VN - Ren'Py - Single Again [v1.24.2] [Clever name games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This started off as an interesting but quickly turned into the most angsty repeating shit ever. I gave it 3 stars mainly because I enjoy the 3 step daughters a lot each of them have their specific points that you like and dislike about them really getting you invested in their stories. But the MC GOD the freaking MC. I understand the morality of the whole situation even if they aren't his biological daughters but the creator needs to know when to stop. The MC pervs out on his daughter legit every time he sees but also somehow manages to act like a virgin. The of course outta nowhere some smoking hot chick meets the MC and fucks him within minutes of knowing him. That's kind of the worst thing for me in these games where one or a few female characters are the main focus but some random sex scene is thrown in to idk give you a quick fap?

    Like the daughters, the story is alright, MC is terible.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Whoa this was a huge game with lots of content and choices. This game starts off as a very very very slow burn. So if you're looking for a quick fap this is no the game for you. However, if you enjoy a compelling storyline with good character growth this is the game for you. The sex scenes are absolutely amazing and if you are patient you will be rewarded greatly later on in the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is about a dude trying to be a dad for his three stepdaughters after a break up and the various drama that ensues.
    If you play this game, expect a slow buildup. There are not really any choices, but i will prefer a good story over choices any day.
    The dad gets kind of annoying repeating the same internal monologue debates over and over, but the girls to me feel the most real out of any game i have played. The drama hit me exactly where it should have.

    If you like a slow burn and some emotions with your H then this version has enough content in my mind to recommend.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2093814

    Played this from the start and got hooked right away, pretty much.
    The girls are all cute, even though the oversized eyes kind of freaked me out at first, but that grew on me too.

    The story is definitely slow burn...I mean really slow. That can be fine if the story is gripping enough. The real problem is the MC. Every update he just moans constantly and wrings his hands, while leching over the girls. It's got real fucking tiresome...but apparently the soy boys seem to love it, god forbid you bring it up. Each update just has the same drawn out inner conflict monologue and for me, it makes it a chore now to go through. Same with all the stupid dream scenes, just...arghhh.

    Thankfully the girls are distinct in their personalities. Becca is the hot scheming one without her, well nothing would happen. Lilly is feisty and passionate while Abby is loyal and loving. They all want this hand wringing daddy for some reason, fucked if I know why...most would give up by now.

    3 stars for what started out great but has been dragged down by the cringy, drawn out hand wringing, sorry, but that shit is getting old and I ain't the only one saying this. Fix that and cut out the stupid dream shit, et voila...would be 5 star stuff.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    JJ mustang

    This is a great update. Story is fun and fresh and wow the animations are outstanding for this update. You really get a feel for the personalities of all the characters. Would like to see a bit of close up in the renders as the art is exceptional. Well done.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review up to version v0.13)

    This is, simply put, the most engrossing and emotionally-satisfying adult game I've ever played! The story is grounded in a way that most other game plots aren't, the characters feel 'real' and they talk to each other like normal humans.

    I don't usually become this engrossed in adult games but this really tugged at my heart-strings multiple times and I can't help but want to watch the characters grow as the developer evolves the story. It's a 'slow burn', but worth it if you're a romantic at heart and you love a good story.

    Rating: 6 starts out of 5 ;)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game! It's a slow burn with a lovely story that is at times quite sweet. It's a rarity in that I found myself really being taken with the story and getting a bit emotional at times. I dare say it could be rewritten without the sexy elements and still hold up as a visual novel. The kinky elements are excellent though!

    The art is well done. Some may find the eyes to be a little off-putting. Personally I found that they grew on me with time. They were used to great effect as an additional level of story telling.

    Do yourself the favor of relishing the slow play of this game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game started out fairly well, a nice slow burn. When it comes to the incest taboo, slow burns are nice, as well as the morality struggles that the characters should have. It makes it more believable, and the payoff is better once the relationship finally starts. There can be too much of a good thing though, and this game proves it.

    The internal and external resistance that the MC displays has been going on for far too long in the story... and he's not even related by blood to any of the girls. Even after finally having sex with one of them, he tries to say it will never happen again. It's just grating and annoying to play through. The MC should have went "all in" about 3 chapters ago... but it's still going.

    *Spoilers Next Paragraph*

    Lilith's path also took a complete 180 that was very unsatisfying. She's the "tsundere" character that the MC eventually wins over, but she jumps the MC's bone the second she gets over her hatred of him. For a game that was a slow burn, and considering the MC's resistance, it just felt rushed. We later learn that one of the things that motivated her was a "bet" with Becca, which goes to cheapen the whole event anyway.


    The animations are nice, and the writing quality is good, but the MC's constant resistance and the progression of some of the characters just make this annoying to play through and a bit of a disappointment compared to what it could have been.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game story is interesting but its real sloooooowwww.I dont know why Dev put MC as a coward sissy guy,its annoying tbh and nothing much happen(it takes hours before we finally got some sex scene) ,I feel like Dev purposely dragging the game and story after awhile and the character progress doesnt change much.Its like he put lots of filler after filler before we got some sex scene and character progress.So,if you expect this game focus on sex scene,no it doesnt because MC is pretty much coward,goody two shoes and dense just like any manga MC.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting plot, with a lot of crumb and fun. The personality of the girls has a wide range.
    The images are quite good... Very good

    The only downside is that they take a long time to get into tune.
    And they take a long time to get the next update.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Greg game!
    One of the few I would play even if there were no sexual scenes in. The story is very simple slice of life, but the characters and writing are great and compelling (although there are some specific Grammer mistakes that are constantly throughout the game, like too instead of to and things like that)
    The only negative I have is that new versions comes out very rarely, but maybe that's why it's better than most.

    P.s. I played it on my old tablet, then I bought a new one and didn't manage to transfer the saves, so I had to play it from the start just for one new chapter, and I still enjoyed everything although I have played it before.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I'm giving a game a rating and I never thought it would be because of the story, I've never been so captured by narrative, let alone something on f95 that didn't have a lot of sex scenes. Well done.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fear not this night. You will not go astray.
    This is a masterpiece.

    I'd say it's still undecided whether putting this off for god knows how long was pure genius or made me out to be the dumbest thing to ever grace this earth. On the one hand I got to play hours full of a touching story with engaging characters I now deeply care about, while on the other hand it was so addicting, I sacrificed all but a few hours of sleep just to experience it.

    The story is believable, well thought out, and accompanied by high quality renders. And while it being a slow burn and the overall look of most of the models may not be everybody's cup of tea, I immensely enjoyed both. The lewd scenes are great, albeit sparse, but to my mind, that just keeps them exciting as well as very satisfying to reach.

    Granted I'm practically stricken with the nerdy older sister type, Becca's easily making the top of that list. She's the sexy debauched Sherlock to my Aaron Adler. Her ability to empathize, her plotting, her scheming, her teasing, her looks… I love all about her! Yet anything I feel for her pales in comparison to my longing (and damn you if you can't see what I did there) to make Lilly happy. Her coming to Frank, asking him to finally be her dad was the first time an AVN brought actual tears to my eyes. So I was really surprised to have that happen to me in the side story again; on the flashbacks that made Lilly realize that Frank's always been there for her… it just felt so good, so liberating really.

    Time well spent doesn't even begin to describe it. I enjoyed it so much, I may actually start a second playthrough just to experience it all over again. It's just that good.
    Review based on 0.12
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.11

    This is hands down one of my all-time favorite games. The characters are loveable, the story is interesting and the creator tries to add some originality to the models.
    The MC can drag his feet a little too much for some people's tastes, but given the situation he's in, you can understand his internal conflict. I look forward to each and every update.

    + GREAT characters
    + FANTASTIC writing
    + Consistent updates

    - Theme not for everyone
    - The attempt to make the characters anime-esque(?) is not for everyone
    - Not a ton of sexual content (but what's there is good!)

    I also highly recommend the side-story "Lilith's Longing."

    Like this? Try!: From what I've played, it's really hard to come up with an exact match, but assuming you're into character-driven games and characters who don't solely exist to be the MC's cocksleeve and actually have interactions with one another: Harem Hotel
    Note to Devs: Thanks for a fantastic game! If I were to be greedy, it would be nice to get some content with the judge and Mei's mom (even just a nude render), though I doubt either's in the cards.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm about halfway through the walkthrough and needed to comment on a few things:
    • I appreciate the models are different shapes/sizes yet all are 'slim' and sexy in their own way. The really big eyes are almost too big in some scenes that it looks comical and not proportioned properly, but they are nice to look at too.
    • I appreciate there is NOT the cliche of one blonde, one brunette, one redhead. I realize when making a game/VN that it may be tempting to appeal to different audience preferences by including one of each hair color, but I'm glad between sisters to have the same hair that makes more sense .
    • This is a visual novel. Not a grinding game with puzzles or mini-games (thank the adult VN gods!) and it's not about how quickly can I build my harem game. I'm starting to get into the story and enjoy and care about what happens to the characters.
    • This feels like a slow corruption VN, which I'm totally down for.
    I'm looking forward to finishing the rest of the current v0.12 and expect I'll be looking for more from this project.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Jedno z mála děl, které je vzrušující. Sakra dobrá práce. 9/10. Mile mě to překvapilo i přes tunu skipů. Tohle se opravdu povedlo.
    One of the few works that is exciting. Damn good work. 9/10. It pleasantly surprised me despite a ton of skips. This really worked.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Nearly all of the more negative perceptions of this game seem rooted in the "slowness" and/or the visual style. The latter of which did not appeal to me initially either, to be fair. In my estimation, both aspects fit this perfectly - This is what would happen if Pixar made x-rated movies.
    I find the characters, writing, and visual style create a uniquely charming experience, which I thoroughly enjoy. Managing to hit notes of genuine emotion in this genre is, in itself, a fairly remarkable accomplishment.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    What it is:
    Daughter incest harem VN with a sloooow slow burn. It's sometimes good, funny and sexy and other times really really boring. There don't seem to be many choices impacting the story. I get the feeling there's plenty of illusion of choice going on. I don't know for sure because I havent played through it a second time and honestly I'm not going to, because of the enourmous amount of filler content. Just speed clicking through this game takes hours and hours.

    + Natural dialogues. The quality of the writing is definitely above average. The author is quite good at giving the different characters a believabe "voice". It's too bad really that the subject matter is too often very dry and uninteresting.
    + Sexy scenes. Dev knows how to deliver light teasing correctly. There isn't a lot of lewd scenes, but what's there is quite good.
    + Slow burn. If you enjoy stories where the protagonists really take the time to get to know each other before playing hide the sausuage then you'll probably enjoy this one.

    - Slow burn. And I mean really slow. Glaciers move faster than this.
    - Baby faces. It's a bit uncanny honestly.
    - Ungodly amount of filler content. I guess the dev is going for a believable slow burn but my god does it go on forever. Dinner conversations about boring stuff. Conversations about conversations you had earlier. Inner monologues. Dream scenes. It's like the dev is channeling all his considerable power into creating the absolute maximum amount of filler content. It really got on my nerves by the end. This point is the main reason I'm not giving this game a higher rating.
    - Pussy ass MC. My second major gripe. You can try to play as an asshole/assertive MC early on but the game instantly punishes these choices with game over scenes. MC is never the driver behind things happening. He is just a passive spectator. The girls are being extremely overt in their attraction to him but since he's a chronic pussy ass bitch he will always just do nothing. When a penetration scene finally happens with one of the main girls it's litterally her jumping on his cock while he goes "oh no, don't". It's kinda pathetic. His inner monologue reveals he is attracted to the girls but his outward actions are those of a grandmaster buddhist monk.
    - Horse cock. A regular big dick would have sufficed. It's just too comical that the MC is packing a baseball bat.

    All in all, I could recommend this to those of you who feel a slow burn romance story is what's most important. Or if you're really into stepdaughter incest. If you're here for a fap though, forget about it. You'll have to invest multiple hours before you get any action with any of the main girls, and MC only gets to put it inside once (not counting uninteresting side character). For a game that's 3.5 gb that's a really low lewd-to-file-size-ratio.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    [v 0.11]
    This is a strange one. Graphics is.. strange (characters look a bit creepy and doll like but you get used to it quickly). Writing is OK. Sex scenes are fine.

    Story is neither particularly interesting nor original. In particular the evilness of the Ex is way over the top, the MC is painfully clueless some times (including weird "no, X cannot be into me, or could she?" while X is basically shaking her tits in front of MCs face), MC has the usual horse-cock and unfortunately once again all males other than the MC are basically monsters and the MC has to rescue all his harem members from them. ugh.

    BUT, having said that: On the plus side the characters are kind of nice, there are many moments of sweetness and good dialogues and character interactions and traces of character development.

    So in the end it turned out to be quite enjoyable.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So full disclosure I love characters that are super capable and appear to have it all together but are just a bit insane, so I love this game and I love Rebecca who is one of the MC's "daughters". If everything else was just average I would probably still like it quite a bit because of her, but nearly all of the characters are nuanced, interesting and well written. You play Frank (you can change it) an about to be divorced guy who needs some breaks in his life and kinda starts to get them thanks in large part to his three "daughters" (they aren't blood related) The plot is good too if a bit meandering at points but it's always moving somewhere mostly due to the efforts of... you guessed it Rebecca. She would make a really interesting MC but I completely understand why Frank is. The visuals and animations are pretty good though i could see some being put off a bit by the art style. The only real negative for me is Frank, he tends to do a lot of internal moralizing and mental hand wringing that can be a bit too much at times. The only caveat i would add that this is not a game for people who want all their LIs to be submissive, demure virgins. The LIs are all unique and nuanced, some are submissive, some are shy, some are foul mouthed and sexually experienced and some are manipulative, but deep down you can tell they have affection for the MC. So i could certainly see certain players not enjoying the game but i highly recommend it for everyone else