step-daughters decide. You will be continuously manipulated, without the possibility of reacting. You will suffer every imposition of the step-daughters. They are the ones who educate and teach the step-father, not the other way around. It is all predetermined and immutable, you have no say in the matter. The only differences brought about by the player's choices are access to a smaller or larger number of scenes, some escapade with side characters placed there as fillers, or to the Game Over. No paths. You can only be Becca's puppet... God, I really hate her and her cruel manipulative behaviour. This is not romance, this is sick
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Edited for 1.19
    Renders :Really good renders
    Story : Mc having boring inner monologues Seeing fairies that look like the girls and his daughter that saying just don't deny the urge to make love with his daughter who already runs around naked in the house But still mc is having dumb inner monologues that he wont do it Heeven has dreams about it He has sex with everyone he meets or atleast somtimes thinks about wanne do it with everyone he meets
    Again story is starting to look more about other girls then about his adopted daughter

    Sex scenes : Sex scenes are good
    No bugs
    Don't play with sound
    Game is not bad it's average
    But just feels like game spend to much time on the inner monologues of mc I feel like dev is stretching the story updates with dumb inner monologues
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    So this is one of those games where you play as a beta MC. The game is about you raising a daughter that's not even your own. The MC keeps having nightmares over and over again about his ex wife who cheated on him; this is because he's too much of a pussy to just man up and move on with his life. Even during the scene where she tries to screw you over when going through the divorce process, the MC is still timid and shy. Additionally, the MC gets his ass kicked by one of his step daughters; that's how weak he is. Also, another one of the step daughters has to explain to him about all the other girls because the MC is too dumb to figure this out on his own. Additionally, the writer has to put in random dream fairy sequences that explain how girls work to the MC because the MC is so dumb that the writer had to figure out a way to teach him how women work and used imaginary fairies to do so. As the story progresses, you also find out that he got friend zoned hard by a love interest in his past and he is now raising her daughter like the cuck he is. Even when one of the step daughters wants to have sex with the MC, he spends about 5 minutes of text saying that he doesn't want sex because he's too scared.

    The good things is that the renders are nice and the women look fairly hot. But avoid if you don't like cuck and beta MC's.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    Infuriating. I really like the story (even if it is preachy at times), I like the characters (even if they all have a bit of a soap opera quality to them), I like the slow pace. It's nice.

    BUT the MC is just unbearable. He is whiny, little man that constantly preaches about moral high grounds, while going along with whatever his "daughters" tell him to do. His doubts are obviously used to drag out the inevitable (which is a super cheap plot device), but it also damages the whole story set up that way.

    Even with a lot of suspension of disbelief, there is no reason for any of the love interests to actually want to be with that guy. He has zero redeeming qualities other than being "nice". He is not assertive at all, he takes advantage of his daughters and then cries about it. There is literally no redeeming quality in him and yet all the girls magically fall in love with him.

    As this behaviour drags on (and on and on...), it really starts to unravel the story, despite the daughters being fairly well written.

    At this point, it's painful to watch.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    My first review.

    This was my favorite game on the site for some time because of the romantic build-up, however, each new update is less significant than the last.

    The characters talk and talk. Rebecca is nosy and manipulative. Lily needs to be put into an institution.
    The MC is the most indecisive and whiny MC ever.

    I'm just playing this to see it through the final step, Abby (she seems to be the most normal character as well). But considering it's been 2 years since the game was first released idk when to expect what we're all waiting for.