If i'd use one word to describe this game, it'd be - "Annoying". In my time playing adult games I have come across my fair share of slow burns, but maaaaaan, This game is literally satan roasting you in the flames of hell fire.
For probably the 100th time, we have the same cliched storyline of father and his 3 daughters, except in this game, they're not his daughters ( Step-daughters,, Also who the fuck know how this idiot was married for more than 10 years and had 2 partners in this time , yet no child of his own?? is it because the author wants to keep this incest free or did the MC say.. Nn..No... I ccc..a I can't to his wives too...) this MC is the epitome of resisting temptations that the devil would literally accept defeat to him.
So, welcome to the game that will torture you with un-necessary dinner talk, painstakingly boring swimming pool games, 500 lines of text while cycling between 2 renders back & forth..then more pool time because that Asian chick didn't yet see your pool. and if thats not enough, bombard you with the same POV daughter kissing you ( camera ) animation for the 20th time in a day.
Meet Abigail, the perfect (step)daughter and loved by all, and since she's the cream de la creme of this game you probably wouldn't get to have sex with her till the end. Watch her sleep naked in your bed every night without anything remotely interesting happening.
Meet Lillith, the bratty sister.. Doesn't give a fuck and hates the MC. and since she's now managed to piss off more than half of the fanbase to the point they dont care about her , by the rules written in the holy book of cliches, She has to be the one who getd banged by the MC first. ( LOL, Becca... Fuck you ). Watch the story go for a toss as this girl who hates the MCand wants to kill the MC for sleeping naked with her sister suddenly fuck your brains out the same afternoon.... because of a stupid Bet ?? Lol.
Meet Becca, your 3rd stepdaugter..the vixen. Watch her manipulate yourself and her sisters with the plan to form your very own mini harem because .........Seriuosly... Y..Y...yo.. you, CCC aa Ca Cant!!!.. No, I mean really- you cant. Youre a fuckin sissy. Seriously, the game would be much better with her as Main Character.
So, put together in simple words....The Dev fucked up the character progression hard. I'm thinking he probably wanted to increase the audience, so he went on with Abigail's story until the point he realized he went too far.. Abigail was already sleeping naked in his bed, while Lillith still hated him and Becca had like just 3 scenes untill then..So, he kept stalling Abigail content by making her sleep naked for like atleast 10 ingame days without anything interesting happening between them( #Blueballs) and then sacrificed Lillith by having her bang the MC due to some stupid bet with Becca and covering the dirt with the most cliched excuse- Hey, you know I hated you and all but secretly I've been fantasizing about you.. ( Hell !! She wasn't even ready to hug him the previous day ).Becca on the other hand is a character that literally holds this story together but all we have with her are stupid bar & pool teasing scenes.And then one day she suddenly meets the MC and tells him her daddy fetishes and her mini harem plan.
Final Rating : Download an auto-clicker and set click interval 50m/s. Save your mouse/save your keyboard.