Damn, where do i begin with this one
First of all, there are spoilers ahead. I cant review this without talking about specifics and without refencing some things that happen in the game
Second of all, I really like incest games ... if you throw a harem in there its even better, so keep that in mind.
Now ... I wanted to finish chapter 1 first before reviewing this but i just cant take it anymore. I have to do this.
I find the game to be quite good overall. I intend to keep playing it.
Its a slow burn but i like it, thats my thing. Romance, build-up etc.
The writing i found to be ok most of the time but not always. There are times where its .. just ... not good.
There's some drama in here, some plot twists, all good. I like this.
I hate when games are just perfect .. in the sense that nothing bad really happens, everyone is happy from day one.
The story is good enough, its interesting enogh to keep me playing.
In fact this is one of the few reasons why im not stopping. I want to see how it ends.
The characters are mostly fine. The daughters are written decently enough (for my standards anyway) and i love them for who they are so thats a big plus. It always sucks when your love interest(s) suck. More on them later.
Now ... the bad stuff.
First of all, i dont like the artstyle.
From the main love interests, Abigail is the weakest among them. She looks ... wrong. Something about her is not right. There are a few renders where she just looks outright awful. Proportions are messed up.
Lilith is better. Still weird but better than Abby.
Becca is by far the more normal in terms of looks, the more better looking i should say. Still weird but from all other models in the game, she is the least weird.
She looks aweomse in some renders, especially with her glasses
... but then there's Beth. A good example of ... hideousness. When i first saw her, i minimized the game and went on the forum here to see if there are tags such as supernatural or something because the first thing that came to mind when i saw her was ... is she a zombie?
Im telling you, something is definitely wrong with her skin color. Not just that, her face is weird. There are some renders where she is literally scary to look at.
Dunno what happened to her.
She is the more extreme example of the artstyle being ... weird
That being said, i dont hate them. Especially not your step daughters. They look weird but their personalities are fine.
Abby is loving and sweet
Lilith is the devil but sweet at the same time
Becca is fucking crazy, i legit think she is insane ... probably has a screw loose in her head but GOD i love her!
Also she seems to be some kind of genius when it comes to manipulating people and such. Where did that come from?
Anyway. THE MAIN REASON for the 1 star rating is the MC.
Dear god man. It all starts fine but then it all decends into hell.
I get it. WE get it. Its wrong to have romantic relationships with your daughters (be them step daughters or blood related) and the MC struggles with this as well. I get it. Its fine, its the normal way to react to this kind of thing.
But for the love of god, tone it down a bit !!! He goes on and on and on like a broken record saying how wrong this is, how bad this is, how he is fucked etc THE WHOLE GAME. There are these never ending monologues of him complaining, whining every 3 fkn minutes!
It was fine at first but damn, it becomes so fucking annoying.
Especially when he finally fucks Lilith. JUST STOP IT!!! STOP WHINING for one god damn minute
He has no balls or his name to stand up to people, he is unable to say no to his daughters and then when something happens, he complains and whines and he never stops!
I was reading the other reviews and people mention this thing but i assumed they were exagerating ... well, they werent.
I really hope this stops at some point. If he keeps going like this throughout the entire chapter 1 ... or 2 ... im gonna go crazy.
Beyond that he is a fucking pussy. He is supposedly an adult, been through 2 marriages, raised 3 daughters (step) and yet he behaves like a fkn kid. He is being pushed around left and right by some teenagers essentially.
Every couple of sentences he has to go with "OH SORRY, I ... IM SORRY", sorry this, sorry that ... he never stands up for himself.
You're supposed to be their dad, act like one! At least a bit. I know he fears to lose them but cmon!!!
The rare cases where he stands up to them are nice but are rare.
Also horse dick. Its an obsession it seems. So many games with horse size dicks.
He's also fucking dense. Im bad with girls but DAYUM man, the MC is on a whole other level. How the fuck he ended up married twice idk.
First of all, there are spoilers ahead. I cant review this without talking about specifics and without refencing some things that happen in the game
Second of all, I really like incest games ... if you throw a harem in there its even better, so keep that in mind.
Now ... I wanted to finish chapter 1 first before reviewing this but i just cant take it anymore. I have to do this.
I find the game to be quite good overall. I intend to keep playing it.
Its a slow burn but i like it, thats my thing. Romance, build-up etc.
The writing i found to be ok most of the time but not always. There are times where its .. just ... not good.
There's some drama in here, some plot twists, all good. I like this.
I hate when games are just perfect .. in the sense that nothing bad really happens, everyone is happy from day one.
The story is good enough, its interesting enogh to keep me playing.
In fact this is one of the few reasons why im not stopping. I want to see how it ends.
The characters are mostly fine. The daughters are written decently enough (for my standards anyway) and i love them for who they are so thats a big plus. It always sucks when your love interest(s) suck. More on them later.
Now ... the bad stuff.
First of all, i dont like the artstyle.
From the main love interests, Abigail is the weakest among them. She looks ... wrong. Something about her is not right. There are a few renders where she just looks outright awful. Proportions are messed up.
Lilith is better. Still weird but better than Abby.
Becca is by far the more normal in terms of looks, the more better looking i should say. Still weird but from all other models in the game, she is the least weird.
She looks aweomse in some renders, especially with her glasses
... but then there's Beth. A good example of ... hideousness. When i first saw her, i minimized the game and went on the forum here to see if there are tags such as supernatural or something because the first thing that came to mind when i saw her was ... is she a zombie?
Im telling you, something is definitely wrong with her skin color. Not just that, her face is weird. There are some renders where she is literally scary to look at.
Dunno what happened to her.
She is the more extreme example of the artstyle being ... weird
That being said, i dont hate them. Especially not your step daughters. They look weird but their personalities are fine.
Abby is loving and sweet
Lilith is the devil but sweet at the same time
Becca is fucking crazy, i legit think she is insane ... probably has a screw loose in her head but GOD i love her!
Also she seems to be some kind of genius when it comes to manipulating people and such. Where did that come from?
Anyway. THE MAIN REASON for the 1 star rating is the MC.
Dear god man. It all starts fine but then it all decends into hell.
I get it. WE get it. Its wrong to have romantic relationships with your daughters (be them step daughters or blood related) and the MC struggles with this as well. I get it. Its fine, its the normal way to react to this kind of thing.
But for the love of god, tone it down a bit !!! He goes on and on and on like a broken record saying how wrong this is, how bad this is, how he is fucked etc THE WHOLE GAME. There are these never ending monologues of him complaining, whining every 3 fkn minutes!
It was fine at first but damn, it becomes so fucking annoying.
Especially when he finally fucks Lilith. JUST STOP IT!!! STOP WHINING for one god damn minute
He has no balls or his name to stand up to people, he is unable to say no to his daughters and then when something happens, he complains and whines and he never stops!
I was reading the other reviews and people mention this thing but i assumed they were exagerating ... well, they werent.
I really hope this stops at some point. If he keeps going like this throughout the entire chapter 1 ... or 2 ... im gonna go crazy.
Beyond that he is a fucking pussy. He is supposedly an adult, been through 2 marriages, raised 3 daughters (step) and yet he behaves like a fkn kid. He is being pushed around left and right by some teenagers essentially.
Every couple of sentences he has to go with "OH SORRY, I ... IM SORRY", sorry this, sorry that ... he never stands up for himself.
You're supposed to be their dad, act like one! At least a bit. I know he fears to lose them but cmon!!!
The rare cases where he stands up to them are nice but are rare.
Also horse dick. Its an obsession it seems. So many games with horse size dicks.
He's also fucking dense. Im bad with girls but DAYUM man, the MC is on a whole other level. How the fuck he ended up married twice idk.